3 Ways to Get Rid of Super Lice

3 Ways to Get Rid of Super Lice
3 Ways to Get Rid of Super Lice

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Head lice infestations are becoming an increasingly serious problem with the new "super lice," parasites that have become resistant to common over-the-counter chemicals. Since these insects have undergone genetic mutations, they are not destroyed by standard commercial treatments and some families find it very difficult to get rid of; however, by carefully combing your hair and using a specific comb, you can get rid of it completely.


Method 1 of 3: Coping with the Infestation

Get Rid of Super Lice Step 1
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 1

Step 1. Call the doctor

If your baby has head lice, you should contact your pediatrician to find out if it is the common strain or the resistant one. if it falls within the latter species, the doctor may prescribe an alternative drug or remedy.

If it's not the super louse, you can use a regular over-the-counter product to get rid of the infestation

Get Rid of Super Lice Step 2
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 2

Step 2. Wash all the sheets

If parasites have hit your child, you should wash sheets, towels, blankets, and clothing that has come into contact with their hair. this way, you can kill the insects or nits and avoid the risk of them re-infecting the baby.

Wash the laundry in very hot water to get rid of eggs and adult insects

Get Rid of Super Lice Step 3
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 3

Step 3. Vacuum your upholstery and floors

In addition to thoroughly washing the sheets and so on, it is important to pay attention to the cleanliness of the house. Be sure to treat carpets, rugs, furniture, car seats and washable cushions; this procedure helps to remove the insects that have fallen from the baby's head.

The use of a vacuum cleaner also allows you to eliminate the nits that have remained on the surfaces

Get Rid of Super Lice Step 4
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 4

Step 4. Take your child to a specialized center

If you can't get rid of it with home remedies or don't have time to treat your baby's hair with the special pediculosis comb, you can opt for this solution. These are facilities where staff do the hair treatment for you; Heat is also often used to kill insects and eggs.

However, keep in mind that it may be a rather expensive procedure and is not available in every location

Get Rid of Super Lice Step 5
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 5

Step 5. Check the baby's hair once a week

Detecting the infestation early is one of the best ways to get rid of it, as it stops the development of new nits right away, before the situation becomes unmanageable. Examine your baby's head on a weekly basis for eggs or adult specimens.

  • Use a fine-toothed metal comb; the space between the teeth must be small enough to allow you to remove parasites from the hair.
  • Separate the hair into small sections, so you have a better view of the scalp and strands, in case parasites or nits have nested.
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 6
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 6

Step 6. Encourage the child not to share personal items

Your child can get lice from other children who are already infested; then teach him not to share anything that comes into contact with his head, such as a comb, brush, hair accessories, cap, helmet or any other item.

  • Proceed with caution when storing items for the garment, such as hats, helmets or scarves, in the common spaces; if they stay in a locker, dresser, wardrobe or hatbox during a party, both you and your child run the risk of infesting them.
  • Warn the child to be careful when playing; if he touches the heads of other children or puts his own against that of his classmates, he can transfer the lice.

Method 2 of 3: Choose a Natural Product to Get Rid of Resistant Lice

Get Rid of Super Lice Step 7
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 7

Step 1. Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar

You can follow this treatment before applying an oil, such as olive or coconut oil. Apple cider vinegar helps loosen the eggs that stick to the hair, making them easier to comb out.

It is important to put an oil or other similar substance on the hair, as long as it is dry; the oil adheres to eggs and adult insects, suffocating them so that they detach more easily

Get Rid of Super Lice Step 8
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 8

Step 2. Use a conditioner

Apply a thick one to try to eliminate nits and insects; the fact that it is thick helps to move and suffocate both.

Try some brands like Pantene; check its consistency before using it, because if it is too liquid it will not be able to collect eggs and parasites

Get Rid of Super Lice Step 9
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 9

Step 3. Apply an oil

To treat pediculosis, you can use some cooking ones, such as olive or coconut, since they adhere to both parasites and nits, killing them and helping to remove them with the comb.

