How to Start and Maintain Your Training Regimen

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How to Start and Maintain Your Training Regimen
How to Start and Maintain Your Training Regimen

Do you want to get back in shape, but never manage to work hard? Here are some ideas that will give you the right boost.


Adopt an Intermittent Fasting Diet Step 2
Adopt an Intermittent Fasting Diet Step 2

Step 1. Find the time

You may think you never have the time to exercise, but in reality you don't - you just have to make it a priority. Here are some ways to do it.

  • Set days and times. Choose what time of day you want to train and plan everything else. Make this commitment and don't let other tasks interfere. If you use the calendar feature on your phone or computer, set an alarm to remind you of your workout.
  • Replace a habit. Most of us have useless and not particularly fun habits, such as watching television, which can be substituted for (or coexist with) physical activity. Ask yourself how long a certain habit takes and whether or not you can exercise at the same time. If the answer is yes, set a new rule: for example, you can only watch television if you do gymnastics at the same time.
  • Use physical activity to connect with others. If you are on a regular date with a friend or family member, ask them if they want to train with you. For example, instead of an aerobics class, you might be doing something more social, like tennis or dancing.
  • Regularity is the key. After about two weeks, it won't feel like a job anymore.
Adopt an Intermittent Fasting Diet Step 12
Adopt an Intermittent Fasting Diet Step 12

Step 2. Find an interesting business

If you enjoy working out, you are more likely to be consistent. You don't necessarily have to join the gym - you can try cycling, inline skating, rowing, skateboarding, swimming, hockey or rugby. You can even dance indoors with mp3 player headphones in your ears. It is essential to have fun so as not to throw in the towel.

If gymnastics bores you, try choosing a more social activity, such as a team sport

Attend Family Gatherings When You Are Autistic Step 4
Attend Family Gatherings When You Are Autistic Step 4

Step 3. Try to push yourself

Write down the times you play sports and how long they last. Mark everything on a calendar or a special notebook. This way, you will be able to stay motivated and know how much you are actually training. In addition, you will feel very satisfied if you have the opportunity to note all the sacrifices spent and the results obtained.

Avoid Joint Damage As a Young Athlete Step 9
Avoid Joint Damage As a Young Athlete Step 9

Step 4. Start with reasonable goals

Don't set a fast pace right from the start. Instead, start exercising in moderation and increase the intensity when you no longer feel stimulated. Try exercising for half an hour, 3 times a week, and see how you feel.

Avoid overexertion. If you overexert yourself from the start, you may strain your muscles and feel exhausted. As if that weren't enough, you risk associating sport with pain and refusing to continue

Easily Lose Weight Step 1
Easily Lose Weight Step 1

Step 5. Write down your measurements

Instead of tracking your successes by writing down how much weight you've lost, try to keep a tape measure handy and update your waist and hip measurements. In fact, you may be toning your muscles and gaining weight at the same time, but losing a few inches.

  • Write down your measurements. As you begin to lose weight, seeing your progress may give you more confidence;
  • Also measure the neck, arms and ankles.
Eat Less During a Meal Step 3
Eat Less During a Meal Step 3

Step 6. Learn

If your goal is to lose weight, you need to learn how to eat healthily. Don't throw yourself into a strict diet if you don't want to risk abandoning it. For example, the Weight Watchers diet can be helpful, but it would be best to develop a eating style to maintain using common sense.

Eat Like a Body Builder Step 11
Eat Like a Body Builder Step 11

Step 7. Drink water

It is absolutely the best thing you can do for the health of your body. Don't forget to drink it when you work out. However, do not overdo it after a strenuous workout: the body loses mineral salts through sweat and an excess of water could favor their elimination. Sports drinks are a great alternative if you do a lot of physical activity, but if your goal is to lose weight, they are not recommended due to the high concentration of sugars.

Drink water to replenish lost fluids. Quantities vary based on body weight, climate, activity level, etc. Dehydration is counterproductive to weight loss, increases the risk of muscle tears and promotes nausea. For best results, also avoid coffee and sodas

Follow a Morning Ritual to Lose Weight and Stay Slimmer Step 11
Follow a Morning Ritual to Lose Weight and Stay Slimmer Step 11

Step 8. Don't lose motivation

As you do gymnastics and build up your muscle structure, the workout will be less demanding. However, don't settle down. As soon as the exercises start to look easier, change them by trying something else.

Method 1 of 1: Practice Playing

Finish What You've Started Step 2
Finish What You've Started Step 2

Step 1. Use your creativity

You don't necessarily have to go to the gym to keep fit. Try to come up with games that allow you to keep yourself moving by following your favorite TV show.

  • List the things that happen most often over the course of the episodes and match each item on the list to an exercise.
  • Pause each time an event related to the voice it is paired with occurs and perform the corresponding exercise. Once finished, you can resume watching.


  • If you are not used to physical activity, it will be difficult to avoid using the elevator for the first week. Keep walking and you will soon find that you can climb the stairs without a breath. What's more, if you walk into the station or subway, you will have the added benefit of avoiding the crowds, since no one takes the stairs.
  • Choose lively, upbeat songs to keep up and not lose motivation.
  • Health comes first. If you have to travel short distances, kindly decline steps when you can walk to your destination.
  • Don't have time to train? Walk during your lunch break, do sit-ups and a few hops with legs and arms apart while watching TV or walking talking on your cell phone. In other words, take any opportunity to move.
  • You can burn more calories by exercising rather than restricting your diet. It helps to control how much you eat at first, but you can keep fit by exercising regularly and eating 5-6 meals a day. You will continue to burn by eating regularly and moderately.
  • DO NOT exercise in the evening. If you work out before bed, your metabolism will work faster, your body will release endorphins, and you won't fall asleep easily. However, if this is the only time of day available, try to do it well before bed to allow your body to rest.
  • Go to bed early and get enough rest on the days you work out. Muscles grow and recover when you sleep soundly.
  • Don't worry if you don't notice any results right away - it usually takes at least eight weeks before you see any changes. Remember that it won't happen suddenly. Constant commitment, coupled with enthusiasm, is the key!
  • Consider other sports. For example, cycling, indoor climbing, yoga, Thai-chi and martial arts challenge the muscles with different modes of movement, are varied and fun.
  • Write down all the benefits you receive every day: increased energy, personal pride, and so on. Do this for as long as possible and keep adding new items to your list.
  • Consider the Paleo diet. It allows you to eliminate carbohydrates and processed (carcinogenic) foods making 70-80% of your diet healthier. The abdominal bloating will go away and you will feel more comfortable in your clothes. When you feel better, you are more likely to train in a virtuous circle.
  • Don't train every day. Set two days a week for just stretching or walking. The body needs time to re-energize the muscles and recover. Especially in the case of high intensity intermittent training, you only need to train twenty minutes twice a week, alternating with rest days, and avoid high fructose drinks for the next two hours for best results.
  • Think about living your life well. After all, it's the only one you have; therefore, eat properly and treat yourself with love so that you can enjoy it to the fullest.


  • If you feel faint or dizzy while exercising, take a break. If you feel better right away, take it back. If you feel severe pain, complain, suspect that something is broken or the problem does not go away, stop and wait a few hours. If you continue to feel bad, contact your doctor (however, it is generally recommended that you wait a few days before consulting them). If the pain doesn't go away within an hour, you should call someone. If you are unable to recover, contact your doctor immediately as the situation could indicate something serious.
  • If you are excessively underweight, overweight, obese or have asthma, consult your doctor before starting physical activity as you may feel unwell.
  • Talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program, especially if you have suffered from vascular or respiratory disease in the past.
