How to Succeed in Middle School (with Pictures)

How to Succeed in Middle School (with Pictures)
How to Succeed in Middle School (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


The middle school years are years of change. The first day many are afraid, as not only do you change schools, you also experience changes on a personal level in the transition from childhood to adolescence. It is normal for these upheavals to cause some anxiety, but it is also a time that offers many new opportunities. If you want to be successful in junior high, read on to prepare for the challenges and opportunities that await you.


Part 1 of 6: Preparing for the Beginning of Middle School

Be a Success in Middle School Step 1
Be a Success in Middle School Step 1

Step 1. Be prepared that everything will be different

The first day of middle school is in some ways similar to the first day of kindergarten: new places, new faces, new things and new ways to do them. As much as you keep seeing your classmates in elementary school, things will still be different. It is possible that you will make new friends and your old mates will too, in fact the dynamics are totally different. Face the experience with an open mind. Take the opportunity to try and do things in a new way. If you think about it, when you started elementary school, you adapted well to the new environment, so you can definitely do it again.

People you've known for years may start to look different to you. You yourself may begin to look different in the eyes of others. It is normal when we grow up

Be a Success in Middle School Step 2
Be a Success in Middle School Step 2

Step 2. Define success in your own words

Getting good results in school? Be a good person? In theory, a combination of both of these aspects is preferable. The only person who can truly judge your success in junior high is you, but first you need to establish criteria to follow. It's helpful to ask an older sibling or friend who has been to the same school for tips to make a great first impression.

Your parents will have their own ideas about your definition of success. Of course this is also important. Share your goals with them and discuss ways you can work together to achieve them. Remember: it is normal to disagree with your parents, but if you are mature and don't throw a tantrum if you don't get what you want, it is usually possible to think of a reasonable solution for both parties involved to make everyone happy and open to communication

Be a Success in Middle School Step 3
Be a Success in Middle School Step 3

Step 3. Be prepared for embarrassing situations

The middle school years are always a period full of uncomfortable experiences. You are growing, your body is changing and your interests are evolving. That's it: you will have pimples, you will stumble, you will feel uncomfortable in the locker room, you will receive a two of spades from the person you like and so on. Don't worry if it happens: it happens or it has happened to everyone. Try to put yourself in the shoes of others and imagine how you would feel in their place: you will understand that no one analyzes thoroughly everything you do. As a result, if you have one of those days when everything goes hopelessly wrong, it probably won't be on anyone's lips for the duration of middle school, so take a deep breath and relax.

Find out some tricks to survive the average and uncomfortable situations that arise by reading this article. Also, don't be ashamed to talk to your parents, teacher, psychologist, friends, or someone else who can help you

Be a Success in Middle School Step 4
Be a Success in Middle School Step 4

Step 4. Be true to yourself

As adolescence approaches, you will be induced to homologate (i.e. to resemble others) more and more. Don't let your peers tell you who you are or what you want. Either way, if that happens, don't worry. It is not wrong to try to adapt at least a little to others, even though the books say otherwise. Do what you feel is right for yourself and take care of what interests you.

Stick to your opinions and what you think is right. For example, turn your back on someone who bullies you or other kids. If it costs you the loss of a childhood friend, don't worry. In junior high, you will have many opportunities to make new friends, better than past ones

Part 2 of 6: Get organized

Be a Success in Middle School Step 5
Be a Success in Middle School Step 5

Step 1. Use a diary

Teens don't have a reputation for being tidy and organized, but you can work to keep your life and school supplies in order to increase your chances of being successful in school. A diary allows you to keep track of homework assignments, soccer practice, singing lessons, and sleepover with your friends. Keep track of your schedule and read your diary every day. Writing down everything you need to do for each individual subject is useful for adopting good habits if you have difficulty.

Be a Success in Middle School Step 6
Be a Success in Middle School Step 6

Step 2. Use a separate notebook and binder for each subject

You can also try to assign a certain color to each subject, in this way you will know that the blue notebook is used for history and the red one for algebra.

