You may be tired of being the same boring person as ever. Maybe you can't find anything exciting in anything. Maybe you feel like you can't stand out. Whatever your reason, don't worry: if you want to be different and original you have to accept a new vision "and" a new lifestyle. Do you want to know how? Keep reading.
Part 1 of 3: Getting into the Right Optics

Step 1. Think about what good you have
If you really want to become different and original then it is probably because you are getting bored of who "you are". Well, in this case you have to change "now". Instead of thinking that you are boring and that you need to change completely, start by thinking positively. Reflect on all the fantastic things that make you stand out and only then can you start planning for change.
- Think about your personality. What are your favorite traits? Are you funny, sarcastic, shrewd? Can you be more?
- What about the look? What are your three favorite physical traits? How can you work to make them stand out even more?
- Over the years, people will have complimented you on certain aspects of your personality. Which are the most obvious?
- Be honest with yourself. What is the one thing you've always loved about yourself that you feel has never been recognized enough?

Step 2. Stop thinking you're boring
The next move you need to make if you want to become new, fresh, original is to stop thinking that you have to change completely because you are flat and boring. Instead repeat yourself to be fascinating, the world has not yet understood. If you want to get anywhere in life, you're going to have to give your confidence a boost. You have to love yourself for who you are, love the way you present yourself and tell yourself that you have so much to offer from the world.
- Change starts from within. First you have to think that you are original inside. After that, you can start sharing your originality with the world. There is no need to try to behave in an original way if you feel like a pizza inside.
- Make a list of things about yourself that are really interesting. Continue until you have filled the page.

Step 3. Think about what you want to change
Okay, you realized that you are not as boring as you thought and now you are more confident. But there is still something to change, huh? 'No problem'. It's time to do some analysis to understand what would make you more original and fresh. Once you understand this, you will have to make the effort to behave differently. Here are some things you may want to change:
- Maybe you think you look like others and don't have your own style. Start buying clothes on your own and wearing what makes you feel good instead of what others want you to wear.
- Maybe you think you blend well with people at parties, at school, anywhere. Make an effort to talk to new people, to get involved and make people laugh, to offer out-of-the-ordinary opinions instead of nodding to the crowd; or even just to be a little crazy.

Step 4. Give yourself time
You may have discovered two or three qualities that you want to work on to be able to stand out. Great. Will it happen overnight? Probably not. If you show off at school and are different, people will think you are trying too hard. Instead, take small steps to get where you want. This will make it easier to change and the process will be natural.
- If you want to change your style there is no need for a complete makeover on Sunday before going back to school. Start by making a few changes to your wardrobe, little by little until you've completely changed your look.
- If you want to become a more open person, start talking to people more, little by little.
- If you want to form some interesting opinions, start reading about topics that have never interested you instead of throwing polemic comments there that you might not go back to.

Step 5. Question yourself
Part of being original and new is to consider ideas, opinions, values and where they come from. Are you really as liberal or conservative as you think? Do you think you know how people should behave in society? Do you really think you know everything there is to know about your favorite subjects? The more you learn to look at old things with a new perspective, the easier it will be to become different and original, looking at those same things differently.
- Talk to someone who has an opposite viewpoint to yours on something you feel strong in. Take the time to listen to other people's opinions without dismissing them.
- Consider why you think so. Is it because of how you were raised, raised, or the people you date? How many of your opinions are truly objective? Not that many, huh?
- Whenever you have a very strong opinion, take a moment to write down what others might hypothetically say and why. This way you will understand your ideas better.
Part 2 of 3: Do Something

Step 1. Break the routine
You don't have to feel original because you always do the same thing every day. Next time, mess up the cards. Leave slowly. With a different breakfast for example. Go to bed later. Take another route to school. As soon as you feel more comfortable, change even more, more this time. Sit at a different table in the canteen. Study a new subject. Spend an evening with a group of friends. See how these changes affect how you act "normally".
- Yes, routine is good. But practicing the same old things every day is exactly what will make you feel the same person.
- Making new habits will make you feel different, it's not as impossible as you think.
- Even if you find a new routine that works best, don't be afraid to mess it up.

