How to Imitate Alison DiLaurentis (with Pictures)

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How to Imitate Alison DiLaurentis (with Pictures)
How to Imitate Alison DiLaurentis (with Pictures)

Alison is the queen of Rosewood High. She is the classic teenager that all girls envy and all boys dream of. Do you want to be like her? Follow this guide.


Part 1 of 2: Look

Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 1
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 1

Step 1. Take care of your hair

  • If you are not blonde like Ali, you could dye them. Go for a blonde that suits your skin undertone. Better if you go to a hairdresser, to undergo a professional job: the result will be better and they will advise you for the right color.
  • Take care of your hair to keep it long and healthy. After dyeing them, don't neglect them. Wash them every other day, using a good-smelling shampoo and conditioner. After shampooing, apply a serum.
  • To have a hairstyle similar to Ali's, take a section of hair from the upper right side of the hair. It doesn't have to be big, choose one that frames the face (don't touch the front tuft, though). Twist it all the way, or twist it in half, and pin it sideways with a bobby pin. Repeat on the other side. Once this step is complete, use some good-smelling gel spray. Apply it lightly all over your hair. Then, take a good quality hairspray and spray it on these strands, including bobby pins. Do you have frizzy hair? Apply a specific serum and plat it.
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 2
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 2

Step 2. Take care of your body

Don't neglect your personal hygiene. Even if you don't wash your hair, shower every day to smell good. Use a mildly scented shower gel. For better hygiene, always use deodorant. You can also add a perfume. Ali always leaves a vanilla trail behind, so try a flavor like this. Choose it in the form of a perfume, body spray, or other product. Use your body lotion regularly to keep your skin hydrated. Do the scrub once a week. Never forget to shave, this is also very important.

Keep your feet and hands hydrated as well. Care for your nails, and don't eat them. They should be long and painted with feminine-toned nail polishes, such as red, pink, or turquoise. Or, opt for a French manicure or a clear polish

Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 3
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 3

Step 3. Keep fit

Alison has a beautiful body. She's not all skin and bones (so don't aim for this effect), but she's skinny. Always keep fit, but with some curves. Exercise and eat healthy. You will feel better and your looks will mirror that too.

Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 4
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 4

Step 4. Dress right

Alison has a very feminine, girly style, so opt for dresses with floral prints, ruffles… Don't forget to combine it with your style. If you have a bit of a tomboy look, try adding some girly accessories. Always wear clothing that highlights your body. Alison likes to show off seductive clothing to be the center of attention, so imitate her by wearing short skirts and dresses, low-cut tops and high heels. Never seem vulgar, though. Add simple and cute accessories. Always carry a large bag with you. Try to have at least one high fashion dress for a special occasion.

Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 5
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 5

Step 5. What to put in the bag?

Alison always tries to foresee everything, so she is obviously prepared for different eventualities. In your purse, always put your keys, cell phone and charger, chewing gum, a pair of sunglasses, some touch-up tricks throughout the day (powder, eyeliner, mascara, gloss, lip balm, etc.), some rubber bands and hairpins, a deodorant, a wallet with cards and money, a packet of tissues, a mirror, a travel-size brush, a hand sanitizer, tampons, tampons, painkillers and, if you wear lenses contact, a box and a bottle of drops. Also, bring healthy snacks, like a cereal bar or an apple, and maybe a pen and notebook to take notes. Finally, don't forget your identity card.

Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 6
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 6

Step 6. Make up

Prepare your face by washing it with a soap suitable for your skin type. In the evening, remove make-up to remove make-up and dirt residues that have accumulated over the course of the day. Finally, apply a moisturizer.

  • Start applying your makeup with a light foundation or BB Cream. Apply concealer to hide dark circles, redness and blemishes. Set everything with the powder. Use an eyebrow pencil to fill them in and don't leave them uncared for. Alison's brows aren't very dark, so don't overdo it. Apply primer before applying eyeshadow.
  • For the eyes, choose neutral-colored eyeshadows, such as bronzes or golds. Otherwise, dare with purple or pink. Play with makeup. Apply a thin line of black eyeliner on the mobile lid and create an outer tail. Finish with a good coat of mascara.
  • Contour, so you look sun-kissed.
  • For the lips, you will never go wrong with a pink gloss or red lipstick. Alison's quintessential color is Nars' Jungle Red, which you can use to highlight your lips. The trick is ready!

Part 2 of 2: Personality

Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 7
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 7

Step 1. Be nice and mean at the same time

Alison can be unpleasant at times, but in some cases she knows how to inspire, move, and make people feel special. Don't be afraid to say what you think. But if you notice that you hurt people you don't want to hurt, take back what you said and make them believe they have misunderstood. Do you hate a person? Don't be nice to him, on the contrary.

Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 8
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 8

Step 2. Get everything you want

Try to use people to do it. Alison has a very persuasive and seductive personality, so she knows how to get people to do what they want. When you can't get what you want, use blackmail. It can get you in trouble, but it can also help you achieve your goal.

Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 9
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 9

Step 3. Always be one step ahead of everyone

Know people's secrets and use them against them to get what you want and when you need it.

Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 10
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 10

Step 4. Write a diary

Keep track of everything that happens, but be totally honest. Also, hide it in a safe place.

Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 11
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 11

Step 5. Try to have hiding places in your room and in the rest of the house

Explore it and discover places no one would ever look.

Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 12
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 12

Step 6. Listen to pop music:

Lady Gaga, One Direction, Lil Wayne and so on. Look for new and interesting bands that not everyone knows yet. This way, you will always be up to date and one step ahead. Cultivate good musical taste.

Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 13
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 13

Step 7. Always pose

Walk as if you were parading on a catwalk. Sway and don't move your arms too much. When you walk away from a person you were talking to, shake your hair flirtatiously. Blink often and give seductive smiles. Flirt with your eyes and never shout, your voice should be pleasant.

Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 14
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 14

Step 8. Lie

As Alison herself said: "You get along better and better with a good lie." If the truth gets you nowhere, don't be afraid to lie. Try to always have credible lies on the tip of your tongue.

Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 15
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 15

Step 9. Be mysterious

When someone asks you where you've been or why you didn't go to school, you smirk and say, "Oh, nowhere in particular." This is the essence of Alison's personality.

Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 16
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 16

Step 10. Try to have a small group of 4-5 best friends

Talk to them when you have a problem. You have to really appreciate them and make sure you are reciprocated. You have to be the leader, without stating it clearly. Never let your friends dominate you. Know all their secrets, but don't tell yours. Make sure you always have plans to attend parties, sleepovers, or trips out of town.

Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 17
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 17

Step 11. Get a fake ID

If you want to go to the best parties, you will need it. Alison and the Liars had one, so find someone who can help you or make it yourself.

Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 18
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 18

Step 12. Get along with older people and boys (let them fall in love with you)

Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 19
Imitate Alison DiLaurentis Step 19

Step 13. Imitate her sense of humor

Alison is characterized by a certain black humor, which accompanies her bubbly and sociable personality. Make jokes, be sarcastic, but don't be too rude. Joke around with your friends. Answer witty if you are arguing with someone.

Act Like Ali from Pretty Little Liars Step 1
Act Like Ali from Pretty Little Liars Step 1

Step 14. Be bold

Alison is lively. It could be said that she is like a ballerina, she makes bold moves, but always lands safely. He is very daring and bold, this does not mean that you have to do everything, but once in a while do something bold. Try to be brave and believe in yourself, and don't let anyone rule you, because in Pretty Little Liars, Alison is the boss. But don't be evil, and don't let people be evil to you. Never lower your head, hold it high and think positive! There is no need to do everything boldly, but sometimes do something brave and cool and everyone will look at you differently. And you will begin to please people.

Act Like Ali from Pretty Little Liars Step 3
Act Like Ali from Pretty Little Liars Step 3

Step 15. Think two steps ahead of everything

Ali is always the one who pulls the strings. Be mischievous. Know how to make people do what YOU want them to do, and how to make them believe what you want. She has a very innocent but also proud personality.

Act Like Ali from Pretty Little Liars Step 5
Act Like Ali from Pretty Little Liars Step 5

Step 16. Practice your looks

Ali usually has a sweet, innocent smile when he wants to win people over, get something - or even when he's lying. But he also knows how to take a proud and direct look.

Act Like Ali from Pretty Little Liars Step 6
Act Like Ali from Pretty Little Liars Step 6

Step 17. Do your homework

Get to know people and try to know everything about them - it can come in handy when you talk to them later. Practice Answers: Ali never gives up before he has his say.

Act Like Ali from Pretty Little Liars Step 7
Act Like Ali from Pretty Little Liars Step 7

Step 18. Pretend you are older

Ali behaves like a 15-year-old when she is 13. So act like you're two years older than you are. Plus, this way older kids will want to be with you. Do that hard to reach, and hard to imitate: if people think you don't need their friendship, they'll want to follow you, and they'll envy you.

Act Like Ali from Pretty Little Liars Step 8
Act Like Ali from Pretty Little Liars Step 8

Step 19. Keep up

Go to the stadium, become a cheerleader, do something like this: Alison has a crazy social life, and millions of friends. To keep up with social events you have to go there to make new friends and show yourself.

Step 20. Learn to read people

Alison lives to manipulate people in order to turn situations to her advantage. Make sure you use others' weaknesses and insecurities to destroy their urge to fight you, or give the impression that you are some kind of god, no matter what you do or say.


  • Watch Pretty Little Liars often.
  • Try to have a sly smile similar to hers.
  • Take risks, but don't blind a girl like Alison did.
  • Be flexible and relaxed in life.
  • Type smiley faces in your SMS.
  • Listen to good music, like that of Lana Del Rey and Marina and the Diamonds.
