How to Control Your Breath While Running

How to Control Your Breath While Running
How to Control Your Breath While Running

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It is difficult to control your breathing when running, and you may gasp and start panting, but by following these simple steps you will learn to breathe like a cross-country skier. The method illustrated below is easy and will ensure that the time it takes to inhale is equivalent to that it takes to exhale, thus making the breathing rate constant. It will also make you get a great result without having to focus too much.


Control Breathing While Running Step 1
Control Breathing While Running Step 1

Step 1. Relax

If you stress yourself out or think too much about keeping your breathing regular, know that this only makes things worse. Instead, you need to calm down and clear your mind and your breathing will begin to feel more natural.

Control Breathing While Running Step 2
Control Breathing While Running Step 2

Step 2. Start counting your steps in blocks of four

Every time you take a step count it and, when you have reached the fourth step, start over from one - the count will be: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.

Control Breathing While Running Step 3
Control Breathing While Running Step 3

Step 3. Synchronize your breathing with the count

On numbers 1 and 2 inhale; on 3 and 4 exhale. This will give your breathing a regular cadence - if that doesn't work, look for another one that works best for you. An example would be a song with a rhythm that your breathing can adapt to.


  • Keep your breathing as constant and regular as possible to promote maximum oxygenation.
  • In following this method, the shorter your stride, the faster your breathing. So keep this factor in mind if you are a sprinter or just have a run with a rather short stride.
  • Don't think about it too much as it may distract you from running in general. Try to balance your "run, breathe, run, breathe" thoughts.
  • Train very often! Over time it will become easier and easier to keep your breath under control.
  • Relax and let your breathing normalize without difficulty. This will make it much easier to adjust.
  • Keep in mind that the supports are more tiring during exhalation. For example, if you breathe in a 2x2 pattern and always start exhaling on your left foot, this will mean that your left foot / leg will be under more stress, etc. Try to breathe in an asymmetrical pattern, i.e. inhale every three steps and exhale every two. This will allow you to alternate which feet you exhale on. Or, in case you need to breathe more often, switch sides to even out the strenuous supports.


  • If you start to breathe on a very weak breath and feel like you can't breathe in: stop running. You may have a serious health problem and pass out.
  • When you force yourself, remember not to push too hard, as it could cause permanent damage to your body.
