3 Ways to Wake Up Someone

3 Ways to Wake Up Someone
3 Ways to Wake Up Someone

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When you can't wake up a friend or a member of your family, you want to let your anger run free, jump on their bed and scream at them with all the breath in your lungs. However, it is best to avoid this behavior if you do not want to be "returned the favor" the next morning. It is always more appropriate to try to be gentle and calm at first, and then move on to more creative techniques.


Method 1 of 3: Waking him up the natural way

Wake Someone Up Step 1
Wake Someone Up Step 1

Step 1. Make him a cup of coffee or aromatic tea

Enter his room with the cup in hand. Sit on the edge of the bed and wait for the scent of the drink and your weight to gently wake him up. The scent is able to wake people up in a more pleasant way and stimulates the other senses.

You can also enter the bedroom, place the coffee on the bedside table (in a safe place where the person cannot accidentally bump it) and exit by closing the door behind you. The combination of the noises you made and the scent of the coffee will wake up the subject naturally

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Step 2. Fill the room with an appetizing aroma

Make a good cup of coffee, fry some bacon, and sprinkle citrus air freshener in her room. Lemon has a particularly stimulating fragrance, although virtually any scent is capable of waking up a deeply sleeping person.

  • Remember to use a perfume that appeals to the subject. If you don't like bacon, you may not be tempted enough by the aroma to get out of bed. If you prefer chocolate chip cookies for breakfast, then go for this kind of treat. Try to remember what he loves the most.
  • If the scent that invades the house is not enough, bring him breakfast in bed. Not only will you wake him up, but you will make him believe that you are doing him a favor and you will enter into his good graces.
Wake Someone Up Step 2
Wake Someone Up Step 2

Step 3. Make some noise

Enter his room and cause some noise. Be careful not to overdo it or you will scare him and get him up "on the wrong foot". Try rubbing your jeans or pants while you walk, creating some noise. A slight clicking of the heels should probably suffice.

Sometimes it is enough to open the door to the room, "take a peek" and close it immediately afterwards. You can also run water in the adjacent bathroom or talk just outside his room

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Step 4. Open the curtains and let some light in through the window

In addition to smells, light also allows us to wake up naturally. Open the curtains, shutters, or door if there are no windows. Light causes the body to wake up because it means the sun has risen and it is time to be productive - unless the person works at night, of course!

You can apply this method gently or not. The gentle way would be to enter the room and carefully open the curtains to let in a ray of sunshine indirectly. The unkind way, on the other hand, is to point the sunlight right on the face of the sleeping person, so that his retina is suddenly stimulated, forcing him to wake up from numbness

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Step 5. Change the temperature

If you can wait a bit, it is worth relying on the house to wake the person up. Adjust the temperature in her room so that it is significantly warmer or colder. The person will feel uncomfortable and will wake up.

However, this method takes some time and is inconvenient if you have to alter the entire temperature of the house. Rely on it only if the system provides for individual adjustment of each room. Keep in mind, however, that it takes a long time to achieve your goal, and it could be a waste of electricity

Method 2 of 3: Be Creative

Wake Someone Up Step 3
Wake Someone Up Step 3

Step 1. Pretend you are looking for something in his room

Enter the room and pretend you are looking for an object: open the drawers and move the furniture a little. Move the sheets and pretend you're looking under the covers. If it's laundry day, you can always tell you're looking for dirty laundry. If you're a kid and it's school day, you can pretend you're looking for your backpack.

If you don't sneak around, the person will understand what you are trying to achieve. Make sure you have a good excuse, so as to convince the subject that there is a valid reason why you are in his room and that you are not trying to be his "wake up call"

Wake Someone Up Step 4
Wake Someone Up Step 4

Step 2. "Make a phone call"

If all previous attempts have failed, pretend to make a phone call near the bedroom; just play a little with the ringtones of your mobile phone or start a conversation via SMS with a friend of yours (do not leave your mobile phone in silent mode!). Alternatively, leave your phone in his room and call him from another device. It will certainly not be your fault!

When he gets up, angry with your cell phone in hand, you will have to apologize and state that you didn't know he was sleeping and it won't happen again

Wake Someone Up Step 5
Wake Someone Up Step 5

Step 3. Use the car

Activate the car alarm to wake up the sleepyhead. Once he gets up, turn off the alarm: the person will think that the alarm of another spot has been activated by mistake. How could he blame you?

