How to Accept Jesus as Savior: 11 Steps

How to Accept Jesus as Savior: 11 Steps
How to Accept Jesus as Savior: 11 Steps

Table of contents:


"Jesus" … statistics show that this name is pronounced more than 3 million times every hour … Statistics also show that millions of people every day embrace the Christian faith, and that Christianity is the largest religion in the world. You have surely heard of Jesus and Christianity before now!

If you are interested in learning more about Jesus, you have come to the right place. It doesn't mean that you have to rely 100% on what is written on this page. Ask a pastor, church leader, missionary, or Christian who can help you accomplish your goal of knowing Jesus.

Before starting to read the words of this article in detail, realize that Jesus of Nazareth has accomplished all the prophecies about the Messiah described in the Jewish Bible (the Old Testament). In the Holy Bible, John 14: 9 states that Jesus said, "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father." So, "How can you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior"?

This article will show you the way to accept Jesus as your Personal Savior.


Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 1
Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 1

Step 1. Understand the Sacred Nature of God

Many do not understand the concept of the Holy Trinity, and some explain it incorrectly. Well, the Orthodox Church, the first Christian church to be founded (this is not to promote Orthodoxy, only to define the first Christian belief on the Nature of God), states that: "God is one and Triune". This means that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one, and all three refer to one unique And alone God, not in person, but in power, will and love. The child has the same power and will as the Father and the Holy Spirit - that's why they are a God, and they can't be separated. They complement each other in everything. This does not mean that if you pray to Jesus, you pray only to Him, in this way you pray at the same time to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who is God. The Father and the Holy Spirit have sent The Son to pay the price for our sins, with the will of the child, because once again, God is one in will, power and love. So when it is said that God sent Jesus to earth, it does not mean that God and Jesus are not the same, it is in the Trinity that they differ, but they are one at the same time.

Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 2
Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 2

Step 2. Try to understand the Lord's plans:

“Therefore, from what must I be saved, and why? Belief in God and the Bible is essential to understanding "what is a Savior?" and "Why do we need to be saved?" The Bible is the word of God revealed to humanity, written by men so bent on God's will that He chose them to write it. The people who wrote the books of the Bible were inspired by the Holy Spirit. Their purposes were common and all point to Christ, the Messiah, even though they were written over a span of time longer than a thousand years: The Bible teaches that all people have sin in them, in their lives. Sin is an act that displeases God, because it separates from Him, which is perfect, as the price we must pay for sin and spiritual death, permanent separation from God.

Romans 6, 23: "Because the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Spiritual Death entered this world when Adam sinned.

Genesis 2, 17: "but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you must not eat, because on the day you eat it, you will certainly die."

Romans 5, 12: "Therefore, just as because of one man sin entered the world and, with sin, death, and so death has spread to all men, for all have sinned."

Romans 5, 14: "Death reigned from Adam to Moses even over those who had not sinned in the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is the figure of the one who was to come."

Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 3
Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 3

Step 3. Understand who can save you from spiritual death

Since we are all born sinners, we are not capable with our deep and capricious reason, nor with our strength and morality alone, to please a perfect God. However, God sent His son Jesus as your representative and as a ransom for your detention.

John 3, 16-17: “For God so loved the world that he gave the only Son, so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but may have eternal life. In fact, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but so that the world may be saved through him."

This belief is trust and faith that God is who he says he is. He provided payment for our sins by letting his son take our place as a substitute. All sins, past, present and future, were forgiven by Christ on the cross, even though men condemned Him to a cruel physical death.

Hebrews 10, 10: "By that will we were sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ, once and for all."

Someone had to pay with his life for all our sins. Hebrews 9, 22: "According to the Law, in fact […] without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."

Jesus died to repay man's sins. However, he rose again, conquering death and making salvation possible. This is why we accept Jesus when the Holy Spirit calls us, not only with thought and reasoning, but understanding that it is God's will and gift. In fact, Christianity is not only a voluntary religion (Jesus calls his disciples, who in general were not predisposed to follow him from the beginning). Likewise we cannot simply "accept" Jesus, but we must receive what he gives us through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit calls us, to repent and follow God, through the prayer of the Word of God and the acceptance of the Gospel. Those who do not believe have refused the free gift of God, those who believe have faith only because they have accepted it as a gift from God (grace).

Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 4
Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 4

Step 4. Admit that you have sinned

A requirement for accepting Christ. When you understand that you are a sinner like everyone else and that you have sinned, you can turn to the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness, repenting of your sins.

Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 5
Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 5

Step 5. Profess Jesus as your Savior

Romans 10:13: "For whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Say, "Father in Heaven, I believe that Jesus died for my sins." And God will give your spirit eternal life.

Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 6
Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 6

Step 6. Understand that Jesus said that in order to receive or accept it, we must receive the one He sent us

(John 13, 20) Who is the Holy Spirit (John 15, 26)

Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 7
Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 7

Step 7. Remember to ask for the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit does not automatically come when a person begins to believe, but Jesus said that whoever asks for it receives it (Luke 11: 9-13)

Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 8
Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 8

Step 8. Test and verify that the Lord's gifts are good

Believe in God's love for you. He showed you this by sending his son to pay the penalty in your place to be sacrificed for all your mistakes and sins.

Repentance is the decision to stop sinning and turn to God and obey him. When you do, everything else will come by itself. If you have not yet understood this concept well, believe in Jesus as Lord and as Savior

Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 9
Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 9

Step 9. Speak to God in your own words

There is no protocol for talking to God. God hears your prayers even if you don't tell them. But that doesn't mean God doesn't like you seeking His help and forgiveness. God does not judge you violently, because he is not a human being like us! He is your Father, your Brother and your personal Mediator and Protector, and all he wants is to be your Best Friend! God wants you to confess your sins to him, because he wants to forgive you, and he wants you to confide your secrets to him, even if he knows everything about you. This is a promise: Matthew 7, 7-9: “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. Because whoever asks receives, and whoever seeks finds, and to whoever knocks it will be opened. Which of you will give a stone to your son who asks for bread?"

Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 10
Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 10

Step 10. Tell God what you want

But remember that: John, 9, 31: “We know that God Notlistens to sinners, but that if anyone honors God and does his will, he listens to him”. One can speak with God in many sleeps, both in prayer and in the way of speaking with others. Here is a suggestion on how to pray, “Please listen to this prompt and use your own words. Without reading these words, simply tell God what you want to say to him in your own words, expressing all your love to him”:“My God and my Savior, I know I have sinned, and I know all the bad things I have done in my life. But with you, my God, I will not fear even the worst thing in my life, because you sent your only and true Son, Jesus, to be crucified, and pay the price for my sins. I come to you my God to confess you all. the things I've done in my life, and to tell you I'm sorry. I'm here to declare that you are the King of my life, my thoughts and actions. I want you to be my Savior. Please God, forgive me., because I have sinned much. My God and my LORD, reign over my life, because your kingdom is perfect and will never end. Amen Experience the presence of God in faith while you are on your knees. Kneeling is effective if you want to focus only on prayer.

Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 11
Accept Christ As Your Savior Step 11

Step 11. Get baptized according to the precepts of the New Testament

Baptism is used to symbolize the death and burial of the sinner and our resurrection in Christian forgiveness through the power of the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus did, (Romans 8, 11, Colossians 2, 12-13). Baptism Is Given "For the forgiveness of your sins" (Acts 2:38) Prayer and faith were not enough to save the devoted Cornelius in Acts of the Apostles 10. He was commanded to be baptized (verse 48). After each person begins to believe and have faith in Christ, they must be baptized to complete their salvation! (Acts of the Apostles 2, 41; 8, 13; 8, 37-38; 9, 18; 16, 30-33, etc.)


  • Now that you have decided to accept Christ and receive his forgiveness for your sins, don't take advantage of this to misbehave and do wrong things like watching bad movies, reading porn magazines etc. Do not scourge yourself if you sin, remember that we will only be perfect when we reach heaven! Doing bad things thinking that God will forgive you is not the right way to accept Christ.
  • If you have accepted Christ as your Savior,

    Romans 10, 13:

    "Indeed: Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

  • You are now a child of God. Believe what the Bible says and accept its teachings, as if it said exactly what it meant.
  • Remember that God is the Savior of mankind, not just yours or those who are part of the religion you have joined. Anyone who accepts Christ as Savior and follows him into a new life, as God would like everyone to do, will be accepted into heaven in a joyful way. Since ours is a God of forgiveness, who gave his Son for us, to forgive all original sins, and for this reason these children have the same right to access the Pope's or Mother Teresa's (especially Mother Teresa's) heaven..
  • Learn to consider God's family (including his Church) as your family: remember what happened at the foot of the cross, "Jesus then, seeing his mother and next to her the disciple he loved [John], said to the mother: "Woman, behold your son!" Then he said to the disciple: "Behold your mother!" And from that hour the disciple welcomed her with him "(John 19, 26-27). You can receive Christ and welcome his entire family into your heart and home. (Catholics traditionally ask the Blessed Mother of Christ to be their own Mother).
  • Attend church or a youth group. They will help you learn more about God and draw closer to him. Don't be proud thinking you can walk only with God. Christian friends help and encourage you, so get to church as soon as possible.
  • Christianity can be metaphorically compared to competition. In a competition the goal is to get to the finish line (Paradise), but the way we run to reach the finish line is more important than the finish line itself. We stop to help others on our way (benevolence, and profession of faith), sometimes we stumble on an obstacle along our path (sin, the sin of others). Christianity is not an easy path. It may be simple to 'take the first round', but it gets much more complicated as we mature in faith. Never forget to ask Jesus for help, because we are not alone in this 'race'.
  • The Church does not symbolize a building. It means, from the beginning, a group of people who have accepted Jesus as the One and True God, meeting in the same place to celebrate what they possess and learning from each to understand how God actively works in their lives. It can take place anywhere, at fixed times or spontaneously.
  • If your parents do not approve of your willingness to attend church, seek help from the priest or the leader of the church you want to go to, or any other church. Technically you are not yet a member of the church, you are just seeking the help of a priest or a member at the head of the church.
  • A prophet named Isaiah goes into great detail with evidence and scriptures to help you understand better. Read the entire 53rd chapter of Isaiah, here are verses 3-5, “Despised and rejected by men…:

