As the Klingons say, "revenge is a dish to be served cold". If someone does something so irritating, nefarious, utterly frustrating that you can't help but avenge you, you may not know where to start. You can choose from many treacherous possibilities: a passive revenge, an active one or a decidedly bad one. Which one to choose? Keep reading.
Method 1 of 3: Passively Take Revenge

Step 1. Ignore it
Sometimes, doing absolutely nothing is the best answer to give to a bully or a nuisance who wants to provoke you. By always reacting, insulting him yourself and expressing your anger, you will help keep him in a dominant position and confirm that you deserve what he did to you. Ignoring him and excluding him from your life, it will be as if he were dead to you. It will be over and you can forget it.
Being ignored can have the same, if not even more frustrating, effect than being submissive. This technique works especially if they try to embarrass you in front of others, as do older siblings, bullies at school, or co-workers who make fun of you

Step 2. Get on with your life
"The best revenge is to live well". Act as if what happened and which resulted in your revenge is having no effect on you. Raise barriers and get on with your usual stuff. Even if you were still traumatized by what someone did to you, keep your head up and don't let them see how much they hurt you. The most rewarding revenge may be to continue your life and live it better than the person who hurt you.
If you are forced to meet this person periodically, prepare some good stories to describe how good things are for you, and how great your life is. If someone at work or school has embarrassed you, talk about your nice weekend out of town with your many great friends, or the bike ride you took

Step 3. Block his profile on social networks
If someone harasses you on Facebook, or constantly bombards you with irritating tweets or photos on Instagram, exclude them from your life. Unfriend them, stop following them, and block them. Don't let minor annoyances become the cause of serious fights over time. In a short time, his annoying brags and photos with your ex will turn into distant memories.
You might fall into the temptation to get involved in an online competition where you throw each other mud, swapping posts and arguing in public. Try to avoid it at all costs: that stuff will then stay there, and there is no point in being sucked into a potentially embarrassing public fight, with someone who isn't worth wasting time with

Step 4. Don't help him when he needs it
This is especially effective if he has consistently criticized your help. Now that he needs it, he won't get it. He will get the message.
- If you are working on a group project at school and everyone is making fun of you, walk away and do the work yourself. When the day comes for you to deliver it, let the teacher know that your group has decided not to help you.
- If one of your siblings, roommates, or your partner criticizes the way you work around the house, suddenly stop doing laundry or doing the dishes and let them know you'd be happy to let them do it.
Method 2 of 3: Take Action

Step 1. If this seems appropriate, consider taking legal action
Let the authorities deal with cases in which you have been tormented, emotionally or physically. Keep records and a chronological list of everything that happened and consider filing a complaint.
- If someone has borrowed your car and damaged it, or if they borrowed money and never returned it, keep the details. Keep your receipts, commitments in writing, emails etc. and rewrite everything you remember about conversations and your business. Then go to a lawyer or police station and ask what your chances of getting an arrest or taking action for theft, embezzlement, vandalism, stalking, forgery or defamation.
- Your revenge must always remain within the limits of the law. If you want to take revenge, never cross the line. Often those who do justice for themselves end up - rightly - in prison, and by hurting another person you will not solve anything. Respect the law and also your conscience. Stealing someone's mail can be exciting in the moment, but it's still a crime. Is it worth it? No.

Step 2. Show what happens to other people as well
If they've hurt you, don't sit in a corner brooding. Use your intelligence to make judgments about the other person's behavior. Face it face to face.
Be careful. Being seen angry or angry means lowering yourself to his level. Looking at it all the time looking for a way to deal with it face to face could also be tiring. He has probably also decided to do the same thing, and it could be counterproductive, and you would end up finding yourself in a series of chain vendettas

Step 3. Defeat him
Insignificant battles made for revenge count for much less than a war to win in real life. By winning in life you will get your revenge.
If someone has tried to harm you by spreading gossip about you, perhaps managing to undermine your promotion, go all out to get it next quarter. Work hard and steer clear of this person until the executives realize it was just gossip. Give your best in every situation

