Have you ever wanted to impress your family and attract attention? Or maybe pretend you have blue blood? Ordinary people who have no degree of kinship to an aristocratic family may have no reason to behave, speak and dress like royalty, but that doesn't mean you can't imitate them in a way that adds class and charm to your life.
Part 1 of 3: Having the Look of a Royal

Step 1. Maintain the correct posture
Men should keep their feet shoulder-width apart, women one foot slightly in front of the other. Maintaining the correct posture means having a straight back and a slightly raised chin. Keep your feet flat on the ground and your knees only slightly bent. Shoulders should be back, with the rib cage in the center. Try to keep your hands out of your pockets.

Step 2. Learn to sit with good posture
Men must keep their legs crossed, or straight in front of them, with their feet on the ground. Women must cross their ankles, not their legs. As women of the royal family often wear dresses, it is important that they sit and stand carefully so as to avoid accidentally showing their underwear.
Also, when you sit down, you should keep your back straight and touch the seat with your buttocks. Keep your weight evenly distributed on both hips

Step 3. Get out of the car with elegance
For women of the royal family, who usually wear clothes, a little preparation is required to get out of a car. Follow these tips:
- Approach the edge of the car keeping ankles and knees together;
- Open the door or ask someone to do it for you. Orient your knees towards the door;
- With one hand on the seat in front of you and one hand on the seat you are in, pull yourself out of the car. Keep your knees together and place one leg on the ground.
- Keep your body facing the door as you take the other leg out. When you have both feet on the ground, stand up and close the door.

Step 4. Dress up with class
Royal clothing includes rather simple, quality and not too flashy clothing. Women can wear elegant dresses for formal occasions, simple blouses, blazers and jeans for informal ones. On formal occasions, men must wear a suit, tuxedo and tailcoat in the evening, striped trousers and shirt during the day. For informal events, a man of the royal family can wear a blazer and shirt, with jeans or trousers made of a light fabric, such as cotton.
Jewels are ideal accessories for women, but they don't have to be too much, nor too flashy. For example, a set of earrings and a silver necklace can be the finishing touch to a cocktail dress

Step 5. Walk elegantly
There is a name for the gait that is taught to women of the English royal family: The Glide, literally gliding. Start with your weight on your back foot and your legs about 6 inches apart. As you walk, your knees should cross and the moving foot lightly touch the heel of the stationary one to make sure they are perfectly aligned.
In general, your movements should be smooth and not abrupt. The slow and precise movements show confidence and calm, traits that characterize royalty

Step 6. Care well hygiene and hair.
It is unrealistic to think that you will never have a hair out of place, but you should still try to be as groomed as possible in almost any situation. Find a hairstyle that is trendy but not exaggerated, preferably a timeless classic. Follow a routine that allows you to always look perfect every day, similar to this:
- Dental care: Brush your teeth and floss every day. Use the mouthwash and tongue cleaning tool.
- Hair Care: Wash your hair regularly and thoroughly, using shampoo and conditioner. If your hairstyle calls for it, use a styling product, such as gel or hairspray.
- Facial Care: Use products such as cleansing and moisturizing creams to keep your face clean and healthy. This is the minimum requirement, but you can do more with skincare cosmetics, such as pore cleansing strips and facial masks.
- Improve the smell: put on deodorant every day and find a good bubble bath. Consider using perfume or cologne, but remember that when it comes to fragrances, don't overdo it.
- Remove excess hair. Men should remove excess hair from the eyebrows and in the space between them, while also caring for the beard. You may want to shave regularly so that you always have a clean face. Women need to take care of the shape of their eyebrows and remove all other facial hair, as well as minimize underarm and leg hair as well.
Part 2 of 3: Speak like a Royal

Step 1. Avoid dialect terms and swear words
Royals are always polite, so they don't use foul language. The dialectal expressions should not be avoided with equal attention, but using too many gives an impression that is too informal and not very cultured.

Step 2. Start integrating more formal words into your vocabulary
In general, high-ranking people speak with a wider vocabulary and give preference to elegant words over more common ones. For example, wonderful instead of beautiful and ecstatic instead of happy.
- Here are some more sophisticated words to try to improve your vocabulary: blunder instead of mistake, bitterness instead of hate, yearning instead of wanting, preference instead of pleasure.
- Invest in a dictionary and thesaurus vocabulary, or use online versions. Spend some time improving your vocabulary with these tools.

