3 Ways to Make a Cake in Minecraft

Table of contents:

3 Ways to Make a Cake in Minecraft
3 Ways to Make a Cake in Minecraft

Cake is a type of food that can be created and eaten in the Minecraft game. It appears as a solid block (the only edible block in the game so far), consisting of a spongy base and a white icing decorated with cherries.


Method 1 of 3: Find the Materials

Make a Cake in Minecraft Step 1
Make a Cake in Minecraft Step 1

Step 1. Get three buckets of milk

To do this, click directly on a cow or mooshroom while your character is holding a bucket.

Make a Cake in Minecraft Step 2
Make a Cake in Minecraft Step 2

Step 2. Get a chicken egg

They are laid by chickens that roam the natural environment. You can also restrain a chicken by catching it inside an enclosure.

Make a Cake in Minecraft Step 3
Make a Cake in Minecraft Step 3

Step 3. Get some sugar (2)

Sugar comes from sugar cane and can only be eaten in the form of a recipe ingredient.

Make a Cake in Minecraft Step 4
Make a Cake in Minecraft Step 4

Step 4. Get some wheat (3)

It will act as "flour" for the cake. Wheat can be grown or found in dungeon chests.

Method 2 of 3: Building the Cake

Make a Cake in Minecraft Step 5
Make a Cake in Minecraft Step 5

Step 1. Put the ingredients on the work table

Follow the pattern below:

  • Place the 3 buckets of milk in the three upper spaces of the table.
  • Place the sugar in place four and place six, on the left and right of the center place.
  • Place the egg in the middle place.
  • Place the grain in the three remaining lower places.
Make a Cake in Minecraft Step 6
Make a Cake in Minecraft Step 6

Step 2. Create your cake

To remove inventory, drag it or hold down the shift key while clicking the mouse. The three empty milk buckets will automatically be returned to your inventory.

Method 3 of 3: Eat the Cake

Each block of cake consists of six slices.

Make a Cake in Minecraft Step 7
Make a Cake in Minecraft Step 7

Step 1. Place the pie block on another block

It is not possible to eat the cake while holding it. You cannot place the cake where it is not possible to build.

Make a Cake in Minecraft Step 8
Make a Cake in Minecraft Step 8

Step 2. Click on the cake to eat a slice

Make a Cake in Minecraft Step 9
Make a Cake in Minecraft Step 9

Step 3. Share your cake

It is possible to share a slice of cake with another player, remember that each cake contains six slices.


  • After creating your first cake you will unlock the achievement "The Lie".
  • It will take some time to get the ingredients you need. A beginner will not be able to make a cake quickly.
  • Cakes are more fun than a reliable source of food. They have a lot of ingredients, aren't stackable (so they take up a lot of inventory space if you have more than one), and only provide a low level of saturation. It is probably best to keep them for a celebration or a shared activity while playing. A pie has the advantage of healing 9 units of the hunger bar.


  • If you destroy a cake, you lose it and earn nothing, because no resources will be returned to you.
  • Partially eaten cakes cannot be returned to your inventory. To finish them, you will have to go back to the place where you left them and continue eating them.