We all have dealt with someone who has treated us badly. Let's face it: bullies are everywhere! Sometimes it seems like they take advantage of every situation to make our life miserable. However, this article will reveal some tricks to better cope with the situation.

Step 1. Show no pain
Bullies are predators. Just as wolves can sense fear, bullies look for signs of weakness to exploit. As a child, a bully who teases someone does so to see the other's reaction. The state of a teenage bully is more advanced - they do it to feel superior.

Step 2. Try to show confidence
A bully makes fun of others to feel superior, or uses other people for their own gain. If you show yourself superior anyway, you will deprive the bully of what makes him so: the feeling that someone is feeling cheated and inferior.

Step 3. DON'T be explicitly mean to them
Your anger will only make them feel stronger - and that's exactly what they want. Some draw strength from arguments and the fact that they are mean to you is a clear sign that they are looking for a fight. You have to bring them down without open conflict.

Step 4. Grow to take advantage of their hatred
This is the hardest step. Find a quiet place and some free time and focus on your mind. You have to come to believe that they are jealous of you. If you are jealous of them, stop immediately. Make sure you fully understand that your life is superior to theirs.

Step 5. Be nice to them
One of the reasons they keep acting like bullies is because you are one of those who see them that way. Nothing you do can hurt them that much. However, you can get them off the pedestal from the inside. Make your life an image of virtue. Make sure no one has a chance to see you as a bully. Even be nice to the bullies themselves. The real attack comes from the people around you, who will now look at the situation for what it really is: a bully who misbehaves with a good person, which will lead to the bully losing the friendship of those good people. If you fight fire with fire, on the contrary, they will simply see you as someone who misbehaves with their friends. The best way to deal with a bully is to be good and kind to him.
Don't just be good to the bully. They will see you as a lick, and others will think you are inferior. You have to be nice to everyone
- Be on your guard! Think about all possible situations and possible answers. Don't let the bully catch you unprepared.
- Don't make your kindness seem forced. Don't let your kindness be something like, "Oh, look at me! I'm so good and kind! Yeah!".