Split skin usually occurs when the skin becomes too dry. If the epidermis dries up, it loses elasticity, and the pressure that is exerted daily causes cracks. These cracks can be painful, and tend to cause infections more easily. It is important to treat cracked skin before ending up with a much more serious health problem.
Part 1 of 3: Treating the Skin

Step 1. Check for infections
You should start by checking for signs of infection. If the area is swollen, releases pus or blood, is quite sore and sore, you should go to the doctor or the nearest hospital immediately. Skin cracks are quite prone to becoming infected, and these inflammations require professional treatment.
If you don't have a trusted dermatologist, ask your doctor for advice. Alternatively, based on the experience of friends or family. If the cost of this specialist is too high, you can go to the hospital instead

Step 2. Apply a disinfectant to the skin
If you have minor cracks, start treating them by wetting your skin. Sanitize a bowl, bucket, or sink and fill it with warm (not hot) water. At this point, you should add apple cider vinegar to help disinfect the skin. Use a glass for about 4 liters of water. Disinfecting allows you to lower the chances of the rifts becoming infected.

Step 3. Gently exfoliate
Using a clean towel, gently scrub the affected area. This removes dead cells and promotes better absorption of the products applied to the skin. Make sure to proceed gently and use a clean towel.
Once you've healed your cracks, you can use more "aggressive" forms of exfoliation, but you shouldn't do it more than once a week. The skin is sensitive and should be treated gently

Step 4. Apply a layer of moisturizer
Rinse your skin one last time and then apply a thin layer of moisturizer. You have to fix the hydration that the skin has received thanks to the steps performed just before, otherwise you risk drying it further.
It is recommended to use a lanolin-based product, but you will find more tips in the next section

Step 5. Apply gauze or wet cloth at night
If you have time, for example, you can treat your skin at night or during the weekend, the use of a gauze or a wet cloth can promote healing of the skin, or, at least, give you greater comfort. You can create a treatment by layering gauze or dry cloth over a wet piece of fabric. So, for example, let's assume that the skin on the feet has cracked. Wet a pair of socks, then squeeze them so they don't drip. Put them on and finally cover them with dry socks. Leave them on while you sleep.
It is important not to do this when you suspect that the cracks are infected, since this can worsen the inflammation

Step 6. Protect the cracks during the day
For a day treatment, soothe the cracks with a liquid or gel “patch”, or, at least, spread an antibiotic product, based on bacitracin, polymycin B and neomycin. Finally, you can cover the area with a protective cotton pad and wrap with gauze. This should reduce pain and speed up the healing process.

Step 7. Keep the area clean and protected until the cracks heal
Now, you just have to wait patiently for the area to heal. Be sure to keep the affected area disinfected and covered to prevent further irritation. If cracks are found on your feet, wear clean socks and change them at least once (if not twice) a day until completely healed. Are the splits on the hands? Wear gloves when outdoors and for activities such as washing dishes.
Part 2 of 3: Maintain Hydration

Step 1. Establish a long-term moisturizing routine
Once you have started treating skin cracks, the best move you can take is to start a lasting routine to prevent them from recurring in the future. Unfortunately, it is a skin problem that must be taken seriously; prevention is essential, and we know that it is better than cure later. Whichever moisturizing routine you choose, just make sure it consists of actions that you can implement long-term and regularly, since consistency is needed to prevent future problems.

Step 2. Buy a lanolin based cream
Lanolin, a wax-like substance secreted by sheep as a skin emollient, is the best natural product there is to protect the skin. If used constantly, it should be applied every other day, or every three days: you will see that you will be able to soften the skin and keep it in this state. When using it for the first time, apply it in generous doses at night and leave it on to have an effect on the skin.
You can find several brands of lanolin on the market. Look for it in stores that sell organic products, or do a search on the internet, on sites like Ecco Verde

Step 3. Find the right ingredients in other moisturizers
If you don't use lanolin, you need to analyze the ingredients contained in the products you intend to buy. They must have a chemical composition that is actually right for you and guarantees you the desired effect. Many moisturizing products include many seemingly natural and healthy components, but in fact they are not very useful for the skin. In INCI, you need to look for the following ingredients instead:
- Humectants, which moisturize the skin. Some of these ingredients are glycerin and lactic acid.
- Emollients, which protect the skin. Some of these ingredients are lanolin, urea and pure oils.

Step 4. Apply a light coat of product immediately after washing or wetting your skin
Every time you bathe or expose your cracked skin to water, you deprive it of the natural sebum, which protects it. Apply at least a light layer of moisturizer after every shower, but also every time you take a foot bath.

