Many girls start wearing makeup in middle school. You will need to wear the right kind of makeup that gives you a natural, beautiful and sophisticated look. You will also want your parents to allow you to wear makeup. Here's how to do it.

Step 1. Get your parents to wear makeup on you
You won't have to do this without their knowledge. Tell them you just want to accentuate your best features. Don't say "I want to wear makeup to be more beautiful", or "All the other girls wear makeup!" It's not the way to get what you want. You will have to promise not to overdo it. You may need to accept specific guidelines or limitations in the use of colors, or consult a professional to show you how to apply it. You can also research makeup videos on YouTube and then practice on your own.
- Determine your skin type. Know if it's sensitive, oily, combination or dry skin. Then get the right skincare treatment.
- If you suffer from acne, you should look for specific products to cleanse your skin, such as face cleansers with medications and products that contain benzoyl peroxide, a powerful but effective substance that many people are allergic to.
- Remember to only use products designed for your skin type.
- Start a routine and follow it every day, be consistent!

Step 2. Consult a dermatologist if necessary
Decide what your best features are. Choose appropriate colors that suit you (you can ask the staff of a cosmetics store to help you choose the right colors) and learn how to apply makeup to accentuate those characteristics

Step 3. Don't use too much makeup on your lips, eyes and cheeks
You will look too charged.

Step 4. Try to limit colors to neutral or flesh tones that blend well with your skin and give you a natural look

Step 5. Shop
Look for tricks that are appropriate for your skin and hair color. Don't buy the same brands and colors your friends buy.

Step 6. Try to shop at a beauty center, where you can get professional advice based on your skin type and tone
The initial investment will be higher, but the likelihood of buying unsuitable products will be lower. Supermarkets won't give you a chance to try different colors, and shop assistants don't have the experience to help you. Be sure to ask how to make up to look natural, and before buying any product, check that it is appropriate and that you like it.

Step 7. Look for a foundation the color of your skin, a powder that is a shade lighter than your skin, a concealer for blemishes, lip glosses, eyeliner and mascara
Some teens prefer a tinted moisturizer for an even color that cleanses the skin at the same time. Remember not to overdo it. Remove all makeup everyday and reapply it the following day. Never keep it on your skin when you sleep, as it will block pores and cause blackheads.

Step 8. Find your style and take notes to remember the makeup process

Step 9. Write down the application process and use your notes to put on makeup until you can remember it by heart
Try new colors and looks, but make sure you always look natural. When you find a look you like, write down the makeup you applied. Eventually you will create looks for different outfits, events and seasons.

Step 10. Try the advice you find in the magazines to see if they are right for you
Try them at home before you go out. Remember that magazines push their advertisers' products. A particular makeup might look great on the model, but not so beautiful on you.

Step 11. Try to coordinate your makeup so that the colors complement each other
Do not use neutral and light tones in every point, and try to avoid blood red lips, because they are excessive.

Step 12. Limit yourself to using neutral colors that match your skin tone
- Learn how to apply the blush correctly, so it doesn't look too loaded or bring out unwanted spots. The following are common starting points, but each face is different.
- If you have pale or fair skin, try a light pink or nude blush.
- If you have medium or olive skin, try a coral blush.
- If you have dark skin, try a deeper colored blush.

Step 13. Since every face is different, you should make sure that whatever color you choose is suitable for your skin type, shade, hair and eye color

Step 14. Apply a light powder to your face after applying moisturizer or foundation
- The first few times you wear makeup, it's best to start with some blush, but not too much, and maybe some mascara and eyeliner.
- Remember to remove the mascara after one day. If you forget about it and don't apply makeup the next day, you will look awful. Also, don't use too much eyeliner until you are more experienced, as it is easy to get it wrong.
- An easy way to replace mascara is to apply eyeliner, in a progressively thicker line, to the upper lid just above the lashes to make them appear longer and fuller.

Step 15. Limit yourself to natural colors (no blue, emerald or pink) for eyeliner and mascara, and use very light colors for eyeshadows

Step 16. It is best not to wear lipstick
Limit yourself to some colored lip gloss. You would look too loaded otherwise!
- Use good lighting when applying makeup. If you put on too much makeup, more pimples will appear. Too much mascara and eyeshadow will make you look too loaded. You won't look good if you put on too much blush due to low lighting.
- You don't need to match makeup with every outfit. Many people choose a few neutral colors and use them every day.
- Remember not to scratch your skin. You will promote premature wrinkles.
- Many cosmetics are made with natural oils and can expire like food! Check the label! Otherwise, you risk getting an eye infection or an acne breakout.
- Wearing more makeup for special occasions isn't always the best choice.
- Your parents may not allow you to buy makeup or wear makeup at school. You should still ask to be able to use lip glosses and skincare products that are suitable for your skin type.
- Tinted moisturizers are often a good choice for normal, combination or dry skin. You may need to avoid wearing makeup with moisturizers if you have acne or tend to suffer from breakouts.
- Eyeliner on the lower lid is a bad idea unless you have very large eyes, as it will make your eyes look smaller. Scientific studies have shown that people with large eyes are subconsciously more attractive than those who don't, so if you have really huge eyes, use eyeliner only on the upper lid.
- Ask a friend what your look is like before trying it out in public.
- Don't use too much eyeliner. Many girls make this mistake, and end up with panda eyes. It often happens on rainy days and when you play with friends. Just put on a thin line of eyeliner.
- Don't use glitter blushes, they can trigger breakouts and are in bad taste. Save them for special occasions.
- Don't put on any more makeup before PE time, kids won't notice. If you want, you can touch up your makeup after the hour, but hurry!
- Do not overdo it. Remember that you are still in the media. Many magazines retouch photos to make models sporting the new makeup look perfect.
- Use only a few brands of makeup, so that if you have an allergic reaction you will know which brands you should stop using. You should try new tricks on the weekend or during the holidays, when you don't have to go to school. This way you can get people's opinions before you show up at school with the new makeup.
- Don't go overboard with lipstick at your age. It is best to use a shimmery lip gloss. The lipstick will give the impression that you are trying too hard to look great. If you have small lips, use a lighter shade. If you have darker skin, try using a darker lip gloss, such as a medium red or a reddish orange.
- Eyeshadow can be a blessing or a disaster, use shades that accentuate your best features. Limit yourself to light colors, such as gold, light pink, or brown.
- If you have beautiful skin, don't ruin it by using cleansers, moisturizers, and exfoliators, or you'll end up causing pimples. Simply wash your face in the morning and evening with soap to keep your skin clean.
- Don't wear makeup without your parents knowing if they haven't given you permission to do so. They will find you, and when they do, they will stop you altogether. Be patient!
- Remember, you are the only person who can judge your appearance. Don't change just because someone says you should. That said, if someone you trust points out that you're overdoing your makeup, consider their advice.