Everyone gives their first kiss and everyone is nervous at the moment. Don't panic. In this article, you will find tons of tips to make the first kiss beautiful, exciting and memorable for you and your partner!
Part 1 of 3: Preparing the atmosphere for the kiss

Step 1. Choose the right place
What you need for a memorable first kiss is the right time and place. If you don't want people to be around and you don't like showing affection in front of others, then you won't have fun kissing someone in public.
- A good time to kiss someone is towards the end of the first or second date, but it depends a lot on the bond between you and the person you want to kiss (after all, the first kiss doesn't have to happen on a date).
- There are occasions considered socially perfect for a memorable first kiss, such as a party at home, at the cinema or on the beach. Everything is fine, the important thing is that both you and your partner want to do it.

Step 2. Dress appropriately
This means dressing for the occasion, but also in a way that makes you feel comfortable. To have a truly great and memorable first kiss it is essential that you feel comfortable, as well as having the right place and time and being a good kisser.
- Avoid sticky gloss. It's hard to enjoy a kiss if you're afraid your lips will stick together.
- If you are afraid of sweating too much or smelling when the time comes, put on the deodorant and sprinkle some perfume. Remember that it doesn't take much, because it will last a long time. You certainly don't want to stun the person you intend to kiss with too strong a perfume!

Step 3. Make sure you have good oral hygiene
Avoiding bad breath is important to have a memorable first kiss (unless you want it to be memorable for the wrong reason). Eat a mint or chew gum after eating and drinking, or brush your teeth before meeting the person you want to kiss.
- Women, in particular, have a more developed sense of smell than men, so this step is essential if you are a boy and intend to kiss a woman.
- You don't have to be too blatant by expressing your intention to kiss the other person by eating a peppermint in front of them. Be more casual, perhaps even offering her one while you're chatting.
- Avoid spicy foods, fish, garlic, onions, or anything that has a very strong flavor and a rather persistent odor.

Step 4. Raise the tension while waiting for the right moment
A vital part of a beautiful and memorable first kiss is waiting for both of you. It also helps put the people involved at ease.
- Physical contact is a good way to indicate interest in the other: touch the fingers or arm of the person you are talking to. Brush her hand with yours if you are walking together.
- Come closer to talk so that you can begin to familiarize yourself with your personal space. Obviously, if the other person moves away or crosses his arms in defense, take a step back.
- Having expectations means that fantasizing about an event can make it more romantic when it happens, thanks to the neurotransmitter called dopamine.

Step 5. Find the right time
Do not postpone the decision to kiss until you take the other person home, at the end of the appointment. You need to feel comfortable and have already built a certain level of trust in each other.
- Kiss her in the car on your way home, or while you are out and about or playing video games, or during a walk after dinner or after a coffee.
- Stay sober: The kiss can trigger the chemical release of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin (healthy and fun reaction). Alcohol may prevent you from fully enjoying the release of these substances.
- Avoid distractions such as needing to go to the bathroom or a low cell phone (the cell phone should actually be turned off during a date).

Step 6. Come closer
After you have created a certain expectation and also a confidence that allows you to feel comfortable, approach and let the partner fill the rest of the distance. If it doesn't, then it's best to take a step back.
- You can also ask "Can I kiss you?", Since many people prefer to give their consent before letting someone into their personal space.
- Maintain eye contact. Eye contact increases the intimacy of the kiss.
Part 2 of 3: Kissing for the First Time

Step 1. Tilt your head away from your partner's
This will make it more difficult for the teeth or nose to collide. So, if he tilts his head to the right, you will tuck his head to the left.

Step 2. Take your time
If all goes well and the other person allows you to kiss her, touch her lips. It will take a while to find a common rhythm, so pay attention to the movements of his mouth.
- A passionate kiss is not ideal in this situation; the other person may perceive it as something sudden and too aggressive. Leave it aside until you get to know each other better and know what styles and types of kisses you prefer.
- Aggression can also be perceived as desperation - and most people don't find it attractive at all.

Step 3. Relax
Seriously, it could be difficult, but since you want everything to go the right way, being relaxed and feeling comfortable will greatly improve the kissing experience, both for you and for the other person.
The best thing is to be completely yourself in that moment. Enjoy the touch of her lips, her smell (essential element in the kiss) and how she is reacting to your kiss

Step 4. Make it interesting
If you are relaxed and comfortable, try changing the kissing style. Memorable kisses are unusual (in a good way), so try different techniques.
- Kiss in other places, not just on the lips. Start from the neck and continue upwards.
- Or use your index finger to lift your chin and guide her lips towards yours.
- Remember: don't lick anyone's face unless they've clearly agreed. The golden rule of the first kiss is that no one should end up with a wet face.

Step 5. Do something with your hands
Do not leave them at your sides, inanimate. They too must have fun. Of course, don't move too fast and don't touch too many places during the first kiss.
- Places to put your hands: in her hair, on her cheek, around her waist or on her back.
- Being too pushy with your hands could ruin the kiss, so try to control yourself and not put them everywhere.

Step 6. Don't use the language right away
The first kiss should usually be a gentle touch, a sign that you both want more. The French kiss, if the first goes well, can come later, with mutual consent.
Many people dislike having someone else's tongue in their throat during the first kiss

Step 7. Stop after a few seconds
Better to stop after a few moments. It will increase the tension and allow you to check that your partner is comfortable.
- Just move your head away, so as not to interrupt the intimacy of the moment. Look at his expression. Are you excited? Are you trying to break free? Are you uncomfortable?
- Ask him: "Is everything okay? Do you like it?".
Part 3 of 3: The Post-Kiss

Step 1. Don't be pushy
Now that you've gotten over the first kiss, don't insist on more. Of course, if your partner agrees, a few more kisses certainly don't hurt.
Now, if you both want to move on, no problem. You are ready

Step 2. Maintain eye contact
Eye contact before and after the kiss increases intimacy exponentially and allows you to check if your partner is fine and comfortable.

Step 3. Smile
Even if the first kiss has turned everything upside down and you can't speak, smiling can have the same effect. Show that you are comfortable in the situation, that you liked it and that you are happy.
Make sure that the other person also smiles and does not seem uncomfortable or angry

Step 4. Try to communicate
You don't have to talk, as it can be difficult to think of something to say after an emotional kiss. Sometimes non-verbal communication is just as important - and it doesn't spoil the atmosphere.
- The key is not to stress about finding something to say. Let things go naturally (maybe don't start with "I really have to pee", otherwise goodbye romantic atmosphere).
- You can continue physical contact, perhaps through a hug.
- However, you could also say something like "I've been wanting to do this all night", or "I would never stop kissing you" or even something as simple as "You look great". Your partner must feel good.

Step 5. Now you can have fun
This means anything from having sex or deciding to see each other again. You don't have to do this just because you kissed someone and had a great time. The kiss doesn't lose importance if you don't have sex.
- Talk to your partner. Try to understand what he is doing and what he would like to do. The key is communication.
- If it's okay for both of you, you can keep kissing.
- The secret is not to think too much about the kiss. The more obsessed you are with the "perfect" kiss, the more nervous you will be when you kiss the other person.
- Even if the first kiss was a disaster, it doesn't necessarily mean you screwed up with the other person.