Step 5. Apply a thick layer of moisturizer in the evening
If you can, spread a hefty dose of the product before going to bed. This allows the feet to fully absorb the healing properties of the cream, and at the same time, you are sure not to end up with an annoying sticky sensation. Cover the skin with a thick layer of moisturizer and then spread another to protect the product as it is absorbed.
If the cracks are on the feet, use socks, while, if they are localized on the hands, gloves
Part 3 of 3: Keeping the Problem Under Control

Step 1. Check for other health problems
There are many diseases that can cause severe skin dryness, just like the one you are experiencing. You should evaluate your health condition and make sure you are not suffering from any problems. If you have a more or less severe disorder, it is important to treat it before the cracks recur and become infected, or more dangerous symptoms appear.
- Diabetes is a common example of a disease which, in its most acute manifestations, can cause severe skin dryness.
- Talk to your doctor to find out if you have any external health problems to treat.

Step 2. Avoid removing natural sebum
The body naturally produces oils that help protect your skin and prevent cracking. However, a bad personal hygiene routine can deprive the skin of natural sebum and put it at risk. Above all, you need to avoid harsh soaps and hot water, since both of these factors are bad for natural oils.
If you take a foot bath, do not add detergents to the water. Generally, you should avoid soap on sensitive skin, such as that of the feet. Water and a sponge should be more than enough to be able to clean them

Step 3. Protect the skin from external agents
When it gets very cold, the skin dries up. The area you live in may also be naturally dry. This ambient dryness automatically sucks moisture out of the skin. Protect it from dryness by balancing the humidity of the air or by applying special products. Buy a humidifier to keep around your home or office and wear socks and gloves when you go out.
The skin also needs to be protected from the sun, which can damage it and cause dryness over time

Step 4. Change your shoes
If you have noticed that splits predominantly affect the feet, you should take a look at the footwear you use. Those that are open at the back and don't have good quality soles can cause cracks, because too much pressure is exerted on already sensitive skin. Use closed shoes and make sure they are very comfortable.
Switch to running shoes, or at least use insoles to protect your feet from pressure

Step 5. Drink more water
Dehydration can undoubtedly make your skin more prone to drying out, and when you add to that poor personal hygiene and a dry environment, it's a perfect recipe for skin cracking. Drink enough water every day to maintain optimal internal hydration.
Calculating the right amount depends on each individual. Generally, if your urine is clear or clear, you are drinking enough. If it isn't, you need to consume more fluids

Step 6. Consume the right nutrients
The skin needs lots of vitamins and nutrients in order to always be healthy. You can improve skin well-being by making sure that the source of your problem is not due to a nutrient deficiency. Get plenty of Vitamin A, E and Omega-3 fatty acids to allow your skin to receive all the substances it needs to stay healthy.
Here are some good sources of these nutrients: kale, carrots, sardines, anchovies, salmon, almonds, and olive oil

Step 7. Assess your weight
Obesity and excessive overweight are usually associated with ailments such as severe dry skin. If you find yourself unable to combat this dry skin problem and no external factors are involved that negatively impact your health, you should consider trying to lose weight. Remember that cracked skin carries a serious risk of infection; while it would seem a minor problem, it can actually be very dangerous, and should not be taken lightly.

Step 8. Talk to your doctor
Remember: if you ever have to worry because the cracks don't seem to fade or are infected, you should definitely go to the dermatologist or the hospital. It is a common problem, and there are many solutions available. The specialist should be able to help you figure out if it is a disorder that you can control by following a certain routine, or if you need to take medication to help prevent infections.
- Naturally dry skin or skin that has thickened and dried out due to calluses in the heel area is more prone to cracking. This is often due to excessive activity involving the feet.
- Sandals or open back shoes allow the fat under the heels to expand laterally, which increases the chance of cracks forming in this area.
- Diseases and ailments such as athlete's foot, psoriasis, eczema, thyroid disease, diabetes, and other skin problems could cause your heels to crack. Talk to your doctor for advice.
- Prolonged standing at work or at home on hard floors could cause splits on your feet.
- Being overweight tends to increase the pressure on the fat pad under the heel, causing it to expand laterally; if the skin lacks flexibility, pressure on the feet causes cracks in the area.
- Continued exposure to water (especially tap water) can deprive the skin of natural sebum, and this can cause it to become dry and rough. Staying in a humid place, such as a bathroom for extended periods, can cause dryness and cracking of the heels.