If your car is very noisy, turn it on near their bedroom window. Eventually any other external noise is fine

Wake Someone Up Step 10
Wake Someone Up Step 10

Step 4. Remove the covers

If he is still sound asleep, try gently removing the blankets. The rapid change in temperature (and the sudden loss of comfort) should wake him up. This is a slightly more direct method and it will be obvious that you want to wake him up. If that's not a problem, this strategy is worth putting in place.

Just make sure he's wearing pajamas

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Step 5. Set an alarm

If he has a cell phone or an alarm clock on his bedside table, turn them on. Adjust the alarm to sound within a couple of minutes, so you have plenty of time to walk away. When he wakes up he will think he didn't realize he set the alarm the night before.

Alternatively, set an alarm on your cell phone and leave it in his room if that's a plausible situation. When you hear it ring you can rush in and exclaim that you "accidentally left the phone in his room". Oops

Method 3 of 3: Desperate Measures

Wake Someone Up Step 6
Wake Someone Up Step 6

Step 1. Tell the person it's time to wake up

Shake her by the shoulder and tell her she should get up. You can increase the volume of your voice more and more until you get what you want. The sun is high and there are so many things to do… Wake up!

If the person responds with a more or less loud "grunt", stop. It means that she is awake and does not "want" to get up. Remind her what awaits her during the day and try her with a coffee or a good breakfast

Wake Someone Up Step 8
Wake Someone Up Step 8

Step 2. Turn on the music

Your mood will tell you what kind of "revenge" you can enact. If you are feeling friendly and kind, you can use soft music at a reasonable volume, such as an instrumental piece or a pop ballad. If you are angry, have no qualms: blaring metal. In the latter case, however, you need to be prepared to face the repercussions when the person wakes up. He may treat you worse in the future.

You can turn on the stereo, your iPad, computer, TV or even just your cell phone in the room. Don't forget that you can also sing along with the song

Wake Someone Up Step 11
Wake Someone Up Step 11

Step 3. Turn on the TV and turn up the volume

Don't say anything if you don't want to (although you should have tried this tactic before); the light and noise from the device should wake the sleeper. Pick a channel he should like so he won't be in a bad mood.

  • Do you want to be friendly? Watch a TV show alone. Maybe he'll wake up and watch it with you. After some time you can look up and ask: "Hey, when did you wake up?"
  • Don't turn the volume up to the point that it's annoying for you too. Set it to a level that two awake, normal people would like.
Wake Someone Up Step 7
Wake Someone Up Step 7

Step 4. Splash the person's face with cold water

If no other remedy seems to work, try the old and proven cold water method. Take some from the nearby bathroom and before it drips completely from your fingers, throw it on her face. He will not be happy, but he will certainly be awake.

  • Be careful when trying this ploy! For you it might be fun, but the same cannot be said for the other person. She will likely be very bothered by the gesture, be prepared for a negative reaction.
  • Throw in an amount of water equivalent to two full spoons. Don't even think about using a bucket full of water, you would wake up the person with a sense of drowning. It may be dangerous.


  • Opening, closing and dragging objects randomly (but making noise) inside the room can help.
  • Before applying any of the methods described in this article, try to imagine how your roommate will feel once they are awake.
  • If he is ticklish, you can also use this technique.
  • Cook something very fragrant in the oven before waking the sleeping person; the aroma will make him jump out of bed.
  • If it's night, turn on some lights in his room.
  • Prepare breakfast and bring it to her bed exclaiming, "Breakfast is ready!"
  • Avoid touching it unless it is a family member or close friend. This is valuable advice, especially if the individual who is sleeping is of the opposite sex to yours. If you decide to make physical contact anyway, brush his hand carefully.
  • If none of the techniques seem to work, call the person by name closely.
  • If it's a family member, kiss him on the cheek, stroke his arm and say the words, "Time to get up."
  • If this person has a large pet (a dog or a cat), take him to his room and let him go to bed and make some noise.
  • Tell the person what time it is.
  • Whisper the word "wake up" in her ear ten times. He will feel it over and over until, hopefully, he wakes up.
  • Tap a finger on his knee until he stops sleeping.
  • Make a loud noise.
  • Turn on the TV.
