4 Ways to Take Care of an Elderly Cat

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4 Ways to Take Care of an Elderly Cat
4 Ways to Take Care of an Elderly Cat

As a cat gets older, their abilities, preferences and needs change. An elderly specimen, over 10 years old, typically requires a lot more veterinary attention, changes in basic care, and adjustments in the way you interact with him. As the owner, it is your responsibility to make these changes when caring for the cat; with a little commitment on your part, the elderly cat can continue to live its last years in peace.


Method 1 of 4: Organizing the House in Function of the Senior Cat

Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 1
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 1

Step 1. Tidy up the house

Some older cats tend to lose sight or hearing; this means that the once agile cat could now trip over objects if they are piled around the house. By clearing the house of junk, the cat can move much easier.

Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 2
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 2

Step 2. Keep useful items in the same place all the time

By leaving them in the usual place, you allow the cat to find them easily. For example, his kennel should always be in the same spot; this is particularly important for specimens that have lost their sight. He constantly leaves his things in the same places to help the visually impaired or blind cat find them without bumping into other objects.

  • If you move, keep her old blankets, the basket she sleeps in and the food bowls, so she can feel "at home" and feel a sense of normality in her new home as well.
  • You could also keep a light on during the night to allow it to identify spaces in the house; if his eyesight is dim, he is unable to see in the dark as he once did.
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 3
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 3

Step 3. Place the items you need in accessible places

When he is young and agile he is able to jump or climb to get to the things he needs, but an older cat just can't. For example, you should make the litter tray, food and water bowls, kennel and your bed (if your cat is used to sleeping with you) within "paw reach".

You can buy a step to help your cat get on the bed or where they like to sleep; however, in many cases it may be sufficient to arrange the furniture in a different way to give it vertical access

Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 4
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 4

Step 4. Make the litter box safer

Remember that older cats get dirty more easily outside the litter box. Place it on a plastic tarp or simply place it in an area that is easier to clean; this way, if it "misses" or scrapes the sand out of the litter box, you can clean with less difficulty.

If you have enough space, you can put the box in a small plastic pool and drill a hole in the front; in this way, the cat can satisfy its physiological needs while the dirt and waste remain in a confined space that you can easily clean

Method 2 of 4: Taking Care of His Basic Needs

Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 5
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 5

Step 1. Change the power supply

If he has always enjoyed good health and has simply aged, you can evaluate with the vet to change his diet, offering him food formulated specifically for "senior" specimens; however, if you have become too thin or are overweight, your doctor may recommend gradual adjustments.

If the cat's weight continues to fluctuate, it could indicate some health problem or inadequate nutrition; have him see the vet to find the cause

Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 6
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 6

Step 2. Give them soft foods

With old age, your teeth become weaker and you may develop some dental or gum disease; they may experience pain while chewing on hard kibble, which may even break or loosen a fang. To avoid unnecessary pain, switch to canned wet food.

  • Check with your doctor about the state of health of your cat's teeth and any necessary changes in his diet. the vet should be able to define a diet that meets the cat's dietary needs and that does not create problems for his oral cavity.
  • Canned food also provides fluids to the body; this is great for older cats, as they tend to get dehydrated easily.
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 7
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 7

Step 3. Leave the bowl of water available at all times

An older cat needs to drink more than young cats and can quickly lose hydration; be sure to change the water every day and on the same occasion clean the bowl.

If your cat spends time outdoors in the summer, keep water outside the house as well. Use a deep, narrow bowl and put it in a shady place; if you wish, you can add some ice to keep the water cool

Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 8
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 8

Step 4. Brush your cat gently

He is not always able to take care of his own hygiene when he becomes elderly, so be sure to take care of yourself every day; check if the coat is matted and only use a soft brush or comb, as his skin tends to be more delicate. With a little help from you, her coat can keep her looking healthy and clean even at this age.

It is particularly important to comb the areas of the body that the cat has difficulty reaching; with the limited mobility typical of old age, he may not be able to clean the hair on the rear end of his body as he used to

Method 3 of 4: Taking Care of His Health

Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 9
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 9

Step 1. Pay attention to changes in the cat

If you notice changes in behavior and personality, there may be health problems or just normal age-related changes. To understand the difference between the two, take your cat to the vet if you notice any changes in his daily routine or in the activities he generally likes to do.

