You just arrived at a new school, you don't know anyone and you have a crush on it. Don't know how to tell him? Here is a proposal. If you don't like this idea, just try to show your interest and wait for him to make the first move.

Step 1. Become her friend
If you're too shy to talk to him right away, make friends with someone who knows him and try to hang out with his circle of friends (this is also a great opportunity to make new friends). You can start by laughing at his jokes, then answering the questions he generically asks the whole group and so on, until you feel ready to talk to him. When you know you're getting into confidence, tell him you like a guy, but you don't know how to tell him. When he asks who he is, don't tell him and watch his reaction.

Step 2. Chat with him on Facebook or other social networks, such as MSN
This way you can start sharing things with him and get to know him better, without having to talk TOO in person, even if sooner or later you have to do it! Don't chat with him every night, or he'll think you're desperate.

Step 3. Send suggestive messages
Flirt a little. Laugh at his jokes but don't overdo it, giggles are fine. Show yourself happy to see him and touch your hair when you greet him. Try to play sports: Guys love girls who play sports. Try to find out his interests and try them too.

Step 4. Mention how much you hate being single and observe her reactions
This can give you an idea of when to tell him: better wait for him to show that he thinks the same way.

Step 5. Ask him who he likes
If he asks you who you like, answer "nobody", don't invent anything. If he also says he doesn't care about anyone, that's a good sign. If he likes another girl, use this to your advantage. What does he like about her? Is it popular? What makes it interesting? It is funny? Sweet? If it's because she's pretty, think about what makes her pretty. His long hair? His big eyes? Don't copy it, but try to bring out everything you have in common. Experiment with some of her interests, but be careful not to try them all or she might notice and think you're weird.

Step 6. Trust yourself
There is something called "self-fulfilling prophecy" or "self-fulfilling prophecy", which means that if you believe that something will go wrong, unconscious mechanisms will be activated that will actually cause it to fail. If, on the other hand, you strongly believe that it will go well, it is very likely that it will happen.

Step 7. Tell them clearly
Ask him who he likes (again), or 'Do you still like him ????.' He can answer 'Why?' or 'Yes / No, why …, what about you?' Then smile, or type (since you may prefer a virtual conversation) 'Ah,' then say / type 'I think you're starting to like it.' but only if you feel like he's ready.

Step 8. Now you just have to wait and see how it goes
- The next day, behave normally, as if nothing had happened. If he likes you, he'll make the first move.
- If he doesn't like you, don't despair. Just ask him if you can be friends. If he says yes, he smiles and says "ok", and you want to lighten the situation with a little humor (letting him know you weren't upset), smile and say "ok bye, man"; so leave as if it were a day like any other. If he says no, shrug a little, smile and say "ok", then walk away WITHOUT SAYING MORE or making funny faces. Your impassiveness at that point could cause him to look at you differently.
- When flirting, do it right. Don't touch your hair imperceptibly, point it out. Guys don't pay as much attention to things as girls, so it's very likely they don't pay attention to the little signs.
- When you talk to him, don't sound crazy, weird, stupid, or too amused because he'll think it's all a joke.
- Be prepared for rejection - it happens!
- If he rejects you, ask him to be friends. If he refuses that too, don't insist.
- Don't be too bold.