Keep your binders well organized. Use dividers to separate notes from homework tasks. The less time it takes to find your notes, homework and study guides, the more time you will have to learn and study

Be a Success in Middle School Step 7
Be a Success in Middle School Step 7

Step 3. Organize the backpack

Feel free to decorate it to personalize it. Make sure you only bring practical items with you. The biggest mistake you can make is turning it into a sack full of junk, without having the opportunity to store the things you really need because you filled it with gadgets and snacks. It's essential to make sure you organize it to open it, find what you need right away, and close it smoothly. You certainly don't want it to overflow with stuff every time you open it.

Be a Success in Middle School Step 8
Be a Success in Middle School Step 8

Step 4. At home, it can be convenient to have your own space for studying and homework

The ideal would be to have a desk, a chair and a desktop or laptop computer. Keep your desk clean so you can sit down easily and do your homework every afternoon.

Store all your school supplies in one place so you don't have to mess around for a pencil sharpener

Be a Success in Middle School Step 9
Be a Success in Middle School Step 9

Step 5. If you want, organize a family reunion once a week

Every Sunday afternoon, discuss your weekly schedule with your parents. Take the opportunity to remind them of matches or concerts. Plus, this way you'll know when you need to lend a hand to make dinner.

Part 3 of 6: Succeed in School

Be a Success in Middle School Step 10
Be a Success in Middle School Step 10

Step 1. Go to school

It may seem obvious to you, but it is essential for success in junior high. According to several studies, having good grades and being absent from secondary school as little as possible are indicators of the success a person will have in high school and university. Get to class on time and don't miss out.

If you have to go away, be sure to talk to the professor to find out what you missed. On non-school days, email him and check his website if he uses one for lessons and deliveries. Get on top of your homework as soon as possible

Be a Success in Middle School Step 11
Be a Success in Middle School Step 11

Step 2. Learn to take good notes

Whether or not you did it in elementary school, taking notes in middle school is a whole new experience because the amount of work changes. Knowing how to take good notes does not mean compulsively writing down everything the teacher says. Instead, try to use the following strategies to do this effectively:

  • Keep your notes organized by starting to write them on new paper every day. Write the date at the top of the page and the title of the topic.
  • Listen carefully to the teacher because he will tend to emphasize the most important parts using a different tone of voice.
  • Don't worry about writing whole sentences. Instead, develop your own abbreviations and shortcuts. Ultimately, the important thing is that you understand the content, so go ahead and scribble every time the professor says "mitosis". No problem, as long as you can understand it later.
  • Review your notes every day before you start homework. Rewrite them in a more orderly and complete way. This will also help you memorize information better.
Be a Success in Middle School Step 12
Be a Success in Middle School Step 12

Step 3. Learn to study

Just like with notes, the workload required in middle school will probably surprise you. Having a good study method doesn't just mean knowing how to memorize an entire chapter. Here are some ideas to study successfully:

  • Learn to identify the most important concepts. Underline the main names and topics in your notes, then post notes on the manual pages to mark key steps.
  • Rewrite your notes so that you can organize the information, but also to make the writing more orderly and easier to follow.
  • Create tools to help you study better, such as flashcards, diagrams, and so on.
  • Look for a study partner, possibly someone who knows the subject well. Working together can help you see things from a different point of view. Work hard to focus on studying. You will talk about music or football another time.
Be a Success in Middle School Step 13
Be a Success in Middle School Step 13

Step 4. Develop skills for getting good grades on classwork and questioning

The tests will be more complicated and you will have the responsibility of memorizing more concepts. To get good grades, try these strategies:

  • Listen to the instructions given to you by the teacher. Read all the information about the test.
  • Find the right speed. Make sure you take your time to complete the entire test. Don't look and look at the clock, otherwise you risk stressing yourself out even more. However, consider how long it takes you to answer the questions in each section of the test. If a question gets you in trouble, come back to it later.
  • Double check all the answers.
  • Reduce the anxiety a test might cause you. If you are prepared and knowledgeable on the subject, the tension decreases. Take deep breaths before the test and repeat to yourself: "I'll get a good grade on this test."
Be a Success in Middle School Step 14
Be a Success in Middle School Step 14

Step 5. Do your homework right away

In middle school, time management is more rigid. You will have more lessons, more homework, more tests, and more extracurricular activities. It is essential to improve the way time is organized. Make school a priority to get everything done on time.

