How to Flirt with a Guy on the Internet: 13 Steps

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How to Flirt with a Guy on the Internet: 13 Steps
How to Flirt with a Guy on the Internet: 13 Steps

It may seem counterintuitive to flirt without using body language or changing the pitch of your voice. People are so used to physically manifesting attraction that they have a hard time flirting online because courtship follows its own rules on the web. However, it still makes sense to tease yourself in a playful and gentle way on the Internet, and even if you have to use a different approach than usual, the virtual world is actually a great place to learn how to flirt.


Part 1 of 3: Using Social Networks

Flirt With a Guy Online Step 1
Flirt With a Guy Online Step 1

Step 1. Choose an eye-catching profile photo

The profile picture will show a lot of things about you and, if you want to flirt online, it will be very useful to have a good shot accompanying your messages. If you have already published many beautiful personal images, just choose one, preferably in high resolution, that highlights the face. If, on the other hand, you don't have many, try taking a couple of shots and choose the most suitable one. Since he is the only physical presence in virtual courtship, choose carefully.

If you're having trouble deciding which photo to post, ask a friend for help. His advice can give you a better idea of how your images are perceived by others

Flirt With a Guy Online Step 2
Flirt With a Guy Online Step 2

Step 2. Make your thoughts and opinions known

If you have a rather active virtual life, others will think that you are also engaged in the real one. This is a good sign if you are trying to pique someone's interest. If there's something going through your head, write it down in a post. If you had a particular experience the other day, disclose it online.

Ultimately, quality is more important than quantity, so posting a large number of shallow or poorly written elements will get the opposite effect

Flirt With a Guy Online Step 3
Flirt With a Guy Online Step 3

Step 3. Like and share posts that interest you

Most social networks (like Facebook) have a feature that allows you to express immediate appreciation as soon as you see a post. You can quickly use the "like" button to let someone know that you like what they have posted. If you are interested in a guy, you should make an effort to show sympathy and attention to the elements he puts on the net. If it's some news that can be enjoyed by a wider audience, don't hesitate to share it on your profile.

Part 2 of 3: Chat Directly with Him

Flirt With a Guy Online Step 4
Flirt With a Guy Online Step 4

Step 1. Ask him what his interests are

The help that the Internet can give you is the chance to learn a lot about the person you are interested in before deepening their knowledge. Potentially his Facebook profile gives you a lot of useful information to start a conversation. Surely those you like will have included your favorite books, movies, sports and bands that you can browse. Each of them makes for a great conversation starter. Few guys would dismiss a person who shows a real interest in them, so don't be shy!

For example, if he wrote a comment about a movie you recently watched, you could send him a message saying, "I saw it too. I was looking forward to it and it didn't disappoint. What scene did you like about it?" more?"

Flirt With a Guy Online Step 5
Flirt With a Guy Online Step 5

Step 2. Send compliments

Regardless of what you think, there isn't a person in the world who doesn't like compliments. In addition to showing you his interests, a substantial online profile will give you plenty of ideas for appreciation. Check out the latest posts or most recent images he has published. Did something interesting happen to him? Do you like her profile picture? Send him a private message and let him know what you think.

If you add a smiley emoticon, you will be much more affable and outgoing

Flirt With a Guy Online Step 6
Flirt With a Guy Online Step 6

Step 3. Be cheerful and lively

Don't choose too heavy conversation topics especially when you start chatting with a guy. To flirt, you always have to interact in a light and relaxed way at the beginning. A great place to start is to talk about what happens to you in daily life and about common interests. The dialogue will come to life by itself. At first, you should show a sense of humor and flatter him a little.

Be patient. If you flirt to achieve a goal, it won't be pleasant and you may even miss it

Flirt With a Guy Online Step 7
Flirt With a Guy Online Step 7

Step 4. Use emoticons in moderation

It's hard to flirt on the Internet when body language can't help you convey your intentions. Of course, emoticons are a substitute for moods, but they are comfortable and effective. If you want to make a joke that could be taken seriously, add a smiley or winking face. However, don't overdo it because if used excessively, they quickly lose their effect and can even be very irritating.

Flirt With a Guy Online Step 8
Flirt With a Guy Online Step 8

Step 5. Publish posts on his profile

If you interact with the person you like via Facebook, try posting something on their profile to show them you're interested. Of course, you have to choose something cheerful and fun and make your interactions visible to other people. It's also a great idea to hint at your joke or post one of your favorite songs on his profile.

If you need to communicate something serious or personal, use private messages

Flirt With a Guy Online Step 9
Flirt With a Guy Online Step 9

Step 6. Use voice chat

Voice chat services, such as Skype, are free and allow you to use your computer like a telephone. Once you get through the initial phase of short conversations and texting, voice chat is the next step. At first, you may feel uncomfortable if you have never spoken in person, but this way you will be able to understand if there is harmony between you.

The webcam allows you to get closer to the real encounter experience in a fun way

Part 3 of 3: Behave Well on the Net

Flirt With a Guy Online Step 10
Flirt With a Guy Online Step 10

Step 1. Write correctly

Unless you're in elementary school, the excessive use of terse and essential language gets you nowhere if you want to impress someone. The only experience that many people will have with you will be completely virtual, so you have to do your best to show yourself smart and mature. In other words, you need to apply grammar and spelling rules correctly, but also use emoticons in moderation.

Flirt With a Guy Online Step 11
Flirt With a Guy Online Step 11

Step 2. Be courteous in your posts

Whenever you post something online, you should consider how it affects your image. Even if there is room for black humor and absurd and senseless anecdotes, this way you will not be able to win people's sympathies. If you're looking to impress a guy, it wouldn't hurt if you consider keeping a low profile. Every man looks for a set of characteristics in a woman, but the vast majority prefer to be with someone who is tactful.

Flirt With a Guy Online Step 12
Flirt With a Guy Online Step 12

Step 3. Be nice to everyone

You won't like all the internet users you know, but since you don't know who will see your posts, it wouldn't be a bad idea to be kind and understanding. If a guy browses your profile and sees tons of posts about someone he hates, he'll feel discouraged or downright disinterested in interacting with you. If you want to take a burden off your stomach, use private messages.

Flirt With a Guy Online Step 13
Flirt With a Guy Online Step 13

Step 4. Keep your public courtship focused on one person

Even if you're interested in a guy, the guy won't get involved if he sees you treat everyone the same. If you enjoy innocent flirting with various guys, try to do it mostly in private. It's okay if you make some hints in public, but don't give the impression that you are not serious. In this case, it will be more difficult to win someone when you are planning on finding a partner.


  • If you live near someone you care about, don't hesitate to ask them for an in-person meeting. Internet flirting can be fun, but it shouldn't come down to just that. A relationship with a real person is much more fulfilling.
  • There are chat rooms specially designed for flirting and improving social skills. Look for one if you are concerned about having an inelegant approach and need to perfect it.


  • Never reveal too much information about your account. All posts published on the Internet can be taken and used by other people. So even on the net you should never trust anyone you don't know.
  • Reserve the more serious speeches for live encounters (like a declaration of love). Communicating what you feel is a very intense emotionally experience. You'll miss it if you just send a message online. On the other hand, the guy will also be less likely to believe you if you only interact with him via the Internet.
  • Flirting online can be innocent fun, but for some people it is a form of cheating. It is not recommended if you are currently in a relationship.
