These days, people abandon their landline to switch to cell phones. Since telephone directories don't include cell phones, it's a little tricky to call someone whose number you don't know. If you can figure out how to get cell phone numbers, you may be able to contact a specific person in an emergency, call an old friend, or just get in touch with someone whose cell phone number has been lost. Here's how to do it.
Method 1 of 2: Using the Internet

Step 1. Visit the National Cellular Directory
It is an organization that works very similar to a landline phone company in that it has a database of cell phone numbers. However, it is a service that you must subscribe to and, in order to find a person, this must have voluntarily registered.

Step 2. Pay for a service
People-seeking organizations like Intellius will quickly find anyone. A simple phone number / address / name search can be very cheap: in some cases, it costs less than a euro. If you do a lot of research, though, you should probably consider a more substantial plan.
- Most search engines allow you to "find" a person for free, but to get more information you will have to pay a significant amount.
- These organizations don't always find up-to-date information. For example, even if they can find a particular person's cell phone number, that number may have been suspended several months ago. Use caution when you decide to consult with these organizations and make sure they are legitimate companies. Experience has shown that these sites incorrectly report not only ages or locations, but go further by selling you phone numbers of people who have passed away long ago.

Step 3. Go to Google
Most specialized search sites require a fee to provide you with a mobile number. However, a simple Google search can be enough to find an incredible amount of information about anyone, including the phone number that could appear on the school website, on a social network, on the site of a local organization that you have joined and etc.

Step 4. Use Facebook or LinkedIn
Many times, people make their phone numbers public. If you know the person and are trying to contact them, befriend them on Facebook or contact them via LinkedIn.
Method 2 of 2: Using SneakerNet, i.e. Practical Word of Mouth

Step 1. When the internet search fails, use the "sneakernet"
The term is used to indicate the transfer of computer information via fixed media.
- Use word of mouth to get mobile numbers. For example, if you need to find David but don't know his phone number, ask mutual friends to tell him that you'd like to get in touch with him. If they don't know where Davide is, broaden the search by contacting his colleagues and family.
- Make sure you are honest about why you are looking for the number to avoid problems for all parties involved.