  • Try to do your homework as soon as you get home. Deal with it before you get overwhelmed by distractions or other responsibilities. If you have other commitments as soon as you leave school, assign a specific time to study each evening.
  • Limit the time you spend in front of cell phones, TVs, computers, and so on. For example, don't play video games or text your friends until your homework is done.
  • Take responsibility for your study and homework. Don't copy your friends' ones.
  • If you have difficulty following classes, talk to the teacher as soon as possible. Don't wait to find yourself hopelessly behind.
Be a Success in Middle School Step 15
Be a Success in Middle School Step 15

Step 6. Get help when you need it

As the years go by, more and more responsibilities will fall on your shoulders for making a good profit in school. However, this doesn't mean you have to go through them alone. Many people will be willing to help you out, so let them.

For example, if you are having difficulty with algebra or Roman history, ask your teacher to ask him to suggest additional resources useful for your specific case. He may also recommend tutors who give tuition

Be a Success in Middle School Step 16
Be a Success in Middle School Step 16

Step 7. When you make a mistake, admit it

If you haven't done your homework, don't lie to the teacher, instead tell him that you will take care of it that afternoon and deliver it the next day. He will appreciate that you are able to take responsibility.

Don't cheat on your homework and don't cheat. If you should do this and get caught in the act, don't try to lie to get away with it. Tell the truth

Part 4 of 6: Succeeding Social

Be a Success in Middle School Step 17
Be a Success in Middle School Step 17

Step 1. Get involved

In junior high, you will meet new people. Instead of feeling sad that things have changed, take the opportunity to broaden your horizons. If you step forward, there are so many opportunities in middle school to be active and present.

  • Sign up for a class or join the student council. Meet new people (or catch up on old acquaintances), discover your passions and all you can achieve now that you are older.
  • Play sports, such as basketball or football. While remaining on the bench, you will enjoy the team spirit and the competition.
  • Volunteer. Participate in waste recycling campaigns or charity sales. Recruit new and old friends. Don't be afraid to take the initiative.
Be a Success in Middle School Step 18
Be a Success in Middle School Step 18

Step 2. Choose your friends wisely

At the beginning of middle school you will find yourself between old and new people. You will have the opportunity to connect with interesting people you've never seen before. However, in the preteen and adolescent years it is important to surround yourself with people who have a positive disposition and who know how to support their friends. Friendships you make in middle school help indicate quite accurately how successful you will be in the future, so select them wisely.

  • If you feel that a "friend" is not particularly nice to you, talk to the person concerned. If he does not change his attitude, in the end it will be better to move on.
  • Make sure you avoid people who are careless and who often get into trouble. Even though they are your friends, don't let them drag you along, which could jeopardize your academic success and other relationships you have.
Be a Success in Middle School Step 19
Be a Success in Middle School Step 19

Step 3. Learn to have fulfilling relationships

In middle school it is in the middle of puberty and the hormones go crazy. You probably like someone and are preparing for the possibility of having romantic dates. It's important right now to understand what it means to cultivate a healthy relationship. According to some studies, the rate of sexual harassment and violence within a middle school relationship is quite high, in part because people don't know how to distinguish between right and wrong.

  • A healthy relationship is built on respect, trust and friendship. You should also feel free to have other friends and enjoy your independence.
  • Don't feel like you have to go out with the person you like. Maybe you feel pressured because your friends already do it, so you think you should follow their example too. However, according to some studies, a person who starts having romantic relationships too early experiences a decline in attention at school, so they risk seeing their performance deteriorate.
Be a Success in Middle School Step 20
Be a Success in Middle School Step 20

Step 4. Give others a chance

During adolescence, people change. It is entirely possible that a little boy you have known for years and with whom you have never had a close relationship will become more akin to your way of being at this stage in life.

Teens tend to automatically take refuge in like-minded groups or circles. It's not always a bad thing, but don't judge or rule out someone right away. Be well-disposed and open to others. Give a positive example

Be a Success in Middle School Step 21
Be a Success in Middle School Step 21

Step 5. Never bully

Treat others in a kind and friendly way. Put yourself in others' shoes before hurting them with your words or actions.

