When you like a guy a lot, it's normal to want to talk to him all the time. There are many ways to create and strengthen a bond with him, so that you have more opportunities to talk. For starters, you can get close using social media, then you can sympathetically break the ice to start a conversation. Keep him interested by finding out what he thinks with questions, doing fun activities with him, and having deep conversations. To be able to never tire of you, you'll need to learn to treat him like a friend and flirt at the same time, while getting to know each other.
Method 1 of 3: Establish First Contact

Step 1. Break the ice with a funny or playful comment
You can start by taking advantage of your surroundings. Find something you have in common, like a lesson, or that you see around you, to make a funny comment about. For example, if you are in the canteen standing in line, outside in the heat, you can say something funny like, "Do you think they will bring us water to wait, or will they just leave us here to die?" You will need to comment on a trivial topic, so try to be funny.
- Even if you don't think you're particularly funny, try to be playful.
- Also, being playful allows you to make the conversation fun and to tolerate tension better.
- Don't worry if your first sentence doesn't have the desired effect, because the first few comments you make won't determine the success of the conversation - the most important thing is to start talking. So don't be afraid of how it's going and instead focus on moving forward.

Step 2. Show him that you enjoy the conversation
To get a guy to talk to you, you can give him the impression that he is having fun when you have a conversation. You can do this by looking him in the eye, smiling often, laughing heartily, and leaning slightly forward. When you speak, tilt your head to one side, smile and touch your hair, neck or clothes. These non-verbal cues will let him know that you are having a good time.
If you just communicate by text, let him know that you enjoy talking to him. Use emoticons or tell him that you think it's really fun to text him. For example, you might say, "It's a lot of fun to text you."

Step 3. Be sure of yourself, and have fun with him
Take note of the things that make you special. Knowing what makes you unique and not being afraid to show it makes you more attractive.
- Don't be afraid to make mistakes when you are with him. Be yourself, with your strengths and weaknesses. Relax and have a laugh when you make a mistake - no one is perfect!
- Don't act like someone you think they might like, rather than being yourself. Imagine if someone did it with you, would you like it? Probably not.

Step 4. Date people who, while you are with him, bring out the best in you
Have fun while you are with him and other friends. It is important to show him that you are a fun, independent girl with a nice circle of acquaintances.
- This will show him that friendships are important to you, and will help him see how you behave around other people.
- It might make him a little jealous (in a good way), and maybe make him want to go out with you more than before.

Step 5. Follow him on social networks
If you don't have an account, create one. Like his post, or retweet something he wrote. If you connect on social media, you can start talking. Putting "likes" and sharing his posts will help him find the courage to talk to you and an excuse to do so. In doing so, you will also get noticed and show your interest.
- After putting a couple of "likes", you should write a comment or send him a message.
- Don't like all of its updates. Pick the ones you really like, and don't like more than a few "likes" a week. If you give him too much attention, he may think you are intrusive.

Step 6. Post items on social media that may interest them
After you "like" or comment on his posts, post things that let him know what you like. For example, share some nice or interesting photos you took, or find funny gifs, images or quotes, commenting on them to explain why you like them.
- Look at his posts and the ones he likes. By doing this you will be able to understand what he finds funny, interesting or beautiful. Don't post stuff just for him; however, you should try to find out if you have common interests.
- For example, if he writes a lot of posts about his favorite bands and you are passionate about one of them, you can post the video of one of their songs or the lyrics of one of their songs, commenting to explain why you like them.
- Don't pretend. Only post things you really like and show off your personality. You will look fake if you post things that have never interested you before.

Step 7. Comment on his posts
You should leave a comment on one of his posts shortly after he wrote it. If you are timely, it will be easier to get a response. Consider praising the post, asking a question, or commenting on something you find interesting. For example, if you wrote a post about a concert by a band you like, you could reply by saying, "I'm so jealous that you went to the concert! Were they good live?".
Don't comment on all of his posts every day. Do this a few times a week on posts that really interest you

Step 8. If he doesn't seem interested in you, forget him
If the guy seems distant or aloof to you and doesn't like to respond to you, he may not be interested in you. Fortunately, there will be plenty of other guys who are willing to talk to you and with whom you can create very strong bonds. Instead of thinking of the interaction with that guy as a failure, consider it a good experience for the future.
Method 2 of 3: Strengthen the Bond

Step 1. Ask his opinion on simple topics
Once you've bonded, you should keep writing and talking to him to make him stronger. To keep the conversations interesting, ask him for his opinion.
- Whatever you have in common, be it books, movies, food, etc., think about some open questions you can ask him to start an interesting conversation. For example, if you both love Harry Potter, you might ask him, "What do you think is the best Harry Potter book?" - and feel free to agree or disagree with his answer! This kind of disagreement easily leads to teasing, and it can be fun.
- You can start by expressing your opinion and asking what he thinks. You can choose a question related to the context you are in. For example, if you're eating an apple for lunch, you might say, "I think Granny Smiths are arguably the best apples, but I'm curious which ones are your favorites?" Again, being playful is important in making the conversation fun, especially when the topics are mundane.
- Find questions to ask before talking to him, as conversations can go very quickly.

Step 2. Express your disagreement in a playful way and make fun of it
If your conversations are fun, you will encourage him to talk to you more often. For example, to tease him, you could raise an eyebrow after his answer on your favorite apple and retort with, "Do you like Red Delicious? No one is perfect." Guys like these silly teases, because they release tension and make you laugh. The best part is that they allow you to create a bond even without talking about anything in particular.
Practice making fun of friends and family. Find silly topics that you disagree on. This type of communication can improve your other relationships as well

Step 3. Avoid asking questions you already know the answer to
Try not to talk about this and that and not to use trivial questions like "What are you telling me?" or "Where are you from?". They are uninteresting and will not make you understand much about the other person, because you will get the same answer already given a thousand times. At the end of the conversation, he or she should feel like talking to you again, so avoid banal chatter.

