This article shows you how to edit the captions of photos and videos that you have already posted on your Instagram account. It also explains how to change other details of a post, such as location, tags, and what is called "alt text" or "alternative text".

Step 1. Launch the Instagram app on your smartphone or tablet
It features a multicolored icon depicting a camera. It is normally placed directly on one of the pages that make up the Home of the device or within the "Applications" panel (in the case of an Android device).

Step 2. Tap the profile icon
It features a stylized human silhouette placed in the lower right corner of the screen. All the posts you have published on Instagram will be displayed.

Step 3. Select the post you want to edit
If the photos and videos you posted on Instagram appear in the form of a grid, tap the corresponding preview image. Otherwise, scroll through the list until you find the post whose caption you want to change.

Step 4. Press the ⋯ button (on iPhone / iPad) or ⁝ (on Android).
It is placed in the upper right corner of the chosen photo or video. A context menu will be displayed.

Step 5. Choose the Edit option
The caption of the selected post will be displayed so that you can edit it as you wish.

Step 6. Edit the post caption
You can delete the existing text and type in the new one or you can simply add the missing information.

Step 7. Edit the other post details (optional)
- To add the geographic location, select the option add location at the top of the photo, then choose the location to use. To edit an existing place select it, then choose the option Edit place to be able to choose a new one (or Delete place to clear the tag).
- To edit a photo or video tag, select it, then tap the icon X to delete it. To add a new tag, select the option Tag people, tap the person or object displayed in the photo, then select the user to tag.
- To change the "alt text" (the description of the post that will be read to Instagram users who have vision problems), tap the option Edit, choose the item Add alt text at the bottom right, then edit the post description according to your needs and press the button end located in the upper right corner of the screen.

Step 8. Press the Finish button to save the new changes
It is located in the upper right corner of the screen. The new caption (and any other information you have changed or added) will be saved and published.