Step 4. Minimize your efforts
Create a situation where the person who hurt you ends up looking confused or disorganized. Without making your intentions understood, remaining as silent and alert as possible, keep an eye on your prey until you spot a specific weakness or habit. Use it to your advantage, whatever it is: a job, a joke, a chair, a car, a notebook, a room, a door, or even the people around it. At the right moment, take action.
- If your enemy is constantly bragging about his successes over lunches or a certain class, catch him off guard by taking control of the conversation. Make sure she can't speak.
- If your enemy always pulls or behaves with a certain superiority, pay attention to every single slip or mistake and bring it out in a polite way. If an overconfident environmentalist you share a room with uses a plastic cup, sarcastically point out how hard it is to care about the fate of the world all the time.

Step 5. Make it harmless with your kindness
The alternative to sabotaging his attempts is to be extremely helpful, willing to forget what happened, and to do what you can to get close and offer your advice, help and solutions non-stop. Be annoying. Whenever he wants to be alone, let him see you. Whenever he makes a decision, question it by highlighting the negative consequences of his choice. This psychological torture can lead to confusion and a sense of insecurity.
Method 3 of 3: Playing Dirty

Step 1. You decide to go down to his level
Not always going down to his level and playing dirty will be the smartest decision to make, but sometimes the opportunity is too tempting to pass up. Make sure whatever rascal or plan you are up to is annoying at worst, and doesn't result in something illegal or potentially dangerous instead. Be mature even when you behave immature.
Remember that getting involved in a war with someone will cost you more effort than simply getting over it. Playing dirty is HIS tactic, and you risk further reprisals from him. You have been warned

Step 2. Send letters, messages or make anonymous calls
If this person has to put up with an avalanche of annoying calls asking to speak to the Alcoholics Anonymous Association (or something worse), you will exacerbate him enough to change his phone number or email.
Display their contact information in public places, perhaps even crafting ridiculous posters to hang in motels, bars, and other disreputable places. He'll have a lot to do answering calls from the weirdest guys

Step 3. Give him a disgusting gift
Shrimp and other sea creatures produce something that could be described as satanic flatulence when they start to go bad. By hiding some frozen shrimp in his desk or locker, they will turn into a foul-smelling explosion within a couple of days. They will be confused and disgusted and may even attract some animals looking for a snack.

Step 4. Embarrass him in public
Order some inconvenient material and have it get it at a compromising time. Order the latest pornographic videos or a collection of sex toys and send the package to his office, making sure it is delivered while he is at work, perhaps during a meeting. Make sure the courier has to ask around before finding the person concerned.

Step 5. Get him out of his mind
Send him something nice, like flowers, but from a weird and infamous person. Make sure you place an anonymous order and pay in cash, so that if you receive flowers that say "It was nice to sleep in your garden on Viale Firenze 123", or something just as creepy, he will be horrified.
- It's okay to do something sinister, but try not to go overboard. Don't really sleep in his garden and still avoid doing something illegal.
- You can maybe lipstick write "Lucifer will return" on his windshield, or make a gothic stone carving on his porch. Make a creepy voodoo doll with a picture of her face and leave it in the mailbox. The next day observe how sleepy he will look at work because of the nightmares you caused him.

Step 6. Learn to distinguish between harassment and joking
Be confident and aloof when you prank someone out of revenge. Harassment, on the other hand, involves offenses, insults and other unwanted intimidation, and what's more, it is illegal. Don't go that far.
An individual is guilty of first-degree harassment when he intentionally and repeatedly harasses another person, by following him in public places or by engaging in repeated conduct or acts designed to instill in that person a reasonable fear of physical harm
- Stand up for yourself, and don't be afraid to experiment with your ideas.
- If your revenge is elaborate and will happen at different times, never be present at the crash site or they will suspect you.
- Befriend your enemy's friends to know how best to act.
- Your enemy's enemy can also help. Get them over to your side.
- Keep your head up, don't look at them and behave with superiority.
- Don't hurt him. Just ignore it.
- Revenge must always be the last resort! Try other solutions before taking revenge.