How to Create a Text Adventure (with Pictures)

Table of contents:

How to Create a Text Adventure (with Pictures)
How to Create a Text Adventure (with Pictures)

Text-based adventure games, also known as interactive fiction ("IF" for short), were the earliest form of computer games and maintain a small but loyal following to this day. Usually you can download them for free, they require very low system requirements, and best of all, you can create them yourself, without any programming knowledge.


Part 1 of 3: Choosing the Software

Make a Text Based Game Step 1
Make a Text Based Game Step 1

Step 1. Try Inform 7

Inform 7 is a popular and powerful tool for creating text games, often referred to as interactive fiction. Its programming language is designed to look like simple English sentences, without losing functionality. Inform 7 is free and available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Make a Text Based Game Step 2
Make a Text Based Game Step 2

Step 2. Use Adrift to easily create games on Windows

Adrift is another popular and easy-to-use language for interactive fiction with a compiler. Since it relies on a graphical interface and not coding, it is probably the easiest tool for a non-programmer to use. Adrift is free and available only for Windows, although games created with it can be played on any operating system or browser.

Make a Text Based Game Step 3
Make a Text Based Game Step 3

Step 3. Consider TADS 3 if you have some basic programming

If you prefer to approach the creation of a text game as a programming project, TADS 3 is the most complete program. It will be particularly easy to use if you know C ++ and / or Javascript. TADS 3 is free and available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

  • The (only) Windows version of TADS 3 offers a "Workbench" that makes the program much more accessible to non-programmers, and makes it easier to use in general.
  • Programmers may be interested in this in-depth comparison between Inform 7 and TADS 3.
Make a Text Based Game Step 4
Make a Text Based Game Step 4

Step 4. Explore other commonly used options

The tools mentioned above are by far the most popular, but there are many others that have a strong following in the interactive fiction community. If none of the tools mentioned piques your interest, or if you want to explore other options, try these programs:

  • Hugo
  • ALAN
Make a Text Based Game Step 5
Make a Text Based Game Step 5

Step 5. Try a browser-based option

You can get started right away without having to download any programs by using one of the following tools:

  • Quest (similar to the tools mentioned above)
  • Twine (easy to use visual editor)
  • StoryNexus (player will have to click on items instead of guessing what to write; StoryNexus makes your games available online; includes monetization options)

Part 2 of 3: Getting Started

Make a Text Based Game Step 6
Make a Text Based Game Step 6

Step 1. Familiarize yourself with the text commands

Most text-based games are played by entering commands with the keyboard. Anyone who has played such games before expects you to include some commands in your game, such as "examine (object)" and "get (object)".

  • The manual or tutorial for your software should introduce you to these commands and how to include them in the game.
  • Often, a game has additional unique commands, which can range from "swing your stick" to "mow the garden". You should always let players know about these options, unless you enter them as jokes or Easter eggs which are not required for game completion.
Make a Text Based Game Step 7
Make a Text Based Game Step 7

Step 2. Plan the map and player progression

The most common form of interactive fiction involves the exploration of different places, called "rooms" even if they are outdoors. A good starting project may include one or two rooms to explore, other rooms that can be reached after simple research or problem solving, and a more complex puzzle that the player must solve by thinking or searching deeply.

Alternatively, you can make a project that focuses more on player decisions than on solving puzzles. For example, you can write an exciting story that is based on the player's relationship with another character, or a story with a complex plot where the player has to make many decisions, then deal with the consequences in the following scenes. This type of game can still make use of a geographic map, or it can use "rooms" that are more like scenes, allowing the player to explore various panels that explore those themes

Make a Text Based Game Step 8
Make a Text Based Game Step 8

Step 3. Learn the syntax of the program

If your room does not work as you would like, or if you do not know how to achieve the desired effect with your program, look for the "documentation" or "help" menus, or a "Read me" or "Read me" file in the same folder as the instrument. If you do not find the information you are looking for, ask a question on a forum of the site where you found the software, or on a forum that deals with interactive fiction.

