How to Get Rid of Body Lice: 3 Steps

How to Get Rid of Body Lice: 3 Steps
How to Get Rid of Body Lice: 3 Steps

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Body lice are tiny parasitic insects about 2, 3 - 3, 6 mm long. They live in clothing and only move to the skin to feed. In the clothes they also lay their eggs. This article will show you the steps required to deal with a body lice infestation.


Treat Body Lice Step 1
Treat Body Lice Step 1

Step 1. Change into clean clothes frequently

Body lice prefer to live in unhealthy conditions.

Treat Body Lice Step 2
Treat Body Lice Step 2

Step 2. Bathe regularly and improve your personal hygiene

Body lice live and reproduce on your skin.

Treat Body Lice Step 3
Treat Body Lice Step 3

Step 3. A person infested with lice can also be treated with a pediculicide drug, a medicine that can kill them

However, it will not be necessary to resort to a pediculicide drug if the person's clothing is washed at least once a week and if a correct hygienic state is maintained. A pediculicidal medication will need to be applied exactly as directed by your doctor or the instructions on the package.


  • Do not share bedding, clothing, or towels with a person infested with body lice.
  • At least once a week, wash your clothes with a boiling water cycle and dry them by setting the dryer on a high temperature.


  • Pediculosis corporis is a disease caused by a prolonged lice infestation for a significant period of time. The disease consists of darkening and hardening of the skin in highly bitten areas, usually those of the midsection of the body.
  • Body lice are known to be transmitters of disease. If you have any rashes or infections caused by too much scratching, see a doctor.
  • The spread of relapsing fever and typhus was caused by body lice.