If you have had to change schools and need to enter a new environment, you may be intimidated. Rest assured, this article will help you, you don't have to be the "new student" all your life. The time has come to settle in.

Step 1. First, give yourself at least a day to look around
You will not be able to join a school until you begin to understand how it is made and how it works. Ask for a map of the facility or information to guide you.

Step 2. Be nice to everyone
Be nice to adults, to your peers, and even to them who are younger than you, they could be your new teachers or your new friends.

Step 3. Get to know your teachers
Exchange a few words with them and get to know them better. Try to figure out who is the softest, and who is the most demanding. But don't get too familiar with the teachers, keep your distance.

Step 4. At this point you need to make new friends
Talk to your classmates and students from other classes, don't ignore anyone. Be yourself and never lie. Now that is your school, if in your previous school experience you have made mistakes, try not to repeat them in the new environment.

Step 5. Be careful during the lessons
Teachers tend to check on new students more often.

Step 6. If your first day of school is also the first day of the new school year, surely your entrance will not go unnoticed, especially if your school is quite small
When someone talks to you, don't get nervous, but don't be too outgoing either. Be confident and look people in the eye. Although in some cases it could be important, try not to attract too much attention from others. Don't worry about what they say about you, if you show anxious about every single thing your feelings will be clear to others too. Be spontaneous, be yourself and behave well with everyone, even with those who at first sight do not inspire you that much, sometimes the classmate who at first does not look kindly after a few days begins to become a friend. Don't be too weak, show yourself able to defend yourself and get by in a new context.

Step 7. You don't have to learn everything about school in one day
There is no need to know the exact location of everything, find out where the lockers are and get a map of the school. Try to slowly find all the other information you will need. Stopping to ask someone something is also a way to socialize, everyone will be willing to help the new student.
Step 8. If you start talking to a student of the opposite sex, do not flirt until you have verified that he is not engaged
If you start to dislike someone, rumors will spread and that person's friends will start dodging you too. It is obvious that if you do something wrong everyone will defend the person they have known the longest. So be kind and positive in any case, try not to get into trouble alone, remember that you are "the new one" and the focus is on you. Make a good impression, behave yourself and always be yourself.

Step 9. Start socializing with your classmates before lunchtime
At that point they will probably ask you to go eat with them, if they don't, try to talk about lunch, ask some questions like "is the food in the school canteen good?" If no one explicitly invites you, but you are all walking to the cafeteria, it is understood that you will eat together.

Step 10. For the first week, always be nice to everyone and talk to anyone, even those who seem a bit strange to you
Who knows if it is not the people you would like to dodge who introduce you to their friends and many other people. If you understand that someone is not well seen by all the other students, avoid establishing too close a friendship with that person, unless you really want to. Do not isolate yourself in the company of a few, try to talk to everyone and be sociable, try to get to know people better before considering someone your friend. Often it is the most unpleasant and false people who come first with the newcomers.
Step 11. Attend the lessons and do as hard as you can
If someone passes you a note or tries to get your attention, ignore it. Focus only on what the teacher says.

Step 12. Sign up for extracurricular activities to make new friends
Find something that truly interests you and commit to learning something new.

Step 13. If you have spoken to someone more than once, ask for their contact
Even better, suggest some activities to do together on the weekend.

Step 14. Be considerate and kind to your peers
You don't have to shower them with attention but behave yourself and cooperate with them so they can take a liking to you. If someone asks you for a favor, do it. Don't be too helpful, though, or someone might take advantage of your good heart. If someone tries to test you, you smile and ask politely what he wants from you. For example, if a partner tells you that "you are unpleasant", ask him why and wait for his answer. If you are accused of something you did not do, defend yourself and disagree, also claim to know the name of the person who spread certain rumors.

Step 15. Always keep your balance, both in thoughts and actions, do not dwell too much on any situation or person, in particular
Engage in studying and try to integrate into the new class, always be yourself. The first two weeks are always the hardest.
- If you move to a new school during the year surely the attention of others will be on you for a bit longer period of time, people will talk about you (but not necessarily in a negative way) because your entry is a novelty for everyone.
- Get ready to receive a lot of questions. Answer but don't start talking as hard as I can. Ask questions about the school and other students too. If someone starts talking about something you don't know, ask general questions right away but listen carefully to what you are told.
- The clothes you wear don't have to be the same as those worn by other students! Diversity captures attention, both in a good way and in a bad sense at times. Let yourself be guided by intuition, dress inconspicuously, at least at the beginning, but don't change just to please others! If you don't express your personality how can you make yourself attractive?
- Wear clothes you like on the first day of school. If you usually dress in a very personal way, at the beginning try to put on simpler and less showy clothes to have a better chance of approaching others and making new acquaintances.
- If you are around someone who didn't make a good impression on you on the first day, try talking to them again, they may have had a bad day!
- Try to find new friends, talk to everyone but don't talk all the time. If you are too talkative you will not like it.
- Being the new student of the school you are a novelty for everyone. The other students will have already found their friends, it will probably not be easy for you to integrate into an already close-knit class or divided into small groups. So try to assert yourself, the attention for the first time is all on you, do not waste time and do your best.
- Try to join a group, even if it is difficult for you.
- If you got a bad reputation in your previous school, don't tell anyone about it and try to make up for your mistakes now that you are in a different environment.
- Don't be too pushy. Make yourself known and try to talk to everyone but also leave others the space and the faculty to express themselves.
- Avoid making a scene.
- Do not be pessimistic. Nobody likes depressed people. Try to find the bright side of everything.