  • When he becomes elderly, he may no longer enjoy the same food he ate before or may even stop eating altogether; she might even lose some weight. Any of these ailments may be reason enough for him to see the vet.
  • If he suddenly starts biting or scratching you more often, take him to the doctor. these behavioral problems may indicate some pathology that causes him pain and irritability.
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 10
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 10

Step 2. Watch it carefully for common health problems

It is important to know and monitor the potential disturbances that can arise in older specimens. The most common are:

  • Cancer;
  • Problems with urination
  • Loss of appetite or weight
  • Loss of hearing
  • Liver disease;
  • Bad smell;
  • Arthritis;
  • He retched.
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 11
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 11

Step 3. Keep vaccinations up to date and respect drug treatment

As it gets older, the cat can get sick more easily and take longer to heal; to avoid as many ailments as possible, you must strictly follow the vaccination reminders and the drug administration plan.

  • Older birds are particularly prone to certain infections, due to their weakened immune system and the inability to provide personal cleansing, as was the case previously.
  • They often need drugs to treat chronic diseases; for example, feline arthritis can be alleviated with constant administration of pain relievers and vitamin supplements.
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 12
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 12

Step 4. Take the senior cat to the vet more often

If you are used to having him examined once a year, it is now necessary to have him undergo six-monthly visits, as he is more prone to health problems that it is important to stop in the bud.

Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 13
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 13

Step 5. Take care of his teeth regularly

Older cats accumulate dental plaque more easily and develop diseases of the oral cavity; your vet can brush their teeth, but you should brush them with a cat-specific toothpaste every day to make your feline friend feel comfortable and stop possible problems before they arise.

If you suffer from gum or dental disorders, you may end up not eating, running the risk of malnutrition; if you see that you lose weight or stop eating, it could be due to dental problems

Step 6. Modify your environment to meet your specific health needs

If you have been diagnosed with any illness, discuss with your vet about making lifestyle and home environment changes; each pathology requires specific and distinct variations.

  • If he suffers from hearing problems, all family members will need to learn to approach slowly and carefully so as not to scare him.
  • If he has arthritis, you need to install ramps or steps to allow him to access higher areas with greater comfort.

Method 4 of 4: Make Your Life Pleasant

Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 14
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 14

Step 1. Make him comfortable

As the cat gets older, it needs more attention to live in a comfortable environment; may feel pain or discomfort and need a soft surface to rest on. To create a comfortable space for him, provide him with blankets, pillows, or a soft substrate for him to sleep on.

At a minimum, you should offer him a comfortable, soft-surface sofa or bed for him to lie down on

Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 15
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 15

Step 2. Keep it warm

As the cat ages, it can become more cuddly and feel the need for human warmth during the night; in any case, it wants to stay warm even during the day and tends to frequent areas close to heaters or under the sun's rays. If you have an older cat, make sure they have easy access to warm spaces.

Make sure it stays warm even when you are not at home, by raising the ambient temperature or providing it with a heated bed; essentially, you need to make sure he can snuggle up in a cozy place to doze off during the day

Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 16
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 16

Step 3. Entertain it

Even when it is old, the cat still needs mental stimulation, although the body is not as active and is unable to move. With this in mind, you need to provide him with easy-to-use toys and items that can stimulate his mind without forcing him to move. These can be simple things, for example you can allow them to watch outside the home or cat videos on television.

  • You can also find videos of birds, cats and other wildlife made specifically to entertain cats; you can also look for some specific on-demand television programs to distract domestic felines.
  • Try putting a cardboard box indoors and placing it on its side; the cat can enjoy browsing this new element and pushing it here and there.
  • Another idea is to take some fish, put them in an aquarium and place them in a place where the cat can find them.
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 17
Take Care of Your Aging Cat Step 17

Step 4. Surround him with love

Spend quality time with your cat every day; caress him, if he likes to be touched, hold him and do his favorite activities with him. By offering attention and love, you can make most senior cats happy.
