Unicorn lovers of all ages can have their own horn with very few skills. Kids can easily make a unicorn horn out of cardstock, while teens and adults can make one out of fabric or clay. Clay can be used to make costume horns but also for jewelry. If you are interested in how to make a unicorn horn for yourself or a friend of yours, read on and you will find instructions.
Method 1 of 3: Horn with Plain Cardstock

Step 1. Form a cone out of colored cardboard
To create a cone with an even base, you will need to cut the cardstock in the shape of a circle.
- The radius of the circle will be the height of the horn.
- Draw a perfect circle using a mold or compass. Use scissors to cut out the circle.
- Make a cut in the circle that extends from the outer edge to the center. The cut should only be on the radius of the circle. Don't cut the circle in half.
- Slide one of the corners of the cut along the outer contour of the circle. As you slide it, you will notice that it begins to form a cone shape. Continue to slide it until you have created a very elongated cone.
- Paperclip the cone together. Place staples on the base of the cone, where the cut edge ends. You can also try holding the cone together with glue or double-sided tape.
- For an even easier alternative, take apart a birthday hat by removing the staples and elastic band. Fold the hat back to create a tighter cone, staple again to hold the new shape together.
Step 2. Make holes in the side of the cone
Use a hole punch to punch holes near the base of the cone on opposite sides.
If you don't have a hole punch, you can use the tip of a sharp pair of scissors, the tip of a pen, or other pointed object to punch two holes in the card stock. The holes should be at least 6mm wide
Step 3. Tie a rubber band to the holes
Thread both ends of the elastic into both holes. Tie or staple the ends of the rubber band to the cardboard horn.
- The rubber band should be about twice the length of the face of the wearer.
- If you don't have elastic thread, you could also use ribbon or a piece of wool. Tie two separate threads to each ribbon and tie them together when wearing the horn. Each strand should be approximately 10 cm longer than the length of the face.
Step 4. Cover the horn with glitter
Use a tube of glue to spread a layer of glue on the cardboard horn before covering the horn with glitter.
- Work on a paper plate, bag, or other removable surface to catch any glitter that falls.
- You can also brush some vinavil glue with an old paintbrush.
Step 5. Wrap some ribbon around the horn
Before the glue dries, wrap a long ribbon from the top to the base of the horn. The ribbon should spiral down, making between two and four turns around the horn.
The tape mimics the spiral grooves that are traditionally seen in unicorn images

Step 6. Decorate with rhinestones
If you wish, you can glue rhinestones on the sides of the horn, spacing them at regular but asymmetrical intervals.
- Rhinestones are optional.
- You may need to apply extra glue to the back of the rhinestones before attaching them.
- After you're done with the rhinestones, let the glue dry. Once dry, the horn should be ready to wear.
Method 2 of 3: Horn with Polymer Clay or Modeling Clay
Step 1. Determine how you want to wear the horn
To make a little lucky unicorn, use polymer clay. For a larger horn that you can carry on your head, use modeling clay that dries in air.
Modeling clay that dries in air is quite light, making it the most suitable for wearing on the head. Conversely, polymer clay is heavy and durable, making it more suitable for small lucky charms to wear on a necklace or bracelet
Step 2. Choose the right accessories for your horn
A lucky horn will need a beaded hook, while a head horn will need a headband.
- A bead hook is a small conical piece of metal used to attach a lucky charm to a chain.
- If you're using a headband, try looking for a large plastic one. The headband could also be fabric, but it still needs to be wide enough to attach the horn over it.
Step 3. Roll a conical shape using clay
Take a piece of clay and roll it into a snake. With your hands gradually roll one side so that it is thinner than the other, until it forms a cone.
- It will take a few tries before you get the right shape, especially if you are not used to working with clay.
- If you are having a hard time making a cone, you can also look for a cone-shaped clay mold at a hobby store.
- Start with a 1.25 cm piece of polymer clay for a small lucky charm, or a 7.5 to 10 cm piece of modeling clay for a larger horn.

Step 4. Add a groove
Using a pointed tool, such as a toothpick, create a spiral rib around the horn. Start at the tip and work your way down by circling the horn until you reach the base.
- For larger horns, a cuticle tool or other larger tool may be more useful.
- For best results, hold the toothpick or other tool at an angle as you go down around the horn.
- Use your fingers to smooth rough parts.
Step 5. Make sure the base fits into the accessory
You may need to make a small protrusion that fits inside the bead hook, or you may need to flatten the base so you can attach the horn to the headband.
Step 6. Let the clay harden
Modeling clay needs to air dry for several hours, but polymer clay can also be baked.
- Most modeling clay takes up to 24 hours to dry.
- The instructions for firing polymer clay vary by brand, but for the most part you will need to bake the clay for about 15-20 minutes for every 0.6 cm of clay thickness in an oven at about 130 ° C.
Step 7. Glue the horn to its accessory
Use epoxy resin or hot glue to secure the clay horn to the bead hook or hair band.
- Note that many types of epoxy take about 24 to completely dry.
- A lucky horn may need a stronger glue than a horn to wear on your head, but if you are attaching the horn to a cloth band, you should make sure that the glue you have chosen to use is suitable for use with the cloth.
Method 3 of 3: Felt Unicorn Horn
Step 1. Cut out a triangle of white felt
The triangle should have a base between 7, 5 and 10 cm wide.
- For a little more "magic", use some white felt with glitter. You can also use other colors, such as lilac or light blue, but white will create a more traditional result.
- Use the scissors to cut out the triangle. Make the two sides as even as possible.
Step 2. Fold the triangle in half and sew
Fold the triangle in half lengthwise, bringing the two sides together. Hand sew the open sides using a straight stitch.
- Leave the base of the horn open.
- The thread should be the same color as the felt.
Step 3. Turn the triangle upside down
Use scissors to cut away the excess fabric along the sewn side of the triangle. Push the tip of the triangle into the open base, turning the horn completely in reverse.
Step 4. Pull the needle and thread near the top
Thread a long piece of thread into the needle. The thread should have a very large knot at the end. Thread the needle through the inside of the horn, pushing inwards near the tip.
- The knot should be large enough to keep the thread from running through the fabric by applying pressure.
- The thread should be three times as long as the horn.
- Pull the thread completely, leaving the knot inside.
Step 5. Fill the horn with stuffing
Fill the horn with plush stuffing.
Fill the horn as much as possible. The horn shouldn't be limp
Step 6. Wrap the thread around the spiral horn
Wrap the thread around the outside of the horn in a spiral design.
- Make sure you wrap the wire tightly to prevent it from slipping and losing its original shape.
- This spiral mimics the groove of a unicorn horn.
- Push the needle through the base of the cone by passing the thread inside. Knot the thread.
Step 7. Cut and sew the base
Place the horn on a piece of felt of the same color and draw a circle for the base. Cut out the circle and hand sew it to the base of the horn.
Put the circle on the base of the horn. Sew around the edges, starting from the inside. Knot the up near the inside edge to mask it

Step 8. Attach the horn to a hair band
Use hot glue or fabric glue to attach the horn base directly to a fabric band.
- You can also sew or glue the horn to a wide elastic band and slip the elastic band around the hair band.
- Add other decorations as desired. Felt flowers, rhinestones, and faux leaves can be attached to the headband to make it more cute.