Make sure you completely cover your hair with the oil

Get Rid of Super Lice Step 10
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 10

Step 4. Try the mayonnaise

This is another useful home remedy for your purpose, as it contains oil that can detach lice and eggs from the hair shaft and at the same time has a thick consistency that allows the bugs to collect.

However, keep in mind that it may have an unpleasant or bad smell; evaluate if you or your child have any aversion to the product before using it

Get Rid of Super Lice Step 11
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 11

Step 5. Use essential oils

Applied to the baby's head, they can help eradicate the infestation; those of tea tree, lavender and neem have proved useful for this purpose. Mix the shampoo with an essential oil, let it sit for about 15-20 minutes, and then use a fine-toothed comb.

Add 20 drops of tea tree oil and a few drops of lavender oil to the baby's shampoo

Get Rid of Super Lice Step 12
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 12

Step 6. Leave the oil on your hair for several hours

In order for the olive or coconut oil to suffocate insects, it must remain in place on the foliage for at least eight hours; then saturate all the strands with oil and cover your head with a shower cap.

You should proceed with this remedy during the day; if you put the cap or plastic bag on the baby's head while he sleeps, he could choke

Avoid Mosquito Bites During Pregnancy Step 12
Avoid Mosquito Bites During Pregnancy Step 12

Step 7. Use an over-the-counter and prescription product

Some topical head lice medications are becoming ineffective due to new strains of resistant parasites; however, there are still drugs for which resistance has not been found so far or at least has not yet been reported. Among these consider:

  • 0.5% ivermectin lotion;
  • 5% benzyl alcohol lotion;
  • Spinosad in topical suspension at 0, 9%;
  • 0.5% Sickness Lotion (to date resistance to this product has only been found in the UK);
  • In cases of severe infestations, oral ivermectin tablets are sometimes recommended, although this treatment is not approved by the FDA.

Method 3 of 3: Thoroughly Comb the Hair

Get Rid of Super Lice Step 13
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 13

Step 1. Divide your hair into sections

Once they are impregnated with the liquid substance of your choice, you need to separate them into sections. Start by dividing them into four to eight sectors using hairpins; make sure that they are small enough strands that you can easily comb them at once.

Next, you need to cut them down into even smaller sections as you comb them

Get Rid of Super Lice Step 14
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 14

Step 2. Keep them separate

Make sure they are far enough away from each other during the procedure; you have to comb every single section in a very methodical way, therefore avoid "contaminating" the clean one by combing it or touching it with another that you still have to treat.

Start on one side of the head and then work on the other

Get Rid of Super Lice Step 15
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 15

Step 3. Comb very carefully

Start with the top section; use a fine-toothed comb and proceed by combing every single inch of hair, from the scalp to the tips; you should see the eggs and parasites sticking to the comb's teeth as you go.

Make sure to comb all the hair; take care of the upper, lower, right and left sections

Get Rid of Super Lice Step 16
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 16

Step 4. Clean the comb as you go

When you run it through your hair, nits and adult specimens stick to the tool's teeth; You must therefore make sure to clean it carefully after each stroke, in order to get rid of the parasites and prevent them from recontaminating the strands when you swipe the comb a second time.

  • Rub it with kitchen paper to remove the lice.
  • Rinse it with very hot water to remove any oily residue from the comb.
  • Once the whole head is combed, throw the sheet of paper in a sealable bag and dispose of it properly. You can kill bugs and eggs that are on the comb by placing the comb in a zip lock bag and placing it in the freezer until you need it again.
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 17
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 17

Step 5. Wash your hair with dish soap

At the end of the comb procedure, you need to rinse off the oil, mayonnaise or conditioner you used; afterwards, wash the strands with dish soap and finish with a final rinse; finally comb your hair carefully once again.

The last phase of combing eliminates any residual eggs or parasites that may have only been moved by washing

Get Rid of Super Lice Step 18
Get Rid of Super Lice Step 18

Step 6. Repeat the whole process every few days

The best way to eradicate the infestation is to get rid of every single insect or nit and to achieve this you have to repeat the entire procedure every two or three days. By doing this, you can eliminate any new nit or parasites that have emerged after the last treatment.
