How to Improve Leadership Quality: 5 Steps

How to Improve Leadership Quality: 5 Steps
How to Improve Leadership Quality: 5 Steps

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Leadership is often unknown to managers. It is certainly an integration to good management, but it is rather complicated to know what it is. It is often separated from management, since, if there are good managers who are bad leaders and bad managers who are excellent leaders, the goal must be balanced in both areas. But leadership is not just limited to business, politics and other sectors related to companies or organizations. Essentially it is only by being a leader of yourself that you can manage others, as you can understand the needs of other people. Leadership knowledge must begin to be spread universally, at least at the grassroots level. This article refers to how to improve leadership to optimize management.


Improve Leadership Quality Step 1
Improve Leadership Quality Step 1

Step 1. Consider how leadership plays an important role in your project and what you can do about it

A leader should inspire and motivate, securing the team's work, but if he has no management skills or fails to follow up and manage problems, then his ability to act and find solutions is lacking. First, if he is unable to delegate and manage the resolution of a problem, he ends up losing the respect of his team members. Leadership and management, in a reductive sense, ultimately concern one thing: satisfyingly achieving a goal. Leadership can be used to finish a task faster, but this limits the quality of the experience because few people can learn from it. A quality garment makes both the goal and the experience itself better.

Improve Leadership Quality Step 2
Improve Leadership Quality Step 2

Step 2. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses to explore what leadership is

In the world of work it often refers to a SWOT analysis, known as Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats, that is, "strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats". It can also be a personal matter. The method is simply to write down what you perceive as your strengths, weaknesses, etc. and to submit them to a trusted person so that they can express their opinions about you. This allows a flow of ideas and an analysis of those problems that you would not realize on your own. The positive aspect is that you are able to understand others on a subtle level only if you are able to understand yourself. Once we are able to successfully identify the nature and habits of our mind, we will be able to see the motivations of others, in order to implement effective management. Take your values into consideration. A leader without ethics treats everything as a means to an end: it is a strategy that can sometimes prove to be successful, but, at the same time, it is lacking. This is a very complicated paradox, since a person who has a strong sense of limits knows how to manage a bad situation and make it positive, regardless of their feelings, even if aiming for a result that is not harmful to anyone requires strength, especially when you understand that you have to go beyond the "I" or the "we". Such a person can be a guide thanks to experience and wisdom, since personal feelings, often disguised as ethically valid, can be counterproductive and harm others. But the person who leads by force, based on personal feelings and opinions, or who does not consider the price of their shares is simply a dictator. These kinds of people lack the strength to transcend the personal and aim for the greater good.

Improve Leadership Quality Step 3
Improve Leadership Quality Step 3

Step 3. Be natural and human in practice and analysis

It is surprising how often people try to find the motivation and inspiration in themselves to be able to motivate and stimulate others. Only some are born leaders, others must become so. Natural leadership, as with ethical issues, arises from a broader sense of cause and effect or action and result. The most important goal is to evaluate oneself in one's actions. What does the project really need? How can you achieve the goal for better success? What do team members need to grow? Very often what makes a leader great is his or her ability to transcend personal feelings to help an individual understand that only he can help himself be more productive, but also more efficient and intelligent. Bringing your empathy, your inner world and understanding and avoiding relying solely on the ideas of others will help you more to manage the situation. Humanity inspires and consoles, but human nature and skills are the central point to stay in touch with reality.

Improve Leadership Quality Step 4
Improve Leadership Quality Step 4

Step 4. Try to understand a few unwritten rules that can help or ruin a good boss; evaluate yourself and your environment in relation to them and try to understand if you are a good leader