Step 2. Exit the security zone
If you want to be fresh and original then you don't just have to do things that make you confident. You have to try the ones that scare you, that tear you from your little garden, that confuse you. This doesn't mean getting involved in a knife fight or somersaulting a skyscraper, but trying something out of your routine, whether it's attending a party where you hardly know anyone or going to the movies alone.
- Make a list of activities that scare you, whether it's climbing a mountain or dancing in public. Ask yourself how many are really that scary.
- Do something you know you're not good at. Take some of the pressure off the road to success and you'll enjoy the process. If you know you're a bad singer, take singing lessons. Knowing you'll never be the next Whitney Houston will take the pressure off.
- If you're really afraid of doing something like running 10km, train with an expert by your side. Being with someone who knows what they do can help you get better.

Step 3. Throw yourself into the world
If you want to be new and original you will have to at least be a little open. Introduce yourself to strangers. Offer yourself to the question. Sign up for a school talent show even if you don't have any specific talent. Post something interesting and provocative on Facebook. It doesn't matter what you do. It matters that you step out of the shadows and feel good in the spotlight, or at least close.
- If you are a quiet person at social events, try to talk 30% more next time. You don't have to dominate the conversation but you should try to be a little more talkative.
- Talk to new people. If you're afraid to do this, then start by asking a few questions first.
- Sign up for an acting or improvisation class. You will feel more comfortable in front of an audience.

Step 4. Surprise people
Being original also means going against common expectations. If everyone knows what you will do and what you will say how can you call yourself original? You don't have to be a total freak to surprise, you have to increase the unpredictability factor if you really want to stand out.
- Don't be afraid to be a joker. A funny ballet or a silly joke will make people laugh when they least expect it.
- Play some pranks on your friends every now and then. But they are good jokes.
- If you get into the habit of stepping out of your safe zone by trying new things, then people will be surprised when you share your latest findings.
- Go on an adventure. Take a weekend trip or try to discover something hidden in the neighborhood. Be as spontaneous as possible and you'll leave people stunned.

Step 5. Find your style
If you want to be fresh and original, then you will need to find one. That doesn't mean you'll have to wear glow-in-the-dark colors or dye your hair pink - unless that's your thing of course - to get noticed. However, it does mean that you should find a hair style, look and clothing style that is an "undeniable" sign of you. If you always shop in the usual two stores and you are the exact copy of your five closest friends, then you won't be that original, are you?
- Try shopping at a store you've never set foot in. You will be surprised by the choice of outfits they have.
- Check thrift stores to add something wacky to your wardrobe.
- You know that garment you saw and that made you think: "It looks so cute but you could never wear it …" Why not? It's time to stop doubting yourself and try it instead.
- Create a varied wardrobe. If you only buy from Benetton it will be easy to copy yourself.
- Tired of the same cut? Try a completely new one. If it doesn't work, don't worry, re-grow your hair and try something else.

Step 6. Choose a whole new hobby
If you want to be original then you should have unique talents. Look for something different that you never thought could hold you, from salsa to violin. Learn Chinese. Become a yoga master. Volunteer at a canteen. No matter what, what matters is that you find something new that you are passionate about. Having a passion for something different will make you unique.
Step 7. If you don't pursue your interests, then, well… you won't emerge
Better to be "the one who speaks Chinese" or "the one who perfectly plays curling" instead of "the person who tries to stay afloat."
Try new hobbies, this will also lead you to meet new people and thus help you gain an original perspective

