How to Control Your Overconfidence

How to Control Your Overconfidence
How to Control Your Overconfidence

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Many teenagers go through a period where they seem to think they are indestructible, the stage where they feel "ten feet tall and bulletproof". Overconfidence contributes to this, so learning about your limits or facing reality can be painful, or worse.


Control Your Overconfidence Step 1
Control Your Overconfidence Step 1

Step 1. First of all, be honest with yourself

When you carefully consider your abilities, you should begin to recognize your limitations.

Control Your Overconfidence Step 2
Control Your Overconfidence Step 2

Step 2. Don't compare yourself to others

Overconfidence is a way of despising other people's talents, abilities, and abilities. Just because someone else can confidently perform dangerous stunts doesn't mean you can too. The others succeeded at the price of hard training and possibly several bruises.

Control Your Overconfidence Step 3
Control Your Overconfidence Step 3

Step 3. Test yourself with caution

Do not jump off the higher trampoline until you have dived several times from the lower one and worked on the intermediate levels.

Control Your Overconfidence Step 4
Control Your Overconfidence Step 4

Step 4. Listen to criticism, especially constructive criticism from people you trust

This could be one of the most important steps towards downsizing your overconfidence. It absolutely does not mean that those who criticize you are always right. But there is the possibility that he is right, and since he sees you from a different point of view, you should listen to him.

Control Your Overconfidence Step 5
Control Your Overconfidence Step 5

Step 5. Take commitments seriously

Overconfidence can cause you to make commitments that you are unable to meet. When you tell someone you will do something, be realistic about the effort and time it will take. Promising a friend to paint your car, even though you never did, could turn into a three-day project if you fall victim to your overconfidence.

Control Your Overconfidence Step 6
Control Your Overconfidence Step 6

Step 6. Take some time to observe your failures or how often you have not met your personal goals

This will not only help you give yourself a realistic measure of your abilities, but it will also help you focus on the skills, strengths, or other qualities you should be working on.

Control Your Overconfidence Step 7
Control Your Overconfidence Step 7

Step 7. Keep the fantasy separate from reality

On television we all see superhuman feats and stunts, and movies like Jackass take them to the extreme, but they are performed by exceptionally gifted people, who often spend their lives training in their own disciplines. Sure, gymnasts make parallel bars look easy, but you have no idea how many gallons of sweat it took to reach that level.

Control Your Overconfidence Step 8
Control Your Overconfidence Step 8

Step 8. Try new sports, activities and occupations with a goal, progressing until you reach it

If you look at easy success in a presumptuous way and then fail, you may become discouraged and give up too soon. It is said that Albert Einstein was a bad pupil in elementary school.

Control Your Overconfidence Step 9
Control Your Overconfidence Step 9

Step 9. Remember that you are a unique individual, with your talents, abilities and goals, and confidence or overconfidence can be a trap that can be avoided if you mix modesty with enthusiasm


  • Take note of near misses, failures and disasters. Ask yourself if overconfidence may have contributed to causing them.
  • Don't let friends pressure you to experience something you're not prepared for. If you start climbing the ladder and have doubts, go down and think again.
  • With an analytical view, you may want to consider what you will actually do. Sometimes, overcoming overconfidence can result in a complete loss of self-confidence. Be careful, therefore, suppressing your confidence is not the key to overcoming overconfidence.
