Sasuke Uchiha is a survivor. The newest member of the Uchiha clan is serious, vengeful, and one of the most famous characters in the Naruto series for good reason. If you want to learn how to imitate Sasuke well, learning his behaviors and reproducing his appearance will help you do so.
Part 1 of 3: Acting like Sasuke

Step 1. Behave with detachment and charisma, but remember your obsession with Naruto
Sasuke is calm, cold, indifferent, cruel, cynical, slightly sarcastic and somewhat arrogant. In other words, he has an air of superiority that comes from his confidence and his power. If you want to act like Sasuke, you will have to exude this sense of superiority.
In general, when people get close to you, don't consider them, even if they're your best friend. Other people are so inferior in terms of skills and knowledge that you should give the impression that their presence bores you

Step 2. Always be motivated
Sasuke has something to prove and always seems to be struggling with his inferiority complex. He is unwilling to accept that there is someone stronger than him and remains obsessed if it is evident that someone surpasses him in skill.
- Begin to develop a grim and serious attitude. Take long contemplative walks like Sasuke. Keep a grim look while doing this.
- Try to avoid laughing at trivial jokes or phrases. Sasuke is always incredibly serious, and only focuses on the most important things in life. He has no time for jokes!

Step 3. Be smart
You are smart and you know you are. Show everyone that you are smarter than them. Sasuke is considered a genius, even by the very high standards of the Uchiha clan and excels in everything he does, managing to easily accomplish even the most difficult tasks. Try to learn everything easily and be the top of the class.
He studies a lot, especially the more serious subjects such as history and literature. Study the classics and strive to become a warrior monk, able to quote poems by heart as well as to fight

Step 4. Be silent
Sasuke rarely speaks, but when he does, he is short and direct. Start to be a little more buttoned up and you will notice that you speak that way too. If you speak less often, when you do, make sure you are serious and direct, and you will quickly build a reputation for someone worth listening to.
When you speak, do it clearly and confidently and pause between sentences to give more emphasis to what you say. You don't have to seem uncertain, so say what you think and think what you say. Don't stop during a sentence and don't lower your voice. Security shows that you believe what you are saying

Step 5. Be independent
Tough challenges, easy tasks, big goals - whatever you face, try to do it yourself without asking for help from others. Sasuke believes asking for help is a sign of weakness and wants to be seen as a leader who can be trusted and who is capable. He does not like to receive orders, to highlight his independence.
Don't seek the approval of others. Sasuke's favorite word is "power" (力, chikara). Therefore always try to get it. Find your inner motivation and use it as a source of confidence, without worrying about the opinion of others
Part 2 of 3: Having Sasuke's Aspect

Step 1. Perfect Sasuke's famous Deadly Gaze
If Sasuke's face is normally frowning, the Death Look lets you know that things get really serious. It is basically a frown with the intensity increased by a million percent. Learning how to get a great death stare is key to imitating Sasuke well.
Pinch your lashes and raise your eyebrows dramatically to hold a scowl, then open your eyes and stare with great intensity, as if you're trying to punch a hole in the wall with your willpower

Step 2. Wear blue and black clothing
Sasuke typically wears blue and black clothes, baggy so as not to impede movement. Ninja clothes in other words. If you want to replicate Sasuke's wardrobe, the perfect garments are a loose blue V-neck tunic and wide dark blue pajama-like pants. To complete the look wear a rope belt and a hair band.

Step 3. Take care of the hairstyle
Sasuke has classic manga hair, with long emo fringes in front of his forehead and spiky hair behind his head. Grow your hair a little if you have it short, for more freedom of maneuver and try styling it with a mousse or hairspray. You need a good amount of product to style your hair like Sasuke's.
If you want a simpler version of the hairstyle, leave the short hair behind your head and let the bangs grow, combing them to the sides of the face. This look closely resembles that of manga

Step 4. Take care of your skin
Pale and piercing, Sasuke's face is like a block of ivory. Try to minimize sun exposure and keep skin healthy with moisturizers and acne products as needed to reduce blemishes.

