A brick can be used to make a driveway or a support or structure. Its strength and other practical benefits have helped to maintain its use in the construction field. However, it is often necessary to cut bricks to build. Here are some ways to cut bricks.

Step 1. Use a pencil and a triangular square to draw a line on each side of the brick where it will be cut

Step 2. Leave the brick on the ground or on a layer of sand
Place a chisel, about 60 degrees, on the line you drew. Gently hit the chisel with a hammer.

Step 3. Hammer the chisel gently along the entire line you drew, alternating the angle of the chisel from side to side until a 0.15 cm groove forms along the entire line

Step 4. Take a chisel and place the blade on the groove
The straight side of the chisel should face towards you like the side of the brick that will be used after cutting. Slightly tilt the chisel blade from the portion of the brick that will need to be discarded.

Step 5. Hit the brick vigorously with the hammer
The brick should split along the groove.

Step 6. Use the tip of the hammer to finish the brick
- The best way to cut bricks is to use only the hammer, even in the case of infill to close uncovered parts in the wall or finish the corners.
- If you have to cut a lot of bricks, then consider using a table saw to ensure an accurate cut. Provide the table saw of a straight diamond blade for brick cutting only.
- Making a groove before cutting is useful if you need to saw a brick by making a straight cut.
- Wear goggles and a face mask if you cut dry bricks with a table saw to avoid dust in the eyes and airways.
- Consider that in construction bricks are cut dry or wet. Cutting dry bricks can be quicker but it produces a lot of dust. If you wet the bricks before cutting them, you will produce less dust, but you may experience a change in the appearance of the brick because the chemicals in the brick that seep into the water can stain the bricks you are about to cut.
- Don't hammer the chisel directly from the top or too hard when making a groove in the brick. If you do this, the brick may split unevenly.