3 Ways to Attract the Guy You Like

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3 Ways to Attract the Guy You Like
3 Ways to Attract the Guy You Like

If you really like a guy, but he's barely noticed you exist and you're tired of staring at him from afar, it's time to get busy grabbing his attention. To attract him, show your kindness, find the things you have in common, befriend him, and look after your physical appearance (but don't get to the point of making you uncomfortable). You also need to be yourself and clearly reveal your intentions to avoid misunderstandings. At the moment it may seem like an impossible task, but with the right strategy you will be able to achieve your goal.


Method 1 of 3: Get the Attention of the Guy You Like

Get a Boy in Middle School to Like You Step 6
Get a Boy in Middle School to Like You Step 6

Step 1. Be friendly

If the guy you like doesn't know you exist, it's hard to get his attention. Get closer to him by getting to know his friends, by joining a club he participates in, or by asking a mutual friend to introduce you. If you prefer that he doesn't know that you have a soft spot for him, be careful, as his friends may reveal something to him, ruining your chances and making you feel uncomfortable.

  • If he is your classmate, talk to him before or after class (so as not to disturb). You can make a comment about the teacher, homework, or make a joke when you know he is listening to you. Even if you are afraid, you will feel better after making your move.
  • To break the ice, you can say, "The homework for today was really difficult. Did you figure it out?"
Tell a Guy You Like Him Step 8
Tell a Guy You Like Him Step 8

Step 2. Find what you have in common

It's easy to strike up a conversation after you've found something to talk about. You can get hooked on one of his interests, but you shouldn't completely change your personality - it's not worth it. If you don't have passions in common, don't panic; ask him questions about his hobbies or things he likes.

For example, if you have never watched a TV show that he follows all the episodes of, ask him to tell you about it and the conversation will start right away. You can say "Have you ever seen [TV show you know he likes]?" to make him talk about a topic that fascinates and excites him

Get a Boy in Middle School to Like You Step 7
Get a Boy in Middle School to Like You Step 7

Step 3. Get to know him better

Before he can have feelings for you, you must become friends. If you don't already have a friendship relationship, you can always start the conversation with a generic topic (the weather, a strange event that just happened, national politics, homework…). If your attempts at approach fail, try asking him for a pencil or paper and go from there.

  • When you get to know him better, you can joke with him, tease him or even flirt, but don't be in a hurry. If you start seducing him aggressively before you get to know him better, you may embarrass him.
  • Add him on Facebook or start following him on Twitter or Instagram if you don't already. This way you can also learn about his interests and hobbies better. You can "like" their posts when you notice them, to show your interest in what they think.
Tell if a Guy Likes You More Than a Friend Step 16
Tell if a Guy Likes You More Than a Friend Step 16

Step 4. Be playful

Guys are usually attracted to women who have a good sense of humor and notice them more, especially if they have a playful personality. If you feel like doing this, try joking with him or teasing him. If you can make him laugh, he may find you more attractive.

For example, you might joke by saying "I'm short because I actually ran away from Willy Wonka's factory" or something silly in the same tone, to show that you have confidence in yourself and that you like to make fun of yourself

Method 2 of 3: Befriending the Boy You Like

Attract a Guy Step 3
Attract a Guy Step 3

Step 1. Flirt with him

Nothing is more tragic than the sad and banal story of the girl who likes a friend who doesn't reciprocate her feelings. Make sure he doesn't consider you "one of the guys" or just "a friend". If you have yet to get to know him, it is possible that your relationship will turn into a wonderful friendship (nothing to be surprised, some crushes turn into great friendships), however try to flirt at least a little, with attitudes that one of his. friend would never hold.

For example, to differentiate yourself from his friends, you can hug him, kiss him on the cheek, or play with his hair

Tell a Guy You Love Him Step 10
Tell a Guy You Love Him Step 10

Step 2. Avoid talking about yourself all the time

To get the guy you like, you need to allow him to share some details of his private life. This will show him that you really care about him and what he has to say. Try not to talk only about yourself; he probably cares about how you spent your day, but no doubt he also wants to talk to you about what happened to him.

  • If he asks you questions, answer them, but don't go too far. You can bring the conversation back to him by saying, "How many brothers do you have?" or "Tell me a good story about your family".
  • Ask him about his interests and hobbies by saying, "Have you read any good books lately?" or "What video games do you like?".
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 11
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 11

Step 3. Laugh at his jokes

This is one of the best ways to let a guy know that you like him and that you value his company. This makes him feel more confident, points out that you have a similar sense of humor and that you find the same things funny. For many people, a sense of humor is one of the most important qualities in a partner.