Make a Text Based Game Step 9
Make a Text Based Game Step 9

Step 4. Create the introduction and the first stanza

Once you've created the basic plan for your game, write a short introduction to describe it, explain unusual commands, and alert the audience to the presence of adult content if necessary. Then, start writing the description of the first room. Try to make the first setting interesting, as many players will stop playing if you start them in an empty apartment. Here is an example of the first few scenes you might describe to someone just starting the game:

  • Introduction:

    You have redeemed your entire collection of food stamps for this boat, and now you are adrift on the open sea. Your typical luck. Better go see how Laura is doing. When the storm came, he had to be in the engine room.

  • Logistics and content notices:

    Welcome to "The Frugal Man's Boat Trip". Type "check coupons" to see your current collection. Use the command "redeem" followed by the name of the voucher to obtain mysterious useful items. Warning: The game describes acts of mild violence and cannibalism.

  • Room description:

    You are in a cabin with oak wood walls. The metal frame of the bed broke during the storm and the single mattress lies torn and soaked under the liquor cabinet. To the north is a closed door.

Make a Text Based Game Step 10
Make a Text Based Game Step 10

Step 5. Create the commands for the first room

Find ways to allow the player to interact with each item you mentioned. At a minimum, it should be able to "examine" (or "x") any object. Here are some examples of commands the player can use and the text they will be able to read as a result:

  • examines mattress - stuffed with the finest quality goose feathers, most of which are now floating around the room. Soaked and smells of alcohol.
  • x i - You are exhausted, and you are wearing only the worn pink bathrobe you put on just before the storm. The bathrobe has a pocket and a cotton band.
  • open door - the handle turns, but the door does not open. You have the impression that there is something heavy on the other side.
Make a Text Based Game Step 11
Make a Text Based Game Step 11

Step 6. Turn the first room into a simple puzzle

A classic start asks players to find a way out of the room. It doesn't have to be a complicated puzzle, but it has to give an idea of what the game will be like. You will also teach the player to read carefully and look for clues. For example, after typing the above commands, the player should proceed in this way to exit the room:

  • collect mattress - As soon as you lift it, a stench of tequila hits your nostrils. This explains why the mattress is soaking wet… you toss it aside and dry your hands on the bathrobe.
  • x room - You are in a cabin with oak walls. The metal frame of the bed broke during the storm and the single mattress lies torn and soaked under the liquor cabinet. In the corner is a liquor cabinet. To the north is a closed door. There is a broken bottle on the floor.
  • collect bottle - Collect the broken tequila bottle. Nothing is thrown away.
  • x pocket - Your wallet is still in place. Thank god.
  • x wallet - You may have sold your meal vouchers, but you still have your emergency vouchers in your wallet. You currently have a good crowbar it's a good whistle.
  • redeem crowbar - You hold the coupon of the foot to the body and clear your throat. The coupon takes off and disappears and a few moments later a useful crowbar falls into your hands.
  • open door with crowbar - Insert your body foot into the door opening and push with all your strength. A roar from the other side surprises you. With another try, you'll open the door, but you'd better have a gun ready.
  • open door with crowbar - This time the door offers no resistance. It opens easily and reveals behind it a large gray wolf staring at you. You better think fast - you can only choose one option.
  • hit wolf with bottle - Hit the wolf in the nose with the broken bottle. It whines and runs away. The road to the north is now clear.

Part 3 of 3: Finishing and Concluding the Game

Make a Text Based Game Step 12
Make a Text Based Game Step 12

Step 1. Use verbs and nouns that are easy to understand

As a creator, you will become so familiar with the game terms that it will almost feel like second nature to you. Other people only have a few lines of instructions to work with. Whenever you add a new command or item, especially one that is critical to game progression, make sure it's easy to use.