Step 5. Get in shape
Increase your tolerance, endurance and energy levels with aerobic exercise. In a state of semi-blindness, extreme weariness and suffering after his fight with Danzo, Sasuke still had enough energy to fight Kakashi, block and disarm Sakura, and later face Naruto's Rasengan with his Chidori. Being in good shape is essential to imitating Sasuke well.
Yoga, aerobics, and strength training are all great ways to get fit. Try Cross-Fit-style full-body workouts a couple of times a week to achieve a healthy weight and improve your endurance. These workouts combine strength training and aerobic exercise and help increase muscle mass, burn fat and improve cardiovascular health
Part 3 of 3: The Next Step

Step 1. Learn to speak Japanese
Do you really want to take your Sasuke to the next level? Learn Japanese. Even knowing just a few phrases of Sasuke's language will take you to a higher level than most imitators or cosplayers, as well as open up new possibilities for enjoying Naruto. Who knows what might happen if you learn Japanese fluently!

Step 2. Study a martial art
Learning to defend yourself with martial arts will help you become more disciplined, centered and in tune with your body. Martial arts have to do not only with fighting, but above all with the learning of movements and fluidity. Whether you want to study karate, ninjitsu or tae-kwon-do, learning the basics of a martial art will help you look more like Sasuke.
The seriousness and meditation component of martial arts can also center you and help you better mimic Sasuke's attitude

Step 3. Study fencing
Sasuke is an experienced, lethal and versatile swordsman and is capable of delivering powerful blows with impressive speed and accuracy. Learning to use a sword and studying the art of fencing can help you.
Fencing is a skill that requires practice and dedication throughout life. You won't be able to learn it in an afternoon, and playing with sharp swords is a sure way to seriously injure yourself. Study fencing in a professional setting, and never use a sharp sword if you don't know what you are doing

Step 4. Try to become ambidextrous
While it is quite difficult to become fully ambidextrous, if you weren't born with this trait, you can improve your ability to use both hands and feet with a lot of practice. Practice physical activities with the dominant and weak sides. Although he often uses his right hand to attack, Sasuke uses Chidori with his left, which makes him unpredictable. Practice writing with both hands, to be able to bring them to the same level.

Step 5. Eat healthy, light foods
Sasuke is often portrayed as "eating healthy". Sasuke's favorite foods are rice balls, tuna and tomatoes, while he hates soy and all sweets. If you have a passion for sweets, try to limit it. Snack on carrots instead of candy, or try eating sushi for dinner instead of a burger.

Step 6. Talk like Sasuke
Learning some of Sasuke's most famous quotes and phrases is a good way to make sure everyone understands who you are. Lower your voice, flaunt your death gaze, and say one of the following:
- "My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I hate a lot of things and I don't like any of them in particular … I don't want to talk about my dreams but I have an ambition! Bring back my clan to its former glory and kill who I know"
- "If you want to consider me a ridiculous kid, victim of his emotions, go ahead." Fulfilling Itachi's wish "are nothing but beautiful words. Nonsense spoken by those who do not know hate. If someone criticizes my way of life, I will kill each of their loved ones. So maybe they would understand something … of the hatred I feel."
- "You are special … But not as special as me!"
- "With my hatred … I will turn illusions into reality!"
- "I am on a path that the rest of you cannot follow …"
- "I have long since closed my eyes … My only target is in the dark."
- Despising your brother is optional, but don't try to kill him.
- Be mysterious and sarcastic, to confuse people.
- Sasuke is an excellent strategist and during the fights he observes his opponents and studies their skills without losing his temper.
- Sasuke is silent, but not boring. He is used to always being the center of attention.
- Sasuke often clashes with his "rival", but that doesn't mean you should go around looking for a fight for no reason.
- Always go alone, and walk away when people don't see you. Sasuke is a silent loner.
- Do your best to mimic his behavior. Practice posture and facial expressions.
- Try never to be too excited about something.
- Find a rival who is almost on your level. Try your hardest to get over it, without letting them know how hard you worked. Pretend it's easy for you.
- Boys and girls may feel attracted to you. You could even cause fights! Act like you don't care, like it happens all the time.
- You can have friends, but acting like Sasuke could lead people to hate you. Be patient.
- Don't leave friends, family or your hometown; you would regret it. Also, never get into bad company (like Sasuke did with Orochimaru), as you could get in trouble.
- You don't have to immediately learn to imitate Sasuke perfectly; it may take a few months. People may think you are fake.
- Sasuke is a fictional character, who often makes choices that put his life at risk. You can act like him, but don't try to walk on water like he does in the comic.