  • If he says something funny, join the joke or make a joke yourself. For example, if you are talking about a famous person, you can intervene with a funny anecdote.
  • Avoid being too mean, making fun of other people's looks or talking bad about guys you both know. Don't give the impression that you are someone who might be making fun of your back or even being cruel.
Get a Boy in Middle School to Like You Step 8
Get a Boy in Middle School to Like You Step 8

Step 4. Go to the places you like best

If you know where he loves to spend his time, you can get noticed by going there too. For example, if he always goes to a certain place, get some friends to accompany you, hoping to meet him. You could also go there to study or do your homework.

  • If you know he's going to a concert, try to get yourself a ticket. This way you will have the chance to meet him, say hello and maybe spend an evening with him.
  • Try joining a club he attends. This will give you the opportunity to talk to him and meet him.
  • Be careful not to follow him wherever he goes, otherwise you could annoy him or make him feel stalked. Be yourself and if you find that you like the same things, so much the better!

Method 3 of 3: Take Care of Your Appearance

Lighten Dark Hair Step 1
Lighten Dark Hair Step 1

Step 1. Take care of the health of your hair

Guys notice them right away and it has been proven that healthy hair makes you more attractive. If your hair is bleached, damaged or dry, try sprinkling it with coconut oil overnight and washing it the next morning. If they are healthy, do not use too many dyes or chemicals, which can cause damage and break them.

Change Your Appearance Step 1
Change Your Appearance Step 1

Step 2. Take care of your personal hygiene

During your meetings, you must absolutely avoid smelling of sweat. You don't always have to have a floral, clean and fresh scent, but try showering every day, putting on a deodorant and maybe a few drops of perfume to impress him positively. Smelling good is a very attractive feature.

Believe in Yourself Step 19
Believe in Yourself Step 19

Step 3. Be yourself

Don't feel the pressure to dress like all the other girls and don't worry if the name on the label of your clothes isn't famous. If you feel comfortable, you will be strong, confident, and people will be fine with you. Plus, if a guy really likes you, he won't care about the little flaws in your appearance that you see every time you look at yourself in the mirror.


  • Try to catch his eye. If you are tempted to look away, keep eye contact for a few more seconds. If you are very shy, don't worry, but remember that looking him in the eye lets him know that you are available and comfortable. On the contrary, staring at him could make you look like a stalker and risk sending him "warning signals"; you might lead him to think that you are obsessive or crazy.
  • If you are not yet good friends (because you are shy around him), try making friends with the people you hang out with.
  • Be friendly! Remember to stay positive, ask simple questions, and show interest in what they say.
  • Try not to flirt with other guys in his presence. Jealousy is not a positive feeling. If he's not a very confident guy, you may be dropping his self-esteem and interest in you, causing him to look for other girls just because you make him uncomfortable.
  • If you haven't gotten to him yet, don't be weird with him. You would lead him to avoid you.
  • If you go too fast you can scare him. First, make sure he is comfortable with you, then move on to the attack.
  • Be careful who you confide in your crush on. Your friend might like the same guy too!
  • Don't be an easy girl. You would not make a good impression and on the contrary, you would build a bad reputation, so try to be yourself and be open about your feelings.
  • Don't look at the guy you like for too long, or he'll think you're weird. Just stare at him for a moment to notice if he's watching you.
  • Approach him when you get the chance. If you still don't know each other well, don't overdo it by holding his hand, but just touch him with your shoulder. He may look at you and smile at you, but if he does walk away, don't try to get close again or you will scare him!


  • Don't stare. Just take a look. If he's so adorable that you can't take your eyes off him, stare at him for just a few seconds. If he notices you, smile shyly, or look down and blush. It is a very nice and attractive attitude.
  • Don't be clingy, pushy, too dependent on her attention and so on. Guys love to be the hunters, so make yourself want a little. However, test him in moderation, otherwise he may eventually tire of you if his efforts don't pay off.
  • Don't act like a stalker when he's not with you. He has other friends and it's normal that he doesn't spend all his time with you. Allow him to take his own life and don't push him away from you by being manic.
  • Don't turn yourself into another person when their friends are around; would notice this sudden change and think you are a fake person.
  • Try to behave normally. It is not as easy as it sounds, but try not to laugh too much, not to be too excited and not to do something stupid; in the end you would regret it.
  • Don't be annoying.
  • Don't be stupid.
  • Remember that all crushes are temporary: if you don't get lucky with this guy, there will always be another one in the future.
  • Don't spend too much time chasing a guy who doesn't love your feelings back.
  • Don't lose your identity. You have to think about yourself first.
  • Don't be jealous when talking to someone else; join the conversation too!
