How to Quote on Reddit: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Quote on Reddit: 7 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Quote on Reddit: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

Reddit is a forum / social network where users interact, share and comment on any multimedia element and interesting site. The most followed items rise in the rankings. When you comment on a post, you can choose to "cite", or insert a piece of text taken from another source. The quote will be separate from the rest of the comment. Adding quotes can help liven up a discussion and give your comments a more formal look.


Quote on Reddit Step 1
Quote on Reddit Step 1

Step 1. Log into your Reddit account

Once logged in, you can comment and share posts.

Note: if you haven't done so yet, it's very easy to create an account. All you need is an email address. You can adjust your settings to avoid getting notifications from Reddit

Quote on Reddit Step 2
Quote on Reddit Step 2

Step 2. If you are interested in a post, you can join the discussion by clicking on "comments"

Click on the post title to open its discussion.

Quote on Reddit Step 3
Quote on Reddit Step 3

Step 3. If you are aware of another article or post useful to carry on the discussion, copy the text of the article or post you wish to quote

Quote on Reddit Step 4
Quote on Reddit Step 4

Step 4. Provide context

In the Reddit text box, briefly illustrate your point of view, before or after the quote. If you are citing an authority, you may want to introduce it to other readers to give more weight to the citation.

Quote on Reddit Step 5
Quote on Reddit Step 5

Step 5. Paste the quoted text into the text box before or after your sentence

Quote on Reddit Step 6
Quote on Reddit Step 6

Step 6. Insert the ">" symbol before the quote

Text entered before or after the quote will be distinguished from the rest of the comment by a solid, indented vertical line. If you want to widen the recess further, add another ">". To add your response to the quote, press ENTER twice (leaving a blank line between the quote and your response) and type your response. Otherwise, the answer will be included in the quote.

Quote on Reddit Step 7
Quote on Reddit Step 7

Step 7. Save

Click on "Save", and you are done! Check back after a while to see if anyone has replied to your comment.


  • Stick to the topic of discussion and respect other users, or you will lose credibility.
  • Be sure to mention your source. Enter a URL, source name and title (if relevant).
  • If you have a blog, you could increase views by posting comments from your articles.