Step 3. Avoid the "seven deadly sins" of the language of royalty
If your goal is to look like English royalty, you need to know that there are seven words that quickly make it clear to members of British high society that a person is intentionally trying to appear more aristocratic than they really are. Here are the words:
- "Pardon". Royals use "what?"
- "Toilet". Royals use "lavatory"
- "Dinner". Royals use "lunch"
- "Settee". Royals use "sofa"
- "Lounge". Royals use "sitting room"
- "Sweet". Royals use "dessert"
- "Serviette". Royals use "napkin"

Step 4. Speak clearly and avoid eating words
Correct pronunciation is imperative, so make sure you know exactly how to say the words before using them. To sound like royalty, you need to enunciate well and speak confidently, loud enough to be heard clearly but no more. When you speak, slow down, so as to spell out the words and not get the pronunciation wrong.
You can practice enunciation by trying to recite tongue twisters to perfection, such as "Thirty-three Trentino people all thirty-three trotted into Trento", or simply by reading a book aloud when you are alone, trying to pronounce each word as clearly as possible
Part 3 of 3: Behaving like a Real

Step 1. Learn to greet people like royalty
When meeting someone, always offer them a handshake first. To shake the hand well, the skin between the thumb and forefinger must meet that of the other, the grip must be firm but not aggressive and must last for two or three movements, always looking the other person in the eye.

Step 2. Follow the etiquette at the table
When drinking tea or coffee, use a saucer and hold the cup handle to the right. For tea, you have to lift the saucer with your left hand and the cup with your right. For coffee you can leave the saucer on the table. Contrary to popular belief, you shouldn't raise your little finger. At cocktail parties, hold the glass with your left hand, so your right is free for handshakes. Never put your finger on the back of the fork to guide it and never use it to pick up foods such as peas. Also remember that the fork goes to the left of the plate and the knife to the right.
Of course, there are many other rules of table etiquette, such as chewing and swallowing before drinking, leaving the cutlery on the side of the plate when finished, and not blowing on hot food or drinks

Step 3. Be courteous and kind
Beyond anything else, royalty behave appropriately and politely. Imagine that you represent an entire people with your person and your actions. A prince or princess is observed by their whole country and the whole world, so they must always have an impeccable attitude in public. Always try to be calm, calm, charming and polite, especially with strangers.
Here are some examples of courtly behavior from royalty: always use "please" and "thank you", always arrive on time, compliment others when something strikes you, praise others' achievements, and engage in conversation with the people around you. you

Step 4. Develop more confidence
To look like royalty, you need to be confident. Confidence in one's means is the aspect that gives royals their charming demeanor. Gaining confidence requires self-control, practice, and patience. In some cases, the best way to start is to follow the advice you've often heard: "Pretend until it comes true." Get out of your comfort zone, take risks, and pretend you have security to sell. As you notice that other people behave differently towards you and that you get a lot more out of social situations, you will gradually start to really believe in yourself more.
Another proven way to boost self-esteem is to develop skills and feel proud of what you do best. For example, having confidence in your ability to write or draw will allow you to feel more confident in general

Step 5. Develop good posture
The bearing is that extra bit of grace and elegance in the way of being of a person that transforms him from ordinary to fascinating. Many factors go into developing a regal bearing, but here are some ways to get started:
- Be humble. Insecure people try to compensate by bragging or showing off. Those with a regal bearing do not need the approval of others and accept criticism well.
- Be calm. Having poise means feeling at peace with yourself. Stress and worries can give the impression that you are negative and agitated. Practice taking deep breaths when something stresses you and step back from that situation. Analyze the reasons that make you feel tense and think about what you can do about them.
- Do not rush. You will never see a person with regal bearing running around a room to take the last vacant chair. The right mindset to have a good balance is to slow down, because you are sure that you will still reach your goals.
- Be gentle. Your body movements should be gentle and careful. Slowly put the cup down. Don't throw books on the table. When you hug someone, don't try to crush them. Use only the necessary force in all situations.
- Read historical accounts of queens, kings and princes. This will give you an idea of what their lives were like and makes for an interesting read.
- Don't judge people too early and you will appear to be well-educated.