Kissing a girl in your bedroom for the first time can be a tense experience, especially if it's the first kiss for both of you or one of you. When you feel you are ready to take this step, be confident. The key to success is to be relaxed, comfortable and slow. In this article you will find some useful tips to prepare you for this great moment!
Part 1 of 3: Go to Your Room

Step 1. Ask your girlfriend if she wants to come to your room
You can do this in many different ways, but probably the most effective is to ask her if she wants to see your room. Try a phrase like "Hey, do you want to go upstairs? My room is warmer / better than the living room." If she seems opposed to the idea, don't push it or it will make her feel uncomfortable. If you prefer, use different expressions.
- Try: "In my room there is my collection of CDs, would you like to listen to some?".
- You could also say, "I have some hilarious photo albums in my room. Would you like to come and see them?"
- You suggest moving to your room and saying, "My sister always comes to bother me here in the living room. Would you like to go upstairs, where can we be more comfortable?"
- Always follow the rules imposed by your parents if you are forbidden to invite people into the room and to close the door.

Step 2. Close the door
She might not be happy to be locked in her room with a guy she hasn't kissed yet, so just pull the door over. She probably prefers to avoid the embarrassment of one of your parents walking into your room while you kiss, so keep your ears open. If you're not allowed to lock yourself in with a girl, stick to the rules and leave the door open.

Step 3. Stay upright until she sits down
If you sit down and drag her towards you, she may feel threatened or get the impression that things are progressing too fast. Give her time to look around the room, get familiar with the surroundings, and relax. She'll sit down when she's ready and want to. At that point, stand next to her.
Part 2 of 3: Spending Time in Your Room

Step 1. Show her something
When you're both sitting on the bed, show her a photo album, your favorite books or albums, or a funny video on your computer. By watching something together and chatting, the atmosphere will become less awkward and both of you will soon feel at ease.
- You can say "Did you see the fox video on YouTube?" before starting it on your computer.
- You can also show her a book you like and say, "Have you ever read this? It's one of my favorites."

Step 2. Look her in the eye
An exchange of glances will make you feel more connected and help you understand what your girlfriend is thinking. Look for positive signs, which include smiles, laughter at your jokes, or stares at your lips.
If he plays with his hair or pushes it behind his ear, he probably tries to get his face looked at. Fiddling with clothes, on the other hand, is a sign of nervousness

Step 3. Touch her arm and approach her
If it tells you to stop, do it now. There are many reasons why she may not want to kiss you: perhaps she is not comfortable because she is in an unfamiliar environment, or it is her first kiss and she does not feel ready. Some people are very nervous in these situations, while others want their first kiss to happen in a special place or at a particular time. Don't take it as a personal offense, you can always try again in the future.
She may not like you. It's not easy to accept it, but don't be offended. In some cases, girls need time. Who knows? Maybe in the future he will change his mind
Part 3 of 3: Approaching for the Kiss

Step 1. Come slowly and kiss her
Make sure you are gentle, don't rush, and close your eyes before the last moment. Tilt your head slightly, because if you held it straight, your noses would collide before your lips; it can be really embarrassing!
- Don't pursue your lips and press them gently against hers.
- Don't try to use your tongue on the first kiss. Avoid the French kiss if she's not the one to initiate. In that case, remember not to overdo it - don't push your tongue down her throat.
- Keep your eyes closed while you kiss. If you stare at her, you will make her uncomfortable.
- Don't go too far. The first kiss shouldn't last more than 10 seconds. If you both liked the experience, you can always continue.

Step 2. Try the French kiss
If you think the time is right, you can switch to this technique, but only do it if your girlfriend is ready. If it's your first kiss ever, not just in your room, you should avoid it. If you decide to give it a try, lean in and tilt your head closer, close your eyes and start with a couple of kisses with your mouth closed. Kiss her on the lower or upper lip a couple of times.
- When you open your mouth to kiss her, slide the tip of your tongue into her mouth, then withdraw it. Your goal is to touch her tongue gently, so don't be too abrupt.
- Keep giving her open mouth kisses, trying to make your tongues meet. During a French kiss, it is normal to keep your mouth slightly open.
- Remember to breathe while kissing. It's easy to forget, but try to breathe slowly through your nose without making too much noise.

Step 3. Make a final affectionate gesture
Once you're done kissing, make a nice gesture and give your girlfriend a kiss on the cheek or a hug. Of course, don't follow this advice if she has turned you down. Always consider his reaction before acting and try to respect it as much as possible.

Step 4. Respect the limits
If she doesn't want to kiss you, put your hands around her waist, or stroke her face. If he reacts well, continue. If he pulls back, opens his eyes or closes his mouth, stop and find something else to do.
- Don't be shy or nervous, or she will be too! It's certainly not what you want, so let things run naturally.
- Make sure you still don't have candy or gum in your mouth when you kiss!
- Do everything slowly, gently and don't close your eyes until the last moment.
- If you don't want to go any further, snuggling on the bed is still a lot of fun!
- Some girls may react badly to your attempts, but you will notice it right away. If she doesn't look you in the eye, doesn't sit next to you, doesn't talk much, holds her lips tightly, or gives you other signs of closure, it means she doesn't feel comfortable being on your bed. In this case, talk to her; tell her you don't want to make her feel uncomfortable, ask her what you can do to calm her down, or else start doing what you were doing before.
- Just because she is in your room doesn't mean you have the freedom to do whatever you want. Pushing over the edge could make her seriously uncomfortable.