How to Change Your Attitude: 9 Steps

How to Change Your Attitude: 9 Steps
How to Change Your Attitude: 9 Steps

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Are you a pessimistic person? Do you have a tendency to notice the negative sides of a situation without seeing the positive ones? Do people refuse and regret being in your company because of your attitude? Being successful in changing your attitude depends on a change in mindset and being successful in changing your mindset depends on whether you really want to change. Going from pessimistic to optimistic can be difficult, but the result will be a more joyful and more enjoyable life. If you really want to know how to change your attitude, here are some simple but effective tips.


Change Your Attitude Step 1
Change Your Attitude Step 1

Step 1. Stop focusing on yourself

A lot of pessimism arises from false or unreasonable expectations, especially when those expectations involve you.

Make an effort to open your arms and help at least one person every day without expecting anything in return. Over time, you will find more joy in giving than in receiving

Change Your Attitude Step 2
Change Your Attitude Step 2

Step 2. Face your flaws

We all have something to improve, so whether you are at work, at home or anywhere else, be open to learning.

Make a list of all your weaknesses and flaws. At the beginning of each week, choose a defect from the list and think about what you could learn about it. Use the rest of the week to learn even more

Change Your Attitude Step 3
Change Your Attitude Step 3

Step 3. Look on the bright side

In any unwanted circumstance, there is always a way to look on the bright side. This is not to say that you should live your life dishonestly, always ignoring the evil in favor of a fake smile. Instead, accept the bad things but also think about how much worse they could be.

For example, you may have just been in a car accident and have to pay a lot of money for repairs and medical care. One way to see the bright side is to be thankful that you are still alive without permanent damage to your body or brain

Change Your Attitude Step 4
Change Your Attitude Step 4

Step 4. Count your blessings

Hang a blank sheet of paper on the wall or use a journal. Every morning, as soon as you wake up, think of a blessing in your life that you haven't written yet and write it down. Counting your blessings will help you see that your life is not all misfortune and sadness, that you have reason to be happy and joyful.

Change Your Attitude Step 5
Change Your Attitude Step 5

Step 5. Find a life coach

These professionals make a living by helping people find success in many forms, including attitude changes. They have the experience to know which methods work with most people.

You can contact a life coach in person, attend seminars and conferences or study their methods online

Change Your Attitude Step 6
Change Your Attitude Step 6

Step 6. Befriend optimistic people

Sometimes a bad attitude is the result of being surrounded by people with a bad attitude. As it has been said, "Bad company corrupts good character". Consider becoming friends with new people, especially people who are optimistic and who have a healthy attitude towards life.

Change Your Attitude Step 7
Change Your Attitude Step 7

Step 7. Ask your friends to point out when you are negative or pessimistic in the future

This will help you see how often your pessimism arises and in what situations it tends to present itself.

Change Your Attitude Step 8
Change Your Attitude Step 8

Step 8. Ask the right questions

When you are in a situation where you feel that your unwanted attitude is forcing its way, take the time to ask yourself a few questions to help you change your attitude. Some examples of questions that might help you change your attitude are:

  • What can I do to change the way I feel?
  • Is there another meaning I can discover from this situation?
  • What could I do to make this situation more interesting or attractive? What could I do to benefit from it?
  • What is the story of that person? How did she come to behave this way? Could it be me or someone I love?
Change Your Attitude Step 9
Change Your Attitude Step 9

Step 9. Seek help

Try asking your friends what they hate or don't like about you and try asking if they can help you change those things.
