How to Kiss Someone for the First Time: 10 Steps

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How to Kiss Someone for the First Time: 10 Steps
How to Kiss Someone for the First Time: 10 Steps

Kissing someone for the first time can be exciting, but you may feel nervous at the thought. Don't worry - all you have to do is relax, feel comfortable and follow some basic guidelines that you will find described in this article.


Part 1 of 3: Preparing to Kiss

Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 1
Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 1

Step 1. Freshen your breath

Having fresh breath is a key part of having a great first kiss. Make sure you've brushed your teeth and used mouthwash or, alternatively, chewed on peppermint gum or sucked on mint before kissing. You can do this within an hour of kissing - you don't want your breath to smell too minty or it will seem like you've prepared too much for the kiss.

If you eat before kissing, you should avoid foods rich in garlic, onions, or intensely flavored spices

Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 2
Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 2

Step 2. Set the mood

It is important to give the first kiss in an intimate or romantic atmosphere. You may remember this moment for the rest of your life and therefore you should make it special. There will be no need for a thousand candles or a serenade, but you should choose the ideal place and time for your first kiss.

  • Kiss in the evening. Kissing during a sunset or moonlight is more romantic than kissing during the day. You will also feel less shy if you kiss in the dark.
  • Choose a private place. You should find an intimate place that is free from distractions or unwanted observers, so that you can focus solely on the kiss. You can choose a hidden bench in the park, a nice spot near the beach or lake, or maybe your terrace.
  • Appearance matters. Dress well to give this moment a special meaning. Don't give your first kiss in clothes you would use to work out at the gym.
Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 3
Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 3

Step 3. Make sure your partner is ready

This is a very important aspect. You can set the mood and heal your breath as much as you want, but none of this will matter if your partner isn't ready to kiss. Before kissing, make sure your partner has shown signs that she has a romantic interest in you, such as agreeing to date, touching you, or even better, telling you how she feels.

If your partner continues to stare into your eyes, gently touch you and smile, you will know that she is ready for the kiss

Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 4
Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 4

Step 4. Remember to avoid some mistakes

Before kissing, approach slowly and gently. If you are too aggressive or harsh, your partner will get the wrong message and the kiss will feel forced. Here are some things to avoid before giving your first kiss:

  • French kiss. Don't put your tongue in her mouth right away and drool everywhere. If your partner is bold and gently touches your tongue with hers, you can initiate a French kiss, but don't try to do it in the first few seconds of contact.
  • To bite. Biting her lips or tongue can be a curious way to spice up your kisses. Doing it during the first kiss, however, could take her by surprise and she might recoil.
  • Using your hands too much. You should touch your partner, bring your bodies closer and stroke her on the head or shoulders. However, you should avoid groping your partner in inappropriate places during your first kiss. If you did, you would give the impression of being sordid negatively affecting the genuineness of the kiss.

Part 2 of 3: Kissing

Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 5
Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 5

Step 1. Look for physical contact

Start getting closer to the person you want to kiss, for example by hugging them on a sofa, putting your arm around them, or pulling their hair away from their face. Look her in the eye to make your intentions clear.

  • Your first kiss will be more natural if you touch the other person and feel comfortable doing it. Remember not to touch it in inappropriate places.
  • You can also initiate a contact with light and delicate touches as a joke. You can playfully poke or push the other person, until you move on to more serious actions.
  • Try giving her a romantic compliment before kissing her. You can say "Your eyes drive me crazy" or "You look so beautiful tonight".
Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 6
Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 6

Step 2. Lean in until your face is within inches of his

After you initiate physical contact, move to bring your face close to that of the girl. You should keep looking her in the eye, and smiling, to show your affection.

  • Move closer until your hips touch and use your hands to stroke her cheeks, hair or shoulders.
  • You can use the traditional "slow dance" position with your hands around the girl's waist, holding her hands over your shoulders and behind your neck.
Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 7
Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 7

Step 3. Kiss her

Once in the right position, there is nothing left to do but kiss. Do not hesitate. If you've come this far, it means that both of you want nothing more than to kiss each other. Gently reach up to her and place your lips on hers. Remember not to be in a hurry. Touch her lips gently after the first contact. Keep your lips slightly parted and continue kissing for five to ten seconds before pulling away.

Use your hands while kissing. Put them around the other person's face, stroke their hair or neck. There will be no need to exaggerate. Just make sure you use your whole body to make the kiss even sweeter

Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 8
Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 8

Step 4. Walk away

Slowly move away from the person. Do not suddenly end the kiss and do not move away with your whole body, jumping away from the girl. Instead, maintain physical contact as you walk away, continuing to look her in the eye. Keep stroking her gently to let her know how good the kiss was.

Wait a bit before breaking physical contact. If you do it too quickly, the girl may think you didn't like the kiss

Part 3 of 3: Reacting Appropriately after the Kiss

Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 9
Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 9

Step 1. Start another kiss if it seems appropriate

If you just can't break physical contact or if you keep looking your partner in the eye, you should keep kissing her. Gently stroke her hair or cheeks and move closer. Start kissing slowly again and try to experience something different as the kiss continues.

If it seems appropriate, you can try a French kiss. Make sure the girl is using her tongue gently too, or you might catch her off guard

Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 10
Kiss Someone for the First Time Step 10

Step 2. Don't be disappointed if all is not well

If your first kiss wasn't as good as you expected, don't worry. First kisses are often awkward, because both people are still getting to know each other and will get better with experience. You can take a break and try again at the right time.

Even if the kiss isn't okay, you should still gently pull away from the other person and move on. Don't think about what happened and start visualizing the success of your next kiss


  • If you have very chapped lips, don't kiss. Wait for a better time.
  • Keep a mint handy before approaching for the kiss.
  • Only push yourself where you feel comfortable. Don't do anything you don't want to do.
  • Make sure you really know the other person.
  • If your teeth collide, that's not a problem, if you really love each other, it'll be nice and you can keep kissing.
  • Don't put too much cocoa butter or lip gloss. Some guys may not want to spoil it.
  • Brush your teeth and use mouthwash.
  • If you have chapped lips, massage them with some sugar or use cocoa butter.
  • Make sure you like the person you kiss because the memory of this moment will accompany you throughout your life. It is also not recommended to go beyond kissing if this is the first time.
  • If the other person asks you to stop, or if you're not 100% sure they're enjoying the kiss, stop. The most beautiful kisses are the ones that both people involved want. Regardless of how much you like it, it's not okay to force someone to do something against their will.
