It can be difficult at times to interpret a guy's behavior, especially if he is the person you like. From his body language, his actions and his words it is possible to grasp a lot of important information. Pay attention to how he behaves when he is with you, you will be able to understand his intentions.
Method 1 of 3: Read his Body Language

Step 1. See if he tries to make physical contact with you
It is not certain that you are looking for a contact just because you feel attraction and want to flirt, so you will have to learn to distinguish "friendly" touches from others that are more intense and of a different nature.
- If he gives you a pat on the back it means that he is comfortable with you and you are good friends, he is not necessarily trying. Likewise, high-fiving and punching are friendly gestures that do not denote a particular attraction.
- If, on the other hand, he touches your hand and tries to hug you a little longer than he hugs other friends, it is likely that he is interested in you and that he is trying to flirt.

Step 2. Check her looks
Exchanging glances is a typical action of courtship. The attraction becomes stronger through eye contact, the glances begin to be intense and frequent. Notice if he keeps his eyes on you often, or if his stares get longer than normal. This could be a good sign.
- Observe if he is always trying to look at you, even to tease you a little (this is another typical gesture of someone who is courting). He probably tries to understand your reactions, or he likes you so much that he can't take his eyes off you.
- Notice if he smiles at you often or plays witty at you. Wooing is a game and must be fun, even smiles are a way to communicate your interest.

Step 3. Observe how she moves and how she sits
Sometimes, when you are attracted to someone, you end up, albeit in an unconscious way, by imitating their gestures and attitudes. When you are together, observe if he does the same things you do, for example if you bring the cup to your lips at the same time.
- Pay attention to some details. Does he always sit facing you? Does he try to keep an eye on you? When you talk, does he do everything he can to get close?
- If she looks in the opposite direction, if her gaze is away, if she moves away from you in the middle of a conversation, if she crosses her arms or legs and walks away, chances are she isn't flirting.

Step 4. Notice if he raises his eyebrows when he talks to you
Men often do this when they are talking to a woman they care about. Also observe whether or not he makes the same gesture in front of other friends.
Method 2 of 3: Pay Attention to His Words

Step 1. See if she often asks for your opinion or advice
If he really likes you he will look for every opportunity to communicate with you, for example asking you to lend him a book, or follow your advice on music or cinema. He could also take advantage of the moment to flirt verbally, perhaps making fun of your choices.
If he often asks for your advice, it means that your opinion is very important to him, it could be a clear sign of his interest and his willingness to get closer to you. Or maybe you just have the same tastes as him

Step 2. See if he makes fun of you
Many guys when they court start to joke more than usual, even making fun of the girl they like. So notice if he makes jokes about something that concerns you, for example about your terrible sense of direction!
- If he jokes more than usual, try to get your attention and make you laugh. Maybe he wants to make you smile by making a joke about himself, or some awkward action he's done.
- But be careful that his jokes are never offensive. His jokes don't have to put you in insecurities, even if he was doing it just to flirt he was totally wrong in his strategy, avoid a guy like this.

Step 3. Notice if he compliments you
If a guy is interested in you and wants to flirt, he'll start to appreciate your qualities. Often in courtship compliments are combined with jokes and little teasing.
- He might compliment you on your looks, your smile, a piece of clothing you're wearing, etc.
- Or he might appreciate your skills. For example, your narrative style, your writing skills, your good grades in math or the way you play video games.

Step 4. Pay attention to veiled questions
Observe if he tries to allude to something, if he wants to let you talk to find out some details about you, perhaps even taking the opportunity to flirt. For example, notice if he were to introduce phrases like this into the conversation:
- "And you are single at the moment because …?" or "What are you doing this weekend?".
- Through these questions the guy not only tries to understand if you are in a relationship or not, but he wants you to notice his interest in this information. An indirect way of telling you that he is attracted to you and would like to try.
Method 3 of 3: Observe His Actions

Step 1. See if he's always around you
If a guy likes a girl, it's normal for him to try to be as close to her as possible. If he is busy, he will be able to free himself from commitments to see you; even if he pretends to ignore you, he will seek your presence as much as possible.
- Presence is a very important factor. If he's never around you, he won't have a chance to flirt either.
- Even if he can't physically be around you, a genuinely interested guy will try to make his presence felt through texts and calls. And as soon as he can, he will be found in the same places you frequent.

Step 2. Find out if he tries to impress you
If he really likes you, he won't miss any opportunity to flirt or impress. Chances are that after saying, or doing, something to grab your attention, he will try to observe you to understand what you think.
Notice if he tries to stand out among his friends when you are around. See if he wants to stand out, show himself the best (for example on the dance floor) or brag about something he has done, or owns

Step 3. Notice if he laughs at your jokes
If he likes you, he will surely laugh every time you try to make a joke (even the less funny ones). See if he is always happy to joke and flirt with you.
Be careful though, making a man laugh is not always a positive factor, maybe he is laughing because he thinks you are funny, or stupid. If his attitudes are offensive, don't waste your time

Step 4. See if you have any special attention
An interested guy typically pays attention to many things, behaves well with you, makes small gestures to please you, and offers his help. To understand if he is flirting, however, you must take a good look at the nature of his special attentions.
- For example, if he gives you flowers, or a small gift, just because he has thought of you, he surely likes you a lot.
- If he offers you his help in particular situations, for example when you are sick, it is sure that he cares a lot about you but it does not mean that he is flirting.

Step 5. Observe the way he treats you and others
A guy might flirt because it's part of his personality, maybe he takes the same attitude with everyone. To understand if he truly likes you, you will need to observe not only the way he behaves with you, but also how he acts with others, especially his friends. If he wants to try, he will try to treat you in a different way, giving you special attention.
For example, if he gives you flowers, or brushes your hand, but does the same thing with all the other women, he probably isn't trying to impress you, it's just his way

Step 6. See if he often takes up your defense
If he is attracted to you, he will try to be on your side and defend you every time you find yourself arguing with someone, he will offer you his help and support.