Step 8. Talk to strangers (the good ones)
Part of being new and original is taking part in all kinds of conversations. Talking to people you don't know - as long as you don't meet those who try to lure you into the back of their candy van - can help you feel more confident: learn to chat with lots of people and you'll become a new person and more. nice.
- Start by talking to the girl at the supermarket checkout. The next week, try staying close to your yoga class. What can ever happen to you?
- Try to talk to people you don't know at parties. That's what parties are for, right? If you're shy, talk to new ones while you're with your usual friends.
Part 3 of 3: Increase Efforts

Step 1. Date who is original
There isn't much to think about. If you want to be unique then you can't spend time with people who have nothing to offer you but the same trite opinions. You don't have to dump the whole bunch of friends and hang out with a bunch of weird people of course, but you should look for people with unique opinions, different perspectives on the world that can change yours. Originals can be found everywhere: at home, in the classroom or at work. Make an effort to seek out who sees the world a little differently.
- When you find them, ask a lot of questions. Try to understand where they come from.
- Who is original does not stand out very much and does not shout their own points of view. You will have to learn it.

Step 2. Get some provocative opinions
You shouldn't have radicals just to scare people or look extremist. Instead, you should do a lot of research; watch documentaries, read different types of newspapers and magazines, and talk to people before drawing your own conclusions. Then, when you feel comfortable with your original ideas, start sharing them with your listeners of course.
- Don't rush to conclusions and don't let your mouth breathe until you've thought about it. It's all a matter of research.
- If you go with the flow for some things it's perfectly fine. Having a "normal" opinion is better than having a radical one so to do.
- Learn to speak politely to people instead of arguing with them. You don't have to be stubborn to be original. In reality, someone who is truly original has no problem listening to the opinions of others.

Step 3. Travel as much as you can
Obviously this can be difficult if you are on a tight budget, but if you have the savings, make an effort to see a new part of the world. If you can't afford it, go visit some nearby town or city or volunteer to take you abroad. The important thing is that you see other people and experience their world; if what you see and the experience you have then is completely different from what you are used to, one more point.
- Try to visit a new place at least once a year, even if it's just a nearby city.
- When traveling, ask as many questions as possible. Talk to the locals. Don't be a tourist and try to have an authentic experience.

Step 4. Learn the difference between original and stupid
Acting in an original way is great, being stupid for attention is not. The line is thin. Some are truly so unique and original that they seem completely absurd because no one understands them; others seem to be stupid just to draw attention to them, to show off. So whenever you try to be original, make sure it's something that comes from within, don't do it for the purpose of being looked at.
- Wearing a funky bracelet you found in grandma's jewelry box is original, putting on hot pink shorts just to show off, it's not.
- Telling someone that this is the first time you hear an interesting conversation is original; flaunting your rough opinions just to raise your eyebrows is silly.
- Having a unique opinion in the classroom is original, braying as soon as the bell rings is stupid.

Step 5. Keep doing new things for yourself
Being fresh and original does not imply finding a new "authentic" way of being and adhering to it. If you really want to be different, then you must know that the hunt for knowledge never ends. You can renew yourself again and again and again and again. Always question your ideas, beliefs; look for new people, activities and aim to have a new perspective as often as possible.
- While security is the key to happiness, there is nothing better than being happy with yourself. Love yourself, but always fight for something more.
- This does not mean being a tree: liberal one day, conservative the next. Reinventing yourself is a gradual process.

Step 6. Stop worrying about what others think
If you want to be original in the long run then you can't let negative people get you down. Obviously there will be those who think that you are bizarre because you want to be original, but it is worse to be considered boring or to be ignored altogether. Follow your own path instead of worrying about others and you will be successful in no time.
- Getting advice from friends is great - it's not questioning what you're doing just because someone who isn't that great is doubting it.
- Constructive criticism can help improve, destructive criticism should be thrown in the garbage.
- Study and work hard. The results make you feel better and make you look fantastic.
- Leave the boys for last. It's okay to have a crush, but losing your mind about it is useless, especially if he doesn't show interest in you.
- Make friends. They don't have to share thoughts, hobbies or philosophy with you. You have to feel good together.