Attraction is an essential element in a long-lasting marriage or relationship. When spouses are attracted to each other, marriages yield less under the blows of time and cohabitation becomes more fulfilling. However, over the years it can be difficult to give priority to the seductive component, especially as responsibilities increase. Therefore, pay attention to your physical appearance, fuel your emotional side, and make married life more exciting to make sure your husband continues to be attracted to you.
Part 1 of 3: Taking Care of the Physical Appearance
Step 1. Be taken care of
There are many aspects of your image that you cannot control. Thankfully though, the attraction is based on elements of the outward appearance that you have the ability to handle. If you are always attentive to personal care and hygiene and do not neglect yourself physically, you will be able to attract your husband more effectively than any drastic change of style. Therefore, don't forget to:
- Brush your teeth twice a day;
- Shower regularly
- Shave in the necessary places;
- Style your hair and have clean hair.

Step 2. Buy cute clothes that flatter your figure
You don't have to change your style to please your husband. However, to be attractive, it is essential to wear clean clothes that emphasize your body. It might also be helpful to wear something a little more formal, to avoid sweatpants or ripped jeans. Choose comfortable, natural fabrics that are easy to wash and iron, such as cotton, wool and silk - they will help keep your clothes in top condition.
If you are having a hard time finding clothes that fit you well, try going to a store that sells clothes for your build. The clerks will be able to guide you in choosing the clothes that suit your body and that correspond to your tastes

Step 3. Dress in red
Men tend to be more attracted to women who wear red than women who wear other colors. In fact, this shade evokes passionate feelings and emotions, so buy some red dresses, underwear and lingerie if you want to impress.

Step 4. Keep yourself in good physical condition
Time does not grant favors to the human body. However, you don't have to be a skinny supermodel or have perfectly sculpted abs to be attractive to your husband. To stay healthy and fit, you just need to keep your weight under control, eat a nutritious diet and do moderate physical activity.
- You will also gain more confidence if you stay healthy and fit. Often, self-confidence is an attractive quality.
- Usually, with a little you can do a lot. Walk briskly for 20 minutes a day. Cut down on portions of dishes and high-calorie foods.

Step 5. Don't neglect poise
Good posture allows the body to show its best and capture the interest of others. Stand with your back straight, even when sitting down, and resist the temptation to bend over or slouch. Keep your head up and shoulders back so you look your best.

Step 6. Shop with your husband in mind
Occasionally buy some sexy lingerie or some equally sensual piece of clothing. Show it to your husband, telling him you bought it with him in mind. You can also consider choosing something flashy in her favorite color.
How you get your message across can have as great an impact as the message itself. For example, naturally slide your new piece of underwear into his hands and then move away silently with a slight sway at your hips. Body language can be more meaningful than just words

Step 7. Make a small change in yourself
You don't have to radically change your appearance, but you could subtly modify even just a part to catch your husband's attention again. Therefore, consider doing a new hairstyle, adding some highlights, or treat yourself to a day at a spa to give your skin a new shine. If you don't want to spend too much money or be tied to a bigger change, try something simple, like a new lipstick shade or a different eye makeup.

Step 8. Smile
Smiling is one of the most important attitudes you can take to grab a man's attention when you are single. Consequently, there is nothing to be surprised if, once you are married, by smiling at your husband, you can stimulate him in the same way. He will be attracted to you if you look at him in a cute, pleasant and joyful way.
Part 2 of 3: Cultivating a Seductive Personality

Step 1. Project your confidence onto others
If you don't love yourself, the lack of confidence and self-esteem will likely extend to the relationship you have with your husband. Self-confidence is a quality that fascinates and, conversely, a lack of confidence can make you appear unattractive. Try telling yourself that you are sexy, attractive, and interesting. Focus on your favorite sides of yourself and remember that there is a good reason why your husband fell in love with you.
- You will be able to show your self-esteem by speaking confidently and by assuming an upright posture that communicates confidence.
- If you are unable to eliminate negative thoughts about yourself, consider doing some meditation or psychotherapy to get some extra help.

Step 2. Be yourself
You will be able to maintain a more positive attitude if you take care of yourself emotionally. If you are totally dependent on your husband, you will be more likely to judge yourself harshly when he can't make you feel better. Consequently, if you are too critical of yourself, you run the risk of pushing him away. To be able to express your personality, try to:
- Spend more time with friends and family.
- Cultivate a hobby.
- Take a course on something that interests you.

Step 3. Stay in tune as a couple
Don't take your husband's presence for granted. Appreciate the time you spend together and try to spend qualitatively important moments with him. Invite him out or find other ways to see you throughout the day. Talk to him at least once a day on the phone, via Skype, or text him so that he knows he's on your mind.

Step 4. Get help with housework when you are stressed
It can be difficult to focus on marriage when you have children, work, home, and other responsibilities. Try not to handle too many things if you want to keep attracting your husband. If you find that you've built up too much stress, find someone who can lighten the load. This way you will also avoid the danger of becoming a grumpy wife, ruining your relationship as a couple. Therefore, you could:
- Asking your husband to help you with housework;
- Ask a friend to help you around the house;
- Find a babysitter to get some breathing room
- Find someone who can take care of the house cleaning.

