Xenophobia is fear and contempt for the stranger. People who look different, who speak another language, or who have different habits are considered a threat by individuals who are used to only one particular ethnic group, lifestyle or behavior. However, this is an aversion that can be overcome by addressing it directly, involving the community or requesting police intervention.
Method 1 of 2: Fighting a Good Battle (Personal Solutions to Everyday Xenophobic Attitudes)

Step 1. Confront xenophobic people in your everyday life
You may have a relative or friend with nationalist or racist views. Spend time talking to this person about their point of view. When you have a conversation with a racist, nationalist or xenophobic individual, avoid attacking them directly; instead try to emphasize that his beliefs are wrong, remind him that he is a good person, who can and should let go of his intolerance.
- Use reasoned and calm arguments to show him that there is no need to be afraid of foreigners just because they are different.
- Surprise him with new information that could change his perspective: for example, if a Catholic is afraid of Muslims, you could tell him that the Muslim faithful have a deep reverence for Mary or that they recognize Jesus as a great teacher.

Step 2. Ask him why he perceives a different group as a threat
Xenophobia is often nothing more than a feeling of suspicion or distrust of "others". Cornering a person to explain exactly why they view cultural, religious, or dress differences as a danger is the first step in helping them question their own bias. Is the problem the color of the skin? The accent? Could it be religious belief or behavior? These are some of the most common causes of xenophobia.

Step 3. Show how much this intolerance creates problems
Xenophobia triggers discriminatory, racist and nationalist behaviors that can inspire violence, hostility and exploitation. Many of the worst atrocities - from the Holocaust to the Rwanda Genocide - have been inspired by xenophobic sentiments. Informing people of these historical events helps prevent future xenophobic outbursts. Other examples of this racist behavior, which were later recognized as disasters or violations, are:
- The case of Sacco and Vanzetti;
- The internment of Japanese Americans during the Second World War;
- The riots in Alexandra, South Africa, in 2008.

Step 4. Make fun of xenophobia
Comedy can reveal the absurdity that underlies intolerant rhetoric. Use jokes and satire to illustrate how foolish it is to disrespect and withhold help from others just because they are different. For example, in Hungary a popular comedy group criticized the government's proposal to build a wall along the border to prevent access for immigrants, demonstrating excitement over the return of the Iron Curtain.
- You could also draw a cartoon character who ridicules xenophobic politics and demagogues.
- Although intolerance towards foreigners is a serious problem, comedy is a great tool for expressing disagreement and challenging xenophobic beliefs.

Step 5. Live by your ideals
Be an example to others of how a more united and tolerant world can be created. Establish coalitions with groups marginalized by political and social issues; alternatively, join a sports team, club or group made up of members of different ethnicities. Study groups for foreign languages are a great choice, as are cooking classes that teach techniques from around the world. Demonstrating solidarity in a visible way in everyday life is a simple but important gesture to defeat xenophobia.
Celebrate diversity. If you live in a big city like Rome or Milan, visit the Chinese neighborhoods or those frequented mainly by people from other countries. Talk to the people who live in these areas and regularly go to their shops
Method 2 of 2: Finding Help (Sociopolitical Solutions)

Step 1. Vote for progressive minded politicians
Xenophobia in politics manifests itself as chauvinism, an extreme and very narrow nationalism that is combined with an aggressive foreign policy. Progressive politicians are the opposite: they fight for peaceful solutions, value multiculturalism and believe in equality between people, regardless of nation, religion or faith. Avoid voting on those individuals who support war or punitive sanctions against an ethnic or cultural group just because it is different.

Step 2. Encourage laws that fight xenophobia
Regulations that prevent hate speech and hate crimes are powerful deterrents against xenophobic acts. Racists and intolerants tend to support immigration and refugee reception laws that restrict the flow of individuals seeking asylum.
- Report crimes and hate speech.
- When foreigners are threatened, attacked or someone destroys their shops, it is necessary to find the perpetrator. Punishing people who do this sends the clear message that xenophobia is not accepted.
- It is essential to get the support and help of the law. The police are often not prepared to handle hate crimes or, worse, they are among the biggest exploiters of refugees, immigrants and foreigners.

Step 3. Insist that institutional parity is respected
Make curricula that value diversity and encourage tolerance towards cultures other than your own. Likewise, establish workplace guidelines for hiring, firing, benefits and wages to ensure equal treatment for all workers. In schools, industry and government sectors, it seeks to promote a positive image of minorities, foreigners, asylum seekers, other people who are marginalized and who run the risk of being the target of xenophobic attacks.

Step 4. Organize against intolerance and racism
Founds a non-profit group or organization that works for integration and social equality; organize rallies or marches against xenophobic episodes and laws.
- The marches send a very strong signal to xenophobic people that their behavior is not tolerated.
- Use social media to spread the message and your initiatives.
- Promote public education and awareness campaigns to emphasize that refugees and foreigners deserve respect and empathy.
- Include marginalized people in decision making.
- Use important holidays, such as World Refugee Day (June 20) or International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (March 21), to bring attention to the problem of xenophobia.

Step 5. Get the attention of the press
Journalists are an important source of information and education in the fight against intolerance. Write to your local newspaper, news website of your choice or your favorite magazine asking for more stories about xenophobia and how it ruins people's lives both abroad and in your country. Re-publish the news you find online through social networks, make xenophobia a visible problem.
Start a blog to criticize and document xenophobic feelings expressed by public figures, celebrities, or even just by the people around you

Step 6. Involve the victims of xenophobic acts in your struggle
The "others" should take part in the decision-making process to understand how they suffer the xenophobic attitude and what they think is the best way to combat it. Encourage immigrants, refugees, victims of racism and discrimination to make their experiences and feelings public.
- Provide victims with a way to report attackers; the quantity and quality of evidence is generally quite poor in cases of xenophobic harassment and violence.
- Help the victims of these attacks. This means providing food, shelter, clothing, and non-material support, such as psychological therapy.
- Let xenophobic victims know that they have rights and that they should not suffer in silence.
- If you are xenophobic, ask others to help you reconsider your point of view.
- Fighting to defeat xenophobia is a noble goal, but remember that it takes generations of activists to achieve it. Many causes that lead to this attitude have deep historical or psychological roots. Despite this, don't give up!