Step 4. Increase his self-esteem
We all want to feel appreciated, and if you can get a guy that feeling, he'll probably talk to you again. So learn to tell him why you like him with small sincere compliments. You don't have to overdo it: just tell him naturally that he is exceptional. In fact, it uses low-key compliments. For example, if you are walking and you notice that he is good at orienting himself, you can say, "I like that you always know how to get there."

Step 5. Learn when and how to end a conversation
To get a guy to talk to you, you can leave a conversation at the right time. The best way to do this is to find the moment when you've already bonded, but the conversation hasn't started to lose interest yet. Then think of an excuse that you have to go home, and after laughing or bonding over something, tell him you have to go. Make sure you say that you really enjoyed yourself and that you can't wait to talk again.
- End the conversation informally. You can say, "It was fun talking to you. I have to go home to do my homework, but I can't wait to see you again."
- Look him in the eye when you leave. Gaze at it for a second longer than you normally would and smile.

Step 6. Continue to text him regularly
Depending on your conversation style and your boyfriend's preferences, "regularly" can have different meanings. Start writing him once every two days, and depending on whether he is quick or slow in replying, you can write to him more or less often. Ask him questions or write funny comments that get him involved.
- For example, ask for updates on how things are going. You can ask: "Where are you with the physics relationship?".
- Alternatively, tell him something interesting that happened to you or about him. You can say, "Do you remember we ate sandwiches to avoid the canteen queue? Our mates haven't touched any food yet!"
- Try sending different messages. Don't just ask how things are or say funny jokes. Try a combination of questions, comments, and jokes.
Method 3 of 3: Deepen the Bond

Step 1. Do activities with him
Some guys prefer to bond with actions and not with words. They may feel closer to you if you do activities together. Try playing sports, playing games or working together on a project. Try to figure out what they like to do, then suggest they try those activities together. For example, if he loves being outdoors, ask him to take you on a hike. If, on the other hand, you are a game enthusiast, find one to play together.
- Even if you don't know how to do the activities he likes, if you try to learn them he will really appreciate it.
- Have fun when you are with him. Laugh when you make a mistake, ask lots of questions, and talk to everyone around.
- Even if a guy likes to talk, your relationship can grow in new ways if you do activities together.

Step 2. Learn about his interests and important relationships in his life
Some guys feel attached to girls because of the conversations and feelings they share, and even those who don't like to talk about their feelings may decide to open up about the things they care about when they feel comfortable with you. Once you have spent some quality time with him, you should learn more. He will feel closer to you and know he can trust you if you understand what he cares about and his personal history.
- These conversations are very suitable for the night. You should ask him questions about the most important moments in his past, his relationships and the things he cares about.
- For example, you can ask: "What are your passions and why are they important to you?". Or: "Who are you closest to in your family, and why?" These are simple questions, but by listening carefully to the answers you can have a really deep conversation.

Step 3. Find a quiet place to talk without being interrupted
Talk to him while sitting in front of you or in a position where you can see his face clearly and hear him clearly. Ask him questions about him and use the following tips to have a great conversation:
- Show him in body language that you are listening to him. Make eye contact, nod, and react with small noises or gestures when he speaks.
- Give it space. If you stay too close, you may seem too interested and suffocate him, but if you stay too far you will seem distant. Give him room to talk, but put yourself where you can see and hear him well.
- Repeat the main idea of his speech. So he will know that you understand. For example, if he is talking about his frustrating day, you can summarize the most important parts of what he has said up to that point. Try saying, "So you didn't understand why your brother was angry until you saw what was going on at school."
- Express empathy for their feelings. Being empathetic means understanding the feelings a person has experienced even without having experienced them firsthand. For example, you can show empathy by repeating what he said to you: "You must have felt so frustrated when you found out you had to retake the exam after studying so hard the first time." It is important to let him know that you understand his feelings and their motives.

Step 4. Open up with him
Don't forget to do your part in the conversation. If you really like a guy, you may feel shy when you want to talk about you, but he'll feel more attached to you if you do. Tell him about the most important relationships in your life, the experiences that changed you, and the things you love. As has already been said, make eye contact when you speak, make gestures to express your feelings and speak what you want to say in your voice. He will be able to understand you better and bond with you more if he understands what is important to you.

Step 5. Listen to him during difficult times
Everyone needs a shoulder. If you can fill that role, you will create a deep bond with him that will make you feel closer. You can do many things to stay by her side when she needs it most. For example, if you know he is having a hard time at school and will have to deal with a difficult question, send him an encouraging message, such as, “Good luck, I know you will make it, as always!” Then, after the question, ask how it went and let him know that you are available to talk.
- Some people prefer a little lightness when they go through tough times. In that case, send a funny message that makes him laugh.
- If he tells you he is having trouble, ask him if he wants to meet you and talk about it. Or let him know that you are available, whatever his needs are.
- If you stay by his side, your bond will deepen and push him to look for you when he wants to tell about successes or concerns.

Step 6. Ask him for help
Guys appreciate feeling useful. If you need help, ask for it in advance. For example, if you are writing billboards for a charity auction, ask if she has a day off to help you. If he makes himself available, make sure you have something for him to do. Doing activities together is a great way to connect with people.
- Think of him as a friend. This will make you feel less nervous, and make him better understand who you are.
- Don't let his presence make you nervous. He is just as human as you are, and he probably feels nervous when he talks to girls.
- Don't talk too much about yourself. If you are nervous, it can happen that you talk about yourself more than usual. Remember this and be sure to ask him plenty of questions if you notice that you have been talking for a long time.