Are you aware that drinking is becoming excessive, but you don't want to give up alcohol forever? Here are some things to think about in order to reduce your alcohol consumption.

Step 1. Realize that drinking in company can undermine your will of your purpose
For many, drinking with friends can lead to overdoing it and, at some point, they realize that the quality of life has reached quite low levels. However, we always want to have the chance to drink at weddings, for the league title, events, parties, and so on.

Step 2. Remember that it can be difficult to accept that you can no longer control yourself when you drink
We never consider ourselves alcoholics and are never prone to brainwashing programs like Alcoholics Anonymous. The first and most important thing is to take it into your head to accept your weakness. The stupidest thing, however, is to think that alcohol abuse is a disease. Leukemia is a disease. Prostate cancer is a disease. Eating vodka seven days a week is a weakness. Once we accept that we are weak, it will be possible to move on to the next level!

Step 3. If this article doesn't suggest anything to you, remember this maxim:
"There will always be time for another drink." In other words, there will always be an opportunity to relax over a nice beer. Knowing this is important. You're not trying to quit drinking altogether, but just drastically cutting it out. If you can keep in mind that there will always be an opportunity to indulge in it, things will be simpler.
Let's take an example: you are at work on a Tuesday morning. You start thinking about when you will go home and make yourself a scotch. What is the purpose of the Tuesday night drink? You really can't be a good father, husband, friend, etc. able to stay sober tonight? Do you really need to drink? How about skipping this Tuesday and going to the bar on Wednesday to watch the game? Even better: how about skipping two days and arriving on Thursday for the other game? Remember: there will always be time for another round, so forget it for a couple of days and you will see that the taste will be even better

Step 4. Create diversions
They are the most important thing you can do when trying to limit drinking. If you come to realize that you are too weak to stay at home without hanging on to the bottle, find something that will distract you.
- Go see a movie, go shopping, go for a walk, go to the gym, etc. You have to stay active to avoid spilling your first drink. And always remember that the first leads to a second and to all those you will do that night.
- Keep telling yourself: I don't have to drink tonight, because "that particular day", no matter how far away, I'll have a couple of drinks and they'll be great.

Step 5. Work harder
As easy as it may sound, what's better not to think about the bottle? Most of those who drink too much do it in a functional way. We don't drink when we are at work. So isn't it simple? Get a part-time job in addition to your regular one. Not only will you earn more, but you will have the best distraction to avoid falling into temptation.

Step 6. Think about how you feel in the morning
For those who drink too much, the norm is to deal with a hangover. It feels terrible and just expects to be able to drink again. On those rare days when you haven't drunk the night before, you feel great. Reinvigorated. Before you throw down your first beer, think about the last time you woke up with no alcohol in your body. You were really fine. Think of it as your drug.

Step 7. Think of friends and family, or even celebrities if you have to, who don't have a drinking problem
Imagine the quality of their life. Grab a magazine and read about families who spent the day at an amusement park. Call your brother or sister and let them tell you about their day, what they did without having to resort to drinking. You will understand that not everything has to revolve around alcohol.

Step 8. Focus on your children
If you don't have any, think about the imaginary ones, what they would think seeing you in this state. You have an obligation as a parent to be the best point of reference and example possible. As a heavy drinker, are you? Were your parents drinkers themselves? For some of us it wasn't like that, so why did we become anyway? For others, yes, so we want to create the same embarrassment they created? Embarrassment. Here is the key word. Do you remember the moment your child was born? You would do anything for him. Think about how heavy drinking could embarrass him sooner or later. Or even worse: think about whether she got hurt precisely because alcohol makes you a distracted parent.

Step 9. Finally, let's go back to where we started
Those who drink too much must make a choice. Do you want to go beyond the point of no return, the one beyond which there is rehabilitation, or do you want to control yourself and become better? If you're reading this, we expect you to consider checking. We all have the opportunity to put the pieces of our life back together while maintaining our dignity. You don't have to go around proclaiming, "I've been a sixty days sober alcoholic." We have the potential to cut it without becoming a teetotaler. These tips can be very helpful because the thought of never drinking is very likely to keep those with problems from seeking help. With this program, this is not taken into consideration. We pass in a simple and gradual way from depending on the bottle, to being able to appreciate it.