How to Take Care of a Cat: 6 Steps

How to Take Care of a Cat: 6 Steps
How to Take Care of a Cat: 6 Steps

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The cat is the ideal pet for many people, thanks to its cheerful personality, affection for the owner and adorable appearance. However, even if it is a cute animal, the cat requires proper care in order to be healthy and happy. Here are some general cat care tips that will help you learn how to keep your cat happy and healthy.


Take Care of a Cat Step 1
Take Care of a Cat Step 1

Step 1. If you don't have a cat and want to buy one, find the breed that fits your lifestyle and home

Do a search - how much does that breed cost? Do you need special care?

Take Care of a Cat Step 2
Take Care of a Cat Step 2

Step 2. Train your cat not to litter in the house

Don't wait for him to develop bad habits. If you want your cat to be a good member of the family, you need to train him right away. There are many techniques and strategies you can use, but of course, don't punish the cat if he sometimes fails to do what you ask him. You have to be patient.

Take Care of a Cat Step 3
Take Care of a Cat Step 3

Step 3. Give your cat cat food without too many preservatives

Avoid giving him chocolate, which can cause gastrointestinal problems. You can give him apples, pears, bananas only if cut into small pieces.

Take Care of a Cat Step 4
Take Care of a Cat Step 4

Step 4. Even if the cat cleans itself several times a day, if it has long hair you will need to brush it every day, and if it has short hair you will need to brush it once a week

You also need to make sure that he does not have fleas and other parasites, so that he is healthy and happy and your home is free from these same parasites. Start brushing him from an early age, so that he gets used to it and doesn't bother him as an adult. For cats that tend to shed a lot of hair (especially those with long hair) use a comb with dense metal teeth, which reach down to the undercoat. Be careful not to overdo the brushing, especially in early autumn and winter, because before winter cats have to increase the undercoat to protect themselves from the cold. When it gets warmer, in spring, start brushing your cat again 3 times a week; this way you will avoid getting too many hairballs on the floors!

Take Care of a Cat Step 5
Take Care of a Cat Step 5

Step 5. Take your cat to the vet every year for a checkup

You should also have him dewormed, spayed and vaccinated when necessary.

Take Care of a Cat Step 6
Take Care of a Cat Step 6

Step 6. If you want to brush your cat's teeth, you will need a soft toothbrush and toothpaste

Start giving your cat a little bit of toothpaste. Next time, let him taste it and run a finger over his upper arch gums. Repeat using the toothbrush. Place the bristles along the gum of your upper back teeth, at an angle that allows you to clean under the gums. Move to the front of your mouth in circular motions along the gums. It shouldn't take more than 30 seconds. Don't try to brush all your teeth the first time. If your cat lets you clean only the outside of your upper teeth, you've already done a lot to prevent periodontitis. If you manage to clean all your teeth, so much the better! Despite thorough housekeeping, some cats will still need professional grooming, just like humans. If you brush your cat's teeth every day and manage to keep periodontitis at bay, you may be able to reduce the need for vet cleaning and ensure your cat has a healthier mouth.


  • Give your cat nutritious food with truly healthy ingredients.
  • Brush your cat with a flea brush once a week, especially if the cat goes outside.
  • Take care of your cat every day.
  • Milk can be bad for the cat; make him drink water (possibly filtered) instead of milk.


  • Don't treat your cat badly. If you were a cat, would you like it if they treated you badly?
  • Be careful with cats you know little, they may bite you.
  • If a cat bites you and you notice swelling or other signs of infection, go to your doctor.
