Do you smile often? Do you look at life through a sweet, sensitive and naive gaze? Do you like all forms of retro whimsical electronic media? So, you might be a twee. Being twee is as much an attitude as it is a lifestyle. Twee people have an extravagant and nostalgic air that is reflected in the way they behave and spend their time. If you think you're twee, don't worry, because you can try to heal yourself, even if you never completely heal, through a solid regimen of romantic sadness and Woody Allen movies.
Part 1 of 3: Having a Twee Personality

Step 1. Be an open person
If there is one thing that twee people do most of all, it is to openly express their feelings. If twee people are happy, then they let the whole world know, smiling and walking in a carefree way. If they are sad, they listen to nostalgic compilations, cry, drink tea and walk solemnly. Being "Twee" means being like an open book, so don't be afraid to show your feelings to the world!
Being open also means being sensitive to how others make you feel. The emotions of the twee are very influenced by the relationships with friends, family and especially with their partner. Romance is a source of joy and sadness for twees, who intend to immerse themselves with their emotions in relationships

Step 2. Be sweet
When we hear about twee, we tend to associate this term with a kind of extreme, forced (but not false) sweetness. In fact, sweet is just one of the words by which a twee person is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Twee people are polite, humble and very busy with relationships with others. Also, twee's are aware of other people's feelings and attach great importance to it.

Step 3. Fall in love easily
Twee people fall in love quickly and firmly believe in love at first sight. Those even more twee have an innocent and almost childish crush before even speaking to a person for the first time. Twee romance is a middle school fantasy: the boy meets the girl, they share an instant bond, the boy shows his affection in a sweet and modest but memorable way, the girl reciprocates, and so on. For twee people, you're never too old to hold hands in the park, so don't be afraid to be embarrassed like a teenager next time you ask someone out.
According to stereotypes, twees tend to be attracted only to certain types of people, although an innocent challenge to convention is very twee. As a reference, think of the romantic stars of twee films like Zoey Deschanel in 500 Days Together or Woody Allen's Alvy Singer in Me and Annie: intellectual, witty, whimsical, spontaneous and emotionally intense

Step 4. Enjoy the simple pleasures
Tweees don't spend their time testing sports cars, getting lost in night clubs, or making expensive trips. In fact, they prefer to enjoy less serious and financially undemanding activities. For twee people, having an afternoon picnic in the park, journaling, playing folk songs, or enjoying a cup of coffee at the nearest café is far more (if not more) interesting than any of the other activities described above. When they can, they enjoy life simply by having fun. Here is a short list of activities twee people could do on the day off:
- Hiking
- Take a look at the record shop
- Write or practice their own music
- Make a compilation for a friend or for the infatuation of the moment
- Watch old movies
- Write a story or an essay
- Enjoy the view of the place and feel with your partner

Step 5. Reject the "seriousness" of adulthood
For twee people, some traditional ideas of adulthood are outdated, misleading and all wrong at best. Being an adult doesn't necessarily mean acting seriously or giving up your passions for a stable career. Furthermore, the post-graduation period is not an invitation to start behaving like an adult. Although twee adults have to make practical and responsible decisions to accept or refuse a job and start a family, they have the innate ability to retain positive childlike traits when they grow up, such as:
- Have a particular sense of humor
- Having a somewhat delicate and unconventional style
- Enjoying childhood pastimes
- Observe the world with the eyes of a child
Part 2 of 3: Looking Twee

Step 1. Shop at the flea market
Twee people, as well as those belonging to different subcultures, prefer to shop at vintage stores or flea markets, rather than clothing stores. These shops have two great advantages: savings, which might suit those with a twee idea of the profession, such as the postcard writer (see Her and 500 Days Together), and the sale of unfashionable, old and worn clothes, which consists of most of a twee person's wardrobe.
In general, the purpose of twee fashion is to nurture a "retro" style, with a pleasantly clunky aesthetic. You can find a lot of information about it on the internet

Step 2. Look for cute accessories
Twees love their accessories. For twee people, every accessory is one more chance to add a touch of retro, a "cool but not too much" taste to their clothing. Look for unconventional or old-fashioned belts, jewelry, bags, backpacks and shoes to give your twee style a finishing touch.
Also, if possible, you will need to wear glasses. These classic accessories for a twee, instantly give a scholarly and intellectual style, perfect to complete your look. Whenever possible, wear old-fashioned glasses

Step 3. Give yourself a nerdy or scholarly touch
It is natural that twee people, preferring intellectual pursuits, tend to dress in a "nerdy" way. There is a big difference between dressing like a loser and dressing "twee-nerd". However, while "usually" the nerdy style consists of garments that don't fit well, the "twee-nerd" style is completely intentional and therefore looks cute and chic. Here are some ideas for nerdy fashion:
- For men: skinny jeans or with chino fabric, vintage shirts with a clumsy cut and old formal suits.
- For women: skirts and sweaters, clunky glasses, plastic clothespins, tops with awkward prints, librarian style.