    Yet he took upon himself our sufferings, he took upon himself our pains;

    and we judged him punished, beaten by God and humiliated.

    He was pierced for our sins, crushed for our iniquities.

    The punishment that gives us salvation fell upon him;

    for his wounds we have been healed. Yes, Jesus completely fulfilled these secular prophecies about the Messiah.

  • Read examples of others who have accepted Jesus and his teachings to encourage you.

In a Simple Key

Understand who Jesus is and believe that He is dead, risen from the dead as your Savior and pray and repent to the One, True God saying, I am truly repenting for my sins and all that I have done wrong, I am truly grateful to you for everything, because now I am forgiven and saved from the penalty of my sins, and this is a free gift, in the name of Jesus, please. Amen. "Now tell others that" There is one Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who is Lord and Savior of all who believe, repent and follow him: "this includes going to religious meetings, praying to God, showing God's love with kindness, forgiving others, making peace, being in the company of believers and asking for forgiveness (and accepting it) when committing a sin, waiting for the consequences of making a mistake, and so on, all in the name of Jesus Christ, with God, the One and True Judge of all our actions, positive or negative


  • For some, becoming a Christian is an emotional step. For others it is a simple act of faith, and receiving God does not involve any emotion. God saves you both with and without emotion.
  • Don't expect this to be an easy path. People might make fun of you for what you do. But that doesn't mean you'll be happy or unhappy for the rest of your life. You can have eternal joy for the rest of your life, knowing that you have accepted God and that you have been accepted by Him as a friend, brother / sister.
  • Never think that God doesn't care what you do from now on. Always remember that He does not want you to return to your life as a sinner. It made you a different person, so that you could live 'on' sin, not to fall back into it. Always remember that you will no doubt be tempted to sin, but you can pray to God every day to avoid falling for it. If you commit a sin, ask God for forgiveness immediately and ask Him to help you never commit it again.
  • The grace of Jesus covers all sins. None of your words or actions could ever stop you from being saved by God's love. The only exception is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

    Luke 12:10:

    "Whoever speaks against the Son of man will be forgiven; but whoever blasphemes the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven."

    Apart from this one exception, the grace of Jesus is with you, when you believe in Him, and you entrust yourself to Him.

    Ephesians 1, 12-14:

    "12to be the praise of his glory, we who have already hoped in Christ before. In him you too, having heard the word of truth, the Gospel of your salvation, and believed in it, have received the seal of the Holy Spirit which had been promised, which is a pledge of our inheritance, awaiting the complete redemption of those whom God has acquired for the praise of his glory."

  • God will always love you, no matter what you do. And he always loved you. But now that you've become a Christian, you don't have to do some of the things you did before. Just because you are a new person does not mean that you can continue to persevere in wrong actions.
  • Remember, once you have accepted Christ into your life, persecution knows no bounds. Now that you have understood and experienced the love of Jesus, you have become Satan's primary focus. Don't be afraid, though, because nothing on earth or in Hell can dent your faith if God is by your side. Don't worry, but remember this when you are faced with a temptation.
  • If you have done something bad towards someone, go and apologize to them with no ifs and buts. No matter how difficult it may be, it will be worth it. Don't hesitate, but go back to Jesus and his teachings.
  • For more suggestions, talk to the priest, pastor or another Christian. Talk to God. The Holy Spirit will guide you all the days of your life, He knows what's best for you, and always remember, God loves you.

    Learn the recommended scriptures of the Bible (regarding your salvation and your Life in Christ) which you will need to learn by repetition. Your long-term memory is made up of traces of memory that arise from a mix of repetitions, discussions, experiences, associations, images and fix themselves according to the importance of the information, adequate repetition provides a long-term connection with the original teaching.

  • Don't expect to please your family and friends now that you live in Christ, but that's okay, Jesus never said it would be easy, he just said it would be the truth. This does not mean that your family members will not accept Jesus. It means that they just need to have the power of God in them and that it works to get them renewed in Christ just like you did.