  • Always use valid object names in the room description. For example, if a player enters a room and reads the description of "a painting", make sure that "painting" is the term for that object in the game. If you use the term "painting" instead, it will be much more difficult for players to interact with that object.
  • Allow to insert synonyms of verbs. Spend some time thinking about how a player might try to use items. A player may need to operate a button with "push button", "push button", "use button", etc. Against an enemy the player could use the terms "attack", "hit" and "punch", as well as "use (any object that can be considered a weapon) on (enemy)".
Make a Text Based Game Step 13
Make a Text Based Game Step 13

Step 2. Try to create realistic puzzles

Don't let your thoughtfully crafted puzzles break the player's immersion in the environment. You may feel awfully clever about creating a puzzle that requires a Viking helmet, dynamite, and a beehive, but it's not reasonable to discover these items in a spaceship or classroom. Your setting will not be consistent, and it will be clear to players that the items have been inserted for use in a puzzle.

  • Allowing players to solve puzzles in more than one way makes them even more realistic, as does allowing them to use an item in more than one puzzle or more than one way.
  • Create puzzles that are relevant. The character should have a reason to solve them.
  • Avoid artificial puzzles like hanoi towers, mazes and logic games.
Make a Text Based Game Step 14
Make a Text Based Game Step 14

Step 3. Treat the players fairly

The old adventure games are famous for cruel results such as "Collect the stone, resulting in an avalanche that engulfs you. Game over." Today, players prefer their skills to be rewarded. In addition to avoiding arbitrary player death, here are other design goals to keep in mind:

  • Do not allow important events to be based on the roll of a die. In most cases, if a player has figured out what to do, they should be 100% successful.
  • Offer clues to the most difficult puzzles and enter no more than two or three red herrings.
  • Do not create a puzzle that cannot be solved the first time a player faces the story, such as a puzzle that requires you to know information presented in a later area or a tricky puzzle that causes the player to die if not done correctly.
  • It is permissible to permanently close a zone during the game, but the player should receive a warning before this happens. If a choice makes the game impossible to complete, you should make it clear well in advance, and it should result in the game ending, instead of leaving the player hoping to fix it.
Make a Text Based Game Step 15
Make a Text Based Game Step 15

Step 4. Write the endings

Take the time to make each ending interesting. If the player loses, he should still receive a descriptive section explaining specifically what happened, and encouraging him to try again. If the player wins, reserve them a long and triumphant ending, and consider allowing them to savor the victory with some actions in a special ending room.

Make a Text Based Game Step 16
Make a Text Based Game Step 16

Step 5. Find more tips and inspiration

There are dozens if not hundreds of articles available on Brass Lantern, Interactive Fiction Database, and IFWiki, where you can hone your knowledge on specific topics, such as how to create compelling characters, or how to program objects with complex interactions. Even more important is the large collection of text-based games on IF Archive, where you can find out what you like firsthand by playing your favorite titles. Here are some great resources to start with:

  • The collection of quotes from IF Gems.
  • Theoretical Book on IF
  • Craft of Adventure
Make a Text Based Game Step 17
Make a Text Based Game Step 17

Step 6. Go to the beta testing phase

When the game seems complete, finish it several times. Try to follow all possible paths and try to perform the actions in a "strange" order, which you would not foresee. Once you have corrected any errors, ask for help from friends, family or known IF players on the internet to try your game the same way. Encourage them to comment on the parts they found frustrating and the parts they found funny, and consider their suggestions for any additional tweaks or options.

Save often or use the "undo" command, if available, so you can try different paths without starting over each time

Make a Text Based Game Step 18
Make a Text Based Game Step 18

Step 7. Publish

Some text game creation programs also offer an online platform where you can upload your game. Most commonly, the creator will upload the game to IF Archive, and post a description of it on IFDB.

  • Share links to your games on social networks and forums dealing with interactive fiction for greater exposure.
  • The vast majority of text games are offered for free. You can charge for your creation, but if it's your first project and you don't have a loyal fan base, don't expect many buyers.