  • If you are the leader in charge, you have the authority to make decisions, but you are also responsible for them and you live the consequences. Authority and responsibility go hand in hand. Trying to have authority by shaking off responsibility (and vice versa) will lead to catastrophe. If you do not have the authority to be free to act, it is wise to resign as soon as possible. Try to figure out who the boss is - it could be you.
  • Never make threats if you are unable to act. If you have a negative member within the group who has no interest in fairness or doing their job, then you should warn them that they would do well to resign, after which you could also decide to fire that person. Never threaten a person superficially, because then a real warning would not be taken seriously.
  • Set limits. It's something people hardly do. Many unskilled leaders think that a group can go it alone and that members need to have their own principles and work together, but this is rarely the case. Your expectations should be known from the start; you should specify how to do the tasks, who should do them and by when. You should specify company boundaries, as well as hierarchy and duties. Many leaders want to be leaders, but they leave everything to managers: it's another disaster that comes from the ground up.
  • Encourages discussion within the group, but always within very specific limits. It is important to note when people get into trouble, waste time, or think of impractical solutions.
  • If you can't drive the ship alone, change your career. You may be a team leader, but if you are working with other management departments or are dependent on others, financially or managerially, then, until you are able to correct this situation, you will be a source of resentment among others. The captain of a ship is an important symbol, but it is only for a piece of wood or metal that the ship does not sink. Not only are you exposed to frequent risks, if you have few skills, but you could get into trouble in an emergency when real skill is needed and you, on the other hand, are unable to prevent disaster.
  • Delegation. Management is essential to the success of a job, but the ability to delegate in a leadership context is a sign of confidence in the skills of team members. Delegating means sharing skills and experience allowing people to grow, but it must be applied wisely. If you are delegating to someone who is unable or unwilling to be involved in the problem, then you are making a mistake.
  • Learn body language or, more specifically, that of your team members. It is not just a question of knowing if they have given you the correct information, but also if there are internal issues within the office that need to be addressed as soon as possible. You should be able to learn your own body language, as there are times when the leader has to act like a poker player to gain trust.
  • Encourages the acquisition of new skills and knowledge. You may want to consider training your team members on a rotating basis, in order to increase skills and to be able to replace a particular person in the group in case of illness. If a team member is interested in management and leadership, they will be able to better understand the complexity of the job and what a good leader and good teamwork needs. This applies to the leader as well as to the team members.
  • Make careful considerations before taking action and, if necessary, take additional time to consider implications, risks and how to implement strategies. Solidity, integrity, ingenuity and reliability are qualities that create or ruin the leader. History has shown many times that leaders who do not take their obligations and duties seriously are not successful. Some introduce innovations and succeed very well. Even though some leaders know perfectly well how to organize themselves well and analyze all possible outcomes, even if they have been able to effectively manage their projects and show themselves effective naturally, they know perfectly well that it is important to communicate wisely and never consider it a weakness to ask. Help. When a person is too proud to ask for help, they prematurely sow the seeds of failure, perhaps just to save face, emotionally or symbolically. They lose their ability to act and facilitate change or strategy, as well as integrity and ability to inspire others. A good leader must be able to follow others. He must never stop learning and expanding his experience and knowledge. Sometimes one can feel wise and capable, but one must always be amazed at even the smallest intuition.

    Improve Leadership Quality Step 5
    Improve Leadership Quality Step 5
  • Try to understand what is happening and never lose touch with reality, not only within your team, but also in the company, with your customers, with your suppliers and in general with the whole world around you. If you lead a department, but have no idea what happens in others or how the company is run, don't be surprised if your department is closed. It means you have to worry about getting the good, neutral or bad information, rather than waiting for it to randomly reach your ears.
  • Try to be proactive. Some leaders tend to love or hate this word. It means being ready and taking action against every possible problem, translating possible opportunities into reality.
  • Have fun. It's not about allowing chaos. Keep things fun and help others collaboratively, but don't allow it to go beyond the limits of what's appropriate and what's not, or else the work will be compromised.
  • Talk about your ideas with the other leaders and managers of the group. Continuous consultation is the underlying principle that drives hundreds of organizations that are founded on leadership. You can find someone who has already tried the idea and who has already experienced it as unsuitable, you can receive ideas to solve a problem and sometimes you can even collaborate in order to save time and money, thus achieving greater effectiveness. Many countries and cities hold periodic free forums which prove to be fantastic sources of information and inspiration.

Step 5. Try to take into account your personal feelings and understand where your leadership quality may be lacking, so that you can act accordingly

This way you can fill your shortcomings. If you are the team leader, but have no respect for your position and your group, then problems arise are only a matter of time. Solve problems by building quality from the ground up and repairing or removing damaged parts of the team structure.

Ironically, perhaps even tragically, people try to stay personal and work separately as much as possible, but the personal domain is where human insights and understanding come from, while the work environment is where human insights and understanding come from. management experiences. The disadvantage of this separation is that the person who does not understand their failures will often have the same personal and business problems, and will not be able to overcome or avoid them. These two perspectives should be considered together with awareness, and a broad understanding of the mechanisms of cause and effect, of action and success.