Step 5. Ask your husband personal questions
If curiosity about your partner doesn't die, you will be able to keep the marriage alive. Don't act like he's a predictable or boring person - tell yourself that you always have something to learn about him. Ask him to tell you about his life, his emotions and his experiences, in order to grow the relationship and increase your mutual attraction.

Step 6. Talk about how you feel
Don't mask your emotions in front of your partner. Tell him what you think and feel. If you need some support, don't be afraid to show it. Be honest and remember that sharing your emotions is the key to building and nurturing a marriage union based on mutual attraction.

Step 7. Laugh together
As you get older, you will likely begin to take life more seriously than when you were just married. Be serious if the situation calls for it, but also remember to play down with a laugh every now and then and make sure your husband knows how to do the same. To keep the sense of humor alive in your married life, you can:
- Inventing funny jokes that only you know the meaning of;
- Attend live cabaret shows;
- Rent funny movies;
- Let go of inhibitions and act like two fools.

Step 8. Express your attraction to your life partner
Show him that you always find him very seductive. In turn, he will be even more attracted to you. There is nothing more captivating than knowing that you are considered attractive. To assure him that he still has a strong fascination for you, you can:
- Tell him how much you love him;
- Flirt with him;
- Look him in the eye;
- Compliment him on his appearance and personality;
- Offer him to have sex.

Step 9. Support him
Pay attention to your husband's needs and wishes. Give him emotional and physical support when his morale is low, even if he doesn't show the need for support. Make sure he feels your love through the attention you give him.
- Show interest in his passions. You don't have to make an effort to embrace everything he is passionate about, but encourage him to talk to you about his interests by listening to him.
- Every now and then organize something special for him. Throw a surprise party for her birthday or cook her favorite dish. Offer to wrap his lunch for the next day or give him a shoulder massage after a particularly long and tiring day at work.
- Identify yourself with him if he is having a hard time.

Step 10. Don't play with him
Perhaps you will come to think that by making him jealous, you will become more irresistible in his eyes. However, this attitude is likely to backfire on you more often than not. Therefore, try to attract him by being sincere and taking care of him, not playing dangerously.

Step 11. Resolve Conflicts Now
Don't let marital problems go gangrene. Discuss the difficulties in order to clarify the situation. If your husband seems distant or withdrawn, sit down and talk about the problem. Once you have discussed everything openly, you can find a solution together.
Be aware that some complications in married life may have nothing to do with you. If your husband no longer finds you attractive, it is likely that he has a health problem or that something is affecting him psychologically, spiritually or emotionally and over which he has no control
Part 3 of 3: Adding a Hint of Enthusiasm to Marriage Life

Step 1. Decide to share exciting experiences with your husband
Studies show that married life is more satisfying when a couple undertakes interesting and stimulating activities together. Therefore, it is possible to consolidate the couple's bond by trying always new activities, dishes, places and ideas. Here are some ideas to make your relationship more exciting:
- Watch some horror or thrilling movies;
- Join a sports group or join a gym
- Visiting places never seen before;
- Take a walk surrounded by nature.

Step 2. Increase physical contact throughout the day
It is essential to maintain intimate and positive physical contact with your partner in order to maintain a certain harmony with him. Make sure it is continuous throughout the day, not just when you have sex. Find a way to take the initiative and touch it in a sensual way in your daily life. For example, you might:
- Massage his neck while preparing dinner;
- Stroking his hair while watching a movie together;
- Hold him by the hand while walking;
- Kiss him on the cheek every now and then;
- Offer to give him a back massage when he feels tense.
Step 3. Let yourself be tempted by your mutual sexual fantasies
Make sure your sex life doesn't become a routine. Ask your husband what his sexual desires are and tell him about yours. Support each other to fulfill them. Even if you don't have any kind of "perversion" to confess to him, you can still spice up your married life by trying something new during intimate moments:
- Try a new sexual position;
- Rent a hotel room and order room service;
- Find a babysitter to look after the kids in the evening so you don't have to worry about being interrupted;
- Massage each other;
- Wear new lingerie.
Step 4. Focus on the quality of your sexual relations, not the quantity
It is normal for the frequency of sex during marriage to decrease over time, especially if children are born. However, in order to keep the attraction alive, one must never neglect the couple's sex life. It is better for your relationships to be satisfying to both of you than frequent, but disappointing.

Step 5. Kiss him at least 10 seconds a day
The kiss puts endorphins into circulation and allows the couple to consolidate the bond of passion. Therefore, try to kiss your husband for at least 10 seconds a day. You will feel closer, satisfied and happier to be together.
- It is important to make a conscious effort to reinvigorate the attractiveness component within the marriage. However, it shouldn't take precedence over the manifestation of one's emotions and well-being. Don't neglect your own needs to meet your husband's.
- Keep in mind that marriage is subject to many ups and downs over the years. Over time, increased responsibilities - especially those involving children and work - can put a strain on life as a couple. Remember that this is normal and that everything will work out over time.
- Be aware of the physical and emotional characteristics of the attraction. Take care to base your marriage on mutual respect and attention, as well as physical attraction.