Snapchat is a fun social media that allows you to send your friends photos that disappear after a few seconds. While the app is fun, in some cases parents may find it dangerous or may think you are too young to use it. You can try to get them to let you use the program by asking politely if you can download it and compromise, so that they feel safe.
Part 1 of 2: Ask the Parents

Step 1. Prove that you are responsible
Your parents won't let you use Snapchat otherwise. Show that you behave well and they will trust you. Take care of the housework, do your homework, and help out when you get the chance. This way they will understand that you are mature and able to use the app.
Don't post anything inappropriate on Instagram or Facebook, or your parents may think you're not responsible enough to use Snapchat

Step 2. Choose the right time to ask
Make sure you're talking about Snapchat at a good time. Don't do this when your parents are busy or half asleep. Find the best opportunity when they aren't distracted or stressed.
- You can ask for dinner or when you take a car trip;
- It begins by saying, "Mom, Dad, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Step 3. Ask calmly and politely
When you ask your parents for permission to use Snapchat, make sure you do it in a calm and respectful way. Don't complain, cry, or beg. It would be easier for them to say no to you if you throw a tantrum instead of being understanding and courteous.
Say, "Is there a way I can download the Snapchat app?"

Step 4. Explain why you want the app
Prepare compelling arguments. Explain that it would help you socialize and be included in your company of friends. Tell them you would use it to bond stronger with your friends and meet new people at school. You can also say that it is a great way to stay in touch with others, much more effective than messages, because it allows you to see what they are doing.
Try: "Many schoolmates use it and I feel left out in conversations and groups because I don't have it. If I had the app I could keep in touch with more people and have closer relationships with other kids at school."

Step 5. Explain that you would use Snapchat responsibly
Your parents might be worried that the pictures disappear right away. This leads many users to use it to share inappropriate images. Talk to your parents and reassure them, saying that you will not send any compromising photos and that you are aware of the risk of someone taking a snapshot of your photos, even if technically they should disappear right away.
For example, you might say, "I promise to use Snapchat responsibly. I will not post or send anything inappropriate. I understand that even if the images disappear, people can still take snapshots of the photos I send. I will only use the app with my closest friends"

Step 6. Ask why they don't want you to use the app
If your parents forbid you from doing this, calmly ask about their motives. Understanding their point of view can help you convince them.
Part 2 of 2: Suggesting Compromises

Step 1. Offer to impose time limits
If your parents don't want you to use Snapchat because they're worried you won't do anything else, this trade-off can get them to change their minds. Promise to spend a certain number of hours outdoors, without a cell phone, and never use it in class or after going to bed.

Step 2. Ask your parents to check your friends list
This can make them feel calmer when using the app. So they will know that you only talk to people they know and trust. They might care that they don't have friends of the opposite sex on Snapchat, or maybe just guys they've met. Accept regular checks of your friends list, so they know for sure that you follow the rules.

Step 3. Make your profile private
Explain that with this setting only users on your friends list can send you photos and messages. This way you will not be able to receive unsolicited communications from strangers.
Explain that they will be able to block all users who make them uncomfortable

Step 4. Promise not to watch Snapchat stories posted in the media
Your parents may object to the idea that you use the app due to media stories like MTV and Buzzfeed. They may be concerned that they contain inappropriate content, so reassure them that you won't open them.

Step 5. Agree to use the children's version of Snapchat
If your parents are adamant, ask to be able to use Snapkidz. This application allows you to take pictures and draw on them, but not to send them to other users. It is theoretically not possible to create a Snapchat profile if you are under 13, so this is your best bet until you get older.
- Remember that your parents love you and are only trying to protect you.
- Keep calm, don't complain and don't cry.
- If your parents tell you no, respect their decision. Don't insist that they change their minds.
- Keep calm and ask why they don't want me to download Snapchat. They will surely have good reasons, so don't lose your temper.
- Ask politely, without insisting too much, otherwise you will annoy them. If you show yourself mature, you will be treated with equal maturity.
- Find a friend who has the app and ask them to let your parents know about it so they understand how it works.
- If you are responsible, you will be able to convince your parents over time. The only way to do this is to follow their rules.
- Suggest that your parents create a Snapchat account to make sure you only post appropriate content.
- Describe all the benefits of Snapchat. If you are an artist, you might say, "Snapchat offers beautiful web design and animation".