How to Stop Dependent on Another Person

How to Stop Dependent on Another Person
How to Stop Dependent on Another Person

Table of contents:


Do you feel that you are excessively dependent on a particular person? This article will help you overcome certain habits that cause you to rely too much on her.


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Attract a Virgo Female Step 10

Step 1. Consider the nature of the addiction

Are you fully aware of the facets that characterize your relationship? If not, try to understand them to take this path.

  • Is it an economic dependency?
  • Emotional?
  • General? Some people are too dependent on a brother, sister or friend. All the news and novelties they have immediately submit them to your judgment. Would you like to receive his opinion on any topic? This addiction could also be due to the fact that you consider this person to be smarter or more experienced than you. If you are in a close relationship, are older or older than you, they have a responsibility to guide you towards independence, but you may want to try to follow your own path and start working alone, at least as far as you can. Let the addiction subside with time and exercise.
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Step 2. Don't always accept his help

If there is something you just can't do because it's extremely difficult or impossible for your means, don't hesitate to ask for help from several people who are willing to help you out. If you can take care of them instead, don't rely on them.

Be Emotionally Independent Step 8
Be Emotionally Independent Step 8

Step 3. Get out of your comfort zone

Try to be brave enough to present yourself as an independent person, not as if you were someone else's appendage. You are a unique individual, you do not belong to another person, no matter how close you are.

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Approach Women Anywhere Step 9

Step 4. Do an analysis

Analyze the cause of this relational addiction. Maybe it started because at some point in your life you felt unable to do something.

  • Did this person tell you something that made you think you need them?
  • Do you constantly criticize what you do?
  • Do you think you are less good at dealing with the various situations in life?
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Flirt With Girls Step 3

Step 5. Try it

Believe in yourself and try to remember all the inconveniences you went through when you tried to fix something yourself. Make a list of your personal qualities that you prefer. No one is exempt from mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes and learns for the future, understanding what to avoid and how to act better. Take all the time and consideration you need, regardless of what others think, whether it's a single person or most people. You are free to try to be autonomous and become stronger over time.

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Pay Monthly on a Vacation Step 6

Step 6. If the addiction is economic in nature, use money wisely and effectively

Always return any money you have borrowed to make sure you are held accountable and trustworthy, but also to convince others to take it back in the future.

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Attract a Girl Step 11

Step 7. If the addiction is emotional in nature, meeting new people will help you improve your social awareness and is a good opportunity to develop a relationship with the people around you

Dragging this person to any social event you attend will not only make them feel in awe, but also trapped.

Be a Gentleman Step 9
Be a Gentleman Step 9

Step 8. Don't belittle it

She has gotten used to your requests for help by now because you have always turned to her until now, so a sudden change could confuse or even upset her. If she seems shaken, express yourself in a sweet, calm way. If he doesn't support your desire to be independent, calm down first, then make your choice thoughtfully and decisively. She deserves to be treated well because she's been around you all this time, as long as she respects you too.


  • Don't abandon the person you depend on. Keep in touch, but get to know and socialize with other people.
  • Create a balance between the things you do for yourself and the things you ask others to do for you. It's good to be careful, but don't let people step on you, and likewise, don't use anyone.
  • If you are very close, face this change with patience, give time to time.
  • Build a large network of close friends and family you can rely on.
