3 Ways to Remove Rivets

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3 Ways to Remove Rivets
3 Ways to Remove Rivets

Rivets are fasteners that serve to secure materials together, from racing cars to cruise ships. They are light, fast and easy to install. A rivet consists of two parts, a pin and a head inserted into a hole made with a drill. The riveter pushes the pin and head together, snapping it into place. There are rivets of different sizes, from 1 to 12 mm in diameter and can be made of brass, aluminum, steel, copper or monel. they are cheap and you can use them in place of welds, screws and bolts. However, the rivets may loosen over time and have to be removed. There are many ways to do this without distorting the holes so you can easily replace them.


Method 1 of 3: Remove Rivets with Planer and Drill

Remove Rivets Step 1
Remove Rivets Step 1

Step 1. Plan the rivet heads as much as possible using a plane with the disc

Be careful not to damage the metal where the rivets are placed.

Remove Rivets Step 2
Remove Rivets Step 2

Step 2. Use the hammer and awl to push the rivet pin down

It will serve to create a small slot to better guide the drill.

Remove Rivets Step 3
Remove Rivets Step 3

Step 3. Choose a drill bit that is a little smaller than the rivet

Use the drill to push the rivet pin. Make sure the tip acts on the center of the pin without enlarging the hole. It will serve to create a guide hole for the next step.

Remove Rivets Step 4
Remove Rivets Step 4

Step 4. Now use a bit the same size as the rivet to remove the pin

Remove Rivets Step 5
Remove Rivets Step 5

Step 5. Replace it with a rivet of the same size

Method 2 of 3: Remove the Rivets from the Chisel

Remove Rivets Step 6
Remove Rivets Step 6

Step 1. Remove the rivet heads by placing a chisel just below them

Use a 1.5 kg hammer to tap on the chisel until the heads are removed.

Remove Rivets Step 7
Remove Rivets Step 7

Step 2. Use an awl to remove the rivet pin

If the rivet is very strong, use the drill method described above.

Method 3 of 3: Remove the Rivets with the Rivet Removal Tool

Remove Rivets Step 8
Remove Rivets Step 8

Step 1. Purchase the rivet removal tool with a suitable tip and guide

Guides and tips may be included but you may also need to buy them separately depending on the rivets used.

Remove Rivets Step 9
Remove Rivets Step 9

Step 2. Connect it to a drill

Remove Rivets Step 10
Remove Rivets Step 10

Step 3. Place it on the rivet to be removed

Remove Rivets Step 11
Remove Rivets Step 11

Step 4. Adjust the depth to remove the rivet without causing damage

Remove Rivets Step 12
Remove Rivets Step 12

Step 5. Remove the rivet


  • Always keep the drill perpendicular so as not to alter the holes. If you tilt it slightly, you could enlarge the hole.
  • Keep rivets and removal tools close at hand.