Step 4. For an “autumn” look
For twee people who like to be outdoors, nerdy clothes may not be suitable. If so, it's time to embrace the fall fashion that twee's love. Beards, sweaters and handmade garments dominate the twee outdoor fashion. Here are some ideas:
- For men: beards, plaid, flannel shirts, larger jackets, band t-shirts and bombers.
- For women: scarves, floral dresses, sun hats, knitted skirts and boots.
- For both: T-shirts with cute animal prints, knitted or leather belts and accessories, baggy sweaters and cardigans.

Step 5. Dress up in an old-fashioned look
Retro chic is a key part of twee fashion. If it is not fashionable to wear certain items of clothing, there is a good chance that it can be used for a twee fashion. For clothing, look for retro clothes that give you a natural style. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- For men: vintage leather shoes, suit with non-black trousers, embroidered shirts.
- For women: "sailor" tops, old-fashioned stockings, top with decorated laces to tie around the neck, skirts with buttons and vintage leather belts.
- For both: Faded t-shirts (twee group t-shirts are best), anything that has buttons.
Part 3 of 3: Having Twee Tastes

Step 1. Listen to twee music
Twee people "love" their music. Usually, twee's prefer the sweet, melancholy rock or pop music that was popular around the 80s and early 90s. Here are some artists who are generally considered part of the twee "landscape":
- Belle and Sebastian
- The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
- The Vaselines
- Calvin Johnson
- Peter, Bjorn, and John.
- Any artist featured in the C86 compilation.
- To be even more twee, you will probably also want to listen to your own playlist, or rather, the one that someone special has made for you. If you don't know where to start, try searching the internet.

Step 2. Enjoy twee literature
Twee people like to see themselves as good readers. Hence, a twee person will often talk about their favorite books and show you their collection. Typically, a twee's tastes in literature reflect an emotional nature and childish curiosity for the world around them. Here are some examples of twee readings:
- The young Holden (a classic twee)
- Dave Eggers, Miranda July, Arundhati Roy, and other modern twee masters
- Esoteric nonfiction (i.e. books concerning obscure historical or natural facts.)
- Whimsical Children's Books ("In the Land of Wild Monsters")

Step 3. Watch twee movies
While the term twee isn't very well established, some movies are indelibly associated with the twee lifestyle. These films usually tell particular romantic stories and / or the struggles of the characters with their adulthood, with the addition of both a comic and dramatic touch to give a bittersweet tone. Here is a list of movies that are often considered "twee" or that feature twee characters:
- Almost all of the Wes Anderson films
- Most films by Michael Cera and Jesse Eisenberg (Nick and Norah. It all happened in one night ", The Squid and the Whale, etc.)
- Most Zoey Deschanel movies (500 days together, etc.)
- Most romantic movies and indie comedies (Juno, My Life in Garden State, etc.)
- Old films that have in common the themes of the previous films (Me and Annie, The Graduate, etc.)

Step 4. Create a twee environment
Twee people like to furnish the aesthetics of their home to reflect their twee tastes. A twee's room is their "sanctuary", a place to be immersed in their twee interests. Try to add the following things to give your room an even more twee feel:
- Retro or old-fashioned equipment
- Lots of books and vinyl records
- Old-fashioned wallpaper and colorful pastel images
- Posters and more for the twee equipment
- Something childish (bunk bed, etc.)
- When in doubt about the arrangement of your room, use Wes Anderson's films as a guide. The aesthetics of the recorder are unmistakably twee.

Step 5. Find twee hobbies
As noted above, twee people enjoy simple but satisfying activities. Typical twee pastimes are delightfully whimsical, sometimes even bizarre. However, most twee pastimes are a natural expression of twee sensibility. Here are some ideas:
- Tea party
- Art exhibitions
- Twee concerts
- Picnic or excursions
- Wine tastings
- See indie movies
- Go to the library
- Try shopping in antique shops and flea markets. You will find something truly unique and inexpensive if you like used clothing. Make sure you wash everything well!
- The internet is a great way to find music, clothes and jewelry, whatever you need! Beware of shopping!
- Bands to listen to: Beat Happening, Belle & Sebastian, Second Hand Furniture, Heavenly, Tiger Trap, Talulash Gosh, Ko mon, The Luck smiths, 14 Iced Bears
- Don't wear too much makeup. A little eye makeup will be perfect, but don't overdo it.
- Be sure of yourself. You must be proud of how unique you are!
- Learn to knit, you will save a lot of money!
- Check out the music sites. Many offer free mp3s.
- You can wear black, but in a modest way.
- On the Internet you will find many accessories.
- Beware of downloading music. If you really love a band you should support them by buying their records.
- Most people have no idea what a twee is.
- Many people will never have heard of the music you listen to.
Don't overdo the childish behavior. There is a fine line between cute and hateful.
If you are new to the twee lifestyle, or have not understood what a twee is, you should dwell on the basics of the twee and then form your own unique style when you understand it. The twee was born from indie!