If you see bullying, defend the victim. Don't turn a deaf ear, don't let the bully get away with it. If you are being targeted or see what happens to someone else, report it to a teacher. Bullying is not acceptable behavior

Part 5 of 6: Getting Support

Be a Success in Middle School Step 22
Be a Success in Middle School Step 22

Step 1. Ask your parents for advice

In middle school, many begin to have the feeling of being able to do everything by themselves, but we must keep in mind that there are many people who are willing to help out. Believe it or not, your parents have many resources and have gone through many of the experiences you are having now.

Ask for advice on a variety of things, like taking notes, studying for exams, keeping out of trouble, even inviting a boy or girl to go to a party with you

Be a Success in Middle School Step 23
Be a Success in Middle School Step 23

Step 2. Talk to an older brother or sister about their experiences as they have been through this stage more recently

He can probably give you suggestions on how to deal with professors, act in various situations, and so on.

Be a Success in Middle School Step 24
Be a Success in Middle School Step 24

Step 3. Talk to your teachers regularly

At the beginning of the school year, reach out to each individual teacher to discuss their expectations and ideas on how to do well in school. Keep talking to them throughout the year to make sure you are performing satisfactorily. It is important to take responsibility in the study.

Also get to know the other adults in the school: administrators, psychologists, nurses and librarians

Be a Success in Middle School Step 25
Be a Success in Middle School Step 25

Step 4. Talk to your school psychologist when you need to

Don't be ashamed to ask for help when needed. The role of the school psychologist is to help students, and this professional is also familiar with the problems that afflict children of your age. It can guide you to face academic, social and personal challenges.

If you think about suicide, contact Telefono Azzurro

Part 6 of 6: Taking Care of Yourself

Be a Success in Middle School Step 26
Be a Success in Middle School Step 26

Step 1. Get enough rest

In middle school there are many commitments, but after middle school they will become more and more. Being well rested, rejuvenated, energized and focused is the best way to be successful, without risking being left behind. You are still growing and your body is undergoing changes. You need to rest properly for it to function at its best. If you are full of commitments, during the day you burn a lot of energy that must be recovered. Try to get eight to nine hours of sleep a night.

If you have trouble falling asleep, turn off all electronic devices about 15-30 minutes before going to bed. According to several studies, the brain is activated every time you read information on a screen, which can prevent you from falling asleep

Be a Success in Middle School Step 27
Be a Success in Middle School Step 27

Step 2. Eat right

Proper nutrition benefits memory, concentration, mood, energy levels and self-image. These are all important factors in being successful in junior high, so forget about the snacks and eat real food. Try to consume lots of fruits, vegetables, proteins, whole grains and skimmed milk products. Avoid foods that are processed, fried, and filled with refined sugars.

Start the day with a good breakfast. Several studies show that it helps improve one's academic performance throughout the day. Make a fruit and yogurt smoothie, oatmeal, or eggs and toast

Be a Success in Middle School Step 28
Be a Success in Middle School Step 28

Step 3. Exercise regularly

Sport is very effective in fighting stress, improving brain functioning and mood. Children and adolescents should exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Don't watch TV when you get back from school, go for a bike ride with a friend instead.

Be a Success in Middle School Step 29
Be a Success in Middle School Step 29

Step 4. Always try to be optimistic

There will be times when you will feel overwhelmed - too much homework, too much pressure, or too many annoying mates, but know that you can do it and that you will. Keep your goals in mind and focus on what you need to do to achieve them. This way you will have the success you hope for.

Gradually you will understand everything. You learn by trying, sometimes failing, but always getting back on your feet and making another attempt


  • Follow the school rules. Don't get in trouble unnecessarily.
  • If you have trouble finishing homework or concentrating, reward yourself when you get it all done.
  • Each night, prepare everything you will need the next morning. Choose your clothes and prepare your backpack.
  • Be respectful and do not talk in class: it is annoying both for the teacher and for the classmates.
  • In middle school, it's normal to get stressed out. If so, talk to someone you trust. It may not be able to help you, but letting it off will make you feel better. Always be positive!
  • Don't do the wrong thing just to follow others' example.
  • Don't be intimidated by the actions of your peers. Be yourself and choose your friends wisely.
  • When a professor tells you to read a paragraph or long text at home, arrange gummy bears on different parts of the page. Then, when you reach the bear, you can eat it to reward yourself for the effort.
  • If you finish a class project early, take the opportunity to get on with your homework.