Many teenage boys feel uncomfortable when they start dating girls. They are not sure how to behave during a "date". They are afraid that girls won't like them, and they think they'd better not go out with them, rather than risk being rejected. You are not the only one to feel this way, and this article was created to help all male teenagers who need some advice in their life as a couple.

Step 1. Be respectful
For one thing, girls want to feel valued as a person, not as an object.

Step 2. Offer to pay the bill
You will show her that you care more about her than your wallet. If she refuses and prefers to split in half, do as she pleases. Don't take it personally.

Step 3. Be yourself
She has decided to go out with you, not with someone else and, if she has, there will be a reason. Whatever you do, don't try to pretend to be someone you're not. You would end up regretting it sooner or later.

Step 4. Behave like a knight
Offer to bring her books, keep the doors open for her (especially when she is about to get into or out of the car), and talk to her parents as "sir" and "madam" when you meet them.

Step 5. Don't dress like a baby
This doesn't mean you don't have to have your own style - quite the opposite. But when a boy begins to grow, his body begins to change and he needs to dress a little differently and more suitable for his age. You will also impress girls and look more mature with appropriate clothes. This means having good personal hygiene throughout the day. Make sure you are wearing clean, well-ironed clothes, and that your hair is well combed. Always wear a belt regardless of whether you keep your shirt tucked up or not. When a boy begins to grow, his body takes on a less round shape, and this is the reason why grown men wear a belt! You will get used to the feeling of wearing it. Also, make sure your clothes they look good on you and are suitable for the occasion. Try to be trendy, but still be true to yourself. Try to find your own style, but remember that men generally have fewer options than women, and even though we're in the 21st century, a man is still expected to dress a certain way, especially when it comes to formal events. For this reason, when you go out on a date, try to dress better than you would for lounging around the weekend, but remember to always remain faithful to your style and personality.

Step 6. Talk to her
Tell her what your interests are when it comes to movies, books or music. This is always a great way to start a conversation. You will make it very easy for her to give you an answer on one of those three topics. If you are in class together, you can talk about the school. She will tell you that she has never noticed you before, or that she has already noticed you. In this way, by talking about this and that, you can continue to talk about other topics.

Step 7. Compliment her
Tell her she is splendid, which is always very welcome, but try to notice her other qualities as well, such as her talent for art or sport. If she's a beautiful girl, for real, tell her. You don't have to lie in order to compliment her, though, because girls are usually very aware of their strengths and weaknesses and feel treated like fools to receive fake compliments.

Step 8. Keep the conversation lively
Don't just talk about yourself; talks about things she cares about, her hobbies, friends and things she cares about. If she asks you a question about you, answer it, and then add: "What about you?" This way, you'll avoid hogging the conversation, and it'll also help you learn more about her.

Step 9. Let her know that you are interested without being too explicit
Smile when one of you is talking, always look her in the eye, especially when you are sitting at a table eating e always look her in the face when she's talking to you. It is irritating and annoying to talk to someone while they scan the room with their eyes or constantly turn to see who has entered the restaurant. Doing so would show a total lack of interest in what she is doing or what she is talking about and she would think that you are not interested.

Step 10. Adjust to the situation
If she doesn't seem to have fun during the date, she doesn't want you to hold hands, or hardly talks to you, back off and try to slow down. If, however, she just seems bored and not interested in you at all, have the appointment finish there and take her home. Remember it's not your fault. You have to practice as much as you can; the next appointment will certainly be better.

Step 11. Smile
She will understand that you are really enjoying yourself with her.
- Don't be a playboy and don't try to play with girls' feelings. They don't like it and you'll end up getting a bad reputation.
- Do not make fun of her or her friends or family. By talking behind other people's backs, you would show her that you could do the same with her when she is not around.
- Showing off is fine, if you do it in the right spirit. If you act presumptuous, exaggerate or overstep certain limits, you run the risk of looking like a perfect idiot. Watch out!
- Girls test us all the time; be sure of yourself and don't let their little quirks catch you off guard. BE STRONG
- Keep in mind that most of them will be as nervous as you will be.
- Don't be pushy or overbearing. Don't expect to always be the one who chooses the restaurant or movie to go to. Tell her where you would like to go and ask if she would like to accompany you, preferably in advance. If she says no, ask her what she would like to do instead.
- If you've had a crush on a girl for some time now, you could tell her about the things you've done to try to get her attention. Many find it "nice", but it depends on the type of girl. It is not recommended to use this tactic unless things are already going well or you are on a second or third date.
- Always be polite to his parents and family members if you ever meet them. When they talk to you, always try to respond, never ignoring them. If you don't like her parents, chances are you won't see her again.
- Personal hygiene is a fundamental thing. Always put on deodorant and cologne (don't put too much, though). Try Old Spice Original (available online), which smells good clean and doesn't have that "spring scent", or if you want a more "sensual" product try Gillette's shower gel and a few sprays of deodorant spray (for colonies - Renato Balestra, Acqua di Parma and Atkinsons are the best) and remember to dress 'well'. Do not wear the t-shirts you normally wear to school, unless you are sure that your girlfriend will also come to the appointment dressed casually.
- If you are unsure about any aspect of your date, ask a friend who is about the same age as your crush for advice. Prevention is better than cure!
- When deciding where to take her for your date, it's best that you prepare several activity options and places to take her and then let her decide. So you show the girl that you are capable of taking the initiative, but that you have left the final choice to her.
- You decide when it seems appropriate to break these rules, but wait until you have no more experience.
- If she asks you for a second date, but you don't feel in tune with her, say something like, "No thanks, I don't feel like it." She should figure it out for herself.
- He always picks her up at her house; do not meet anywhere else. That way his parents will have a chance to get to know you and make a good first impression, if you're smart enough of course.
- Don't make fun of her. You'd make her feel uncomfortable, hurt her feelings, and maybe she'd think you're an idiot. A few short, cute lines are fine, and it might be a way to bond, but make sure she knows you're joking. If she thinks you want to be cruel or that you want to hurt her, she won't want to see you again. Have fun teasing her a bit if you see that she too is having fun and answering you in kind, but don't let it degenerate into a question and answer.
- Be gentle! Girls like it when guys are mature and sweet, even with their friends.
- Don't reach out and try to avoid your breasts or lower back.
not all girls are the same! The girl you're dating now might like things your ex hated doing. Get to know her well before reaching any conclusions.
- Don't date a girl just for her body. The relationship will not be rewarding for any of you.
- Never stare at any part of his body other than his eyes. Even if you don't find it offensive, it may still make it uncomfortable.
- Be careful how you spend your money - take it easy on gifts. If you give her too many gifts, she may try to take advantage of you and use you to make a profit.
- If you don't really like the girl, leave her alone. It would be a waste of time for both of you if you don't care.