3 Ways to Love Your Body

3 Ways to Love Your Body
3 Ways to Love Your Body

Table of contents:


Loving your body isn't always easy, especially as the media just bombard people with retouched images. Sophisticated magazine shots and models appearing on advertising posters are misrepresentations of reality. Yet many think that certain beauty standards must be met in order to be accepted by society. Since the perfect body does not exist, achieving such a goal is impossible. Everyone has a unique physicality that must be accepted and celebrated without criticism. The body is a part of you that brought you to life and keeps you going every day. Consequently, he is to be loved.


Method 1 of 3: Developing the Right Mindset

Love Your Body Step 1
Love Your Body Step 1

Step 1. Don't compare yourself to others

The canons of beauty are heavily influenced by the media, cinema and popular culture. Precisely because of the media many people elaborate negative judgments about their body, as they compare themselves to retouched images and movie stars, considered perfect. Photographs published in newspapers and on the internet are created and edited on the computer, so they cannot be used to set realistic goals. Although it is difficult to ignore the media, it is possible to distance yourself from collective thinking by deciding to love your body, because it is real.

Whenever you see an image in a magazine, advertisement or other content published by the media, remind yourself that it does not correspond to the facts. The person in front of you has probably been retouched. You shouldn't compare yourself to an ad hoc edited image

Love Your Body Step 2
Love Your Body Step 2

Step 2. Give yourself a compliment

To receive love, you must first love yourself. You should consider and treat yourself with the same kindness and admiration that you would reserve for those you love. You probably wouldn't make the same criticisms of another person as you do of yourself. Don't hesitate to compliment yourself, don't be too hard on yourself, and forgive yourself when you make a mistake. Get rid of the hatred you harbor towards yourself, replace it with greater understanding and appreciation.

  • Look in the mirror and repeat: "I'm attractive, I'm sure of myself, I'm great!". Do this consistently and you will begin to see yourself in a positive light.
  • When you reach a goal, be proud of it. Look in the mirror and say, "Great job, I'm proud of you."
Love Your Body Step 3
Love Your Body Step 3

Step 3. Learn to practice gratitude

Appreciate what you have and love your inner self. Don't let your identity and abilities be defined by a scale or size. There is no point in fiercely criticizing yourself when you look in the mirror. Here are some ways to cultivate greater gratitude in daily life:

  • When it comes to dealing with a negative situation, don't be disheartened. Instead, ask yourself what you can learn for the future and why you feel grateful.
  • Promise yourself not to be negative or criticize yourself for 10 days. If you make a mistake, forgive yourself and go on your way. This exercise will help you understand that negative thoughts are just a waste of energy.
  • List the reasons you feel grateful each day. The body is a miracle and you should celebrate all the gifts it has given you. Think about the milestones you have crossed, your relationships and the activities you love - it was your body that allowed you to do all of this. Make a note of it every day.
Love Your Body Step 4
Love Your Body Step 4

Step 4. List the good things in your life

Everyone suffers from insecurities. The secret is to focus on what you love about yourself and your life. It's easy to let the negative factors far outweigh the positive ones, but a list can help you avoid that.

To start, find one thing you like about yourself, no matter how tiny it is. Once you become more confident, identify another one and so on. Make a list of everything you love about yourself. When a negative thought arises in your head, immediately bring your attention back to the list. Over time, you will begin to see more positive than negative qualities

Love Your Body Step 5
Love Your Body Step 5

Step 5. Stay away from negativity

Avoid people who talk badly about their bodies. You risk getting infected by their insecurities and dwelling on your flaws. Life is too short and precious to be wasted hating yourself or nitpicking, especially when your perception of yourself tends to be much more critical than that of others.

If a person starts criticizing their body or their life, don't get caught up in their negativity. Instead, change the subject or walk away

Love Your Body Step 6
Love Your Body Step 6

Step 6. Exudes confidence

If you show good self-esteem, you will be fine with yourself. While not feeling safe at all, pretend you are. Relax your shoulders, raise your head and smile. The smile is one of the most powerful tools there are to improve the image you have of yourself and the perception of others. If you are confident on the outside, something will trigger inside you that will actually make you feel safer.

Method 2 of 3: Adopt Healthy Habits

Love Your Body Step 7
Love Your Body Step 7

Step 1. Take care of your personal hygiene

To feel good about yourself and show respect for your body, take a nice refreshing shower every morning to get off on the right foot. Use a scented soap, wash your face and put on deodorant. You will feel clean and safe around others, plus you will send positive messages to yourself.

Love Your Body Step 8
Love Your Body Step 8

Step 2. Wear comfortable clothes that reflect you

Everything you have in your closet should enhance your physique and please you. Don't wear clothes that are uncomfortable and uncomfortable just to impress others. Remember: who is himself always looks great.

  • Wear clean, undamaged clothes to dress your body the way it deserves.
  • Buy matching panties and bras, even though you are the only one to see them. You will remind your inner self that you are doing it only and exclusively for you.
Love Your Body Step 9
Love Your Body Step 9

Step 3. Get used to making positive affirmations every day

These are phrases to repeat until the mind begins to believe that they are true. Thinking something to oneself is not enough. Instead, putting into words what you love about yourself helps your brain remember it more easily. You can customize the daily affirmations to suit your needs, just make sure they are positive. Here is a very effective one to get you started:

Every day look in the mirror and say: "I am beautiful, I am loved, I love myself for who I am"

Love Your Body Step 10
Love Your Body Step 10

Step 4. Eat a balanced diet

Get used to eating fruits and vegetables every day to nourish your body and thank it for everything it gives you. Not only will you look bright and enjoy good health, you will also learn to respect your body. You don't have to eat a strict diet, but make an effort to eliminate junk food and eat healthy to fuel your fuel.

Love Your Body Step 11
Love Your Body Step 11

Step 5. Exercise regularly

The best way to love your body? Engage in activities that allow you to keep fit and feel good. Don't play sports just to lose weight, do it to take care of your health in general.

For example, yoga is effective for relaxing, strengthening the core and improving one's psychophysical well-being in general, while sport is excellent for releasing energy in a productive way. It has also been shown to be good for the mood

Method 3 of 3: Find Support

Love Your Body Step 12
Love Your Body Step 12

Step 1. Ask others what they love about you

While this frightens you and makes you uncomfortable, ask friends and family to list what they think are your best qualities. This will help you develop greater self-esteem and remind you that your body has given you so much. You will probably be surprised to discover wonderful aspects of yourself that others see but that you often forget about. Here's how to ask:

To start, give your friend or family member a nice compliment, then ask them, "What do you think is my best quality?"

Love Your Body Step 13
Love Your Body Step 13

Step 2. Surround yourself with people who love each other

People absorb the attitudes and behaviors of the people around them. If your life is full of positive influences, you will adopt them too and they will help you to love both your inner and your outer. Look for optimistic people who work hard to achieve their goals and who respect themselves.

Love Your Body Step 14
Love Your Body Step 14

Step 3. Take your role models as an example

Think of all the people who have passed important milestones and whom you admire. They can be individuals you know personally or not. They are likely renowned and respected for their accomplishments regardless of the type of physique they have. Take this opportunity to remember that the body is not an obstacle to living or finding happiness. The body can help you pursue all your dreams and desires.

Think of your family, your closest friends, or someone you don't know personally but have always admired. Make a list of their best qualities. Then, ask yourself if their self-image or body image positively impacted their successes or prevented them from achieving a goal


  • Maintaining a positive attitude towards one's identity is one of the best virtues one can have.
  • Loving your body also means loving your identity.
