How to Start a Political Party: 13 Steps

How to Start a Political Party: 13 Steps
How to Start a Political Party: 13 Steps

Table of contents:


Creating a political party is an important undertaking that needs tremendous support. Start by identifying the political platform, then try to convey the message to the public by organizing events, ensuring the presence of the movement on social networks and relying on word of mouth. Once you have reached a certain number of members, you can fine-tune the organizational structure. If the criteria for party founding are met, such as collecting the signatures of supporters and proving that you are an active and well-organized entity, you can legally file the name of the new movement through a notarial deed and declare its official seat at the Court Electoral and other relevant authorities. At that point, the party can move forward by running for elections and taking part in local or national political life.


Part 1 of 3: Promote Memberships

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Attend Family Gatherings When You Are Autistic Step 28

Step 1. Organize meetings to generate interest in party founding

You will need enthusiastic militants at every stage of the party's creation and life. Let it be known that you are trying to create a new political movement and encourage anyone to participate.

  • You could start by having a meeting with people you already know at a cultural center or even at your home. If they show interest in your initiative, invite them to spread the news to other acquaintances. Have a second meeting with the newcomers.
  • Attend all meetings. Once the birth of the party is formalized, it is generally necessary to demonstrate that you are organizing political meetings and congresses.
  • It is never too early to raise funds. In the early stages, you can launch a collective funding campaign. Next, get the finance team to set up a proper process to win the support of the grantors.
Become a Member of Delta Sigma Theta Step 7
Become a Member of Delta Sigma Theta Step 7

Step 2. Gather potential candidates

Your party's goal is to draw attention to a charismatic candidate to present in the election. If you find him, ask him to attend meetings. He could intervene in debates, take promotional photos, greet voters and raise public awareness on the birth of the new party.

Learn a Language Step 10
Learn a Language Step 10

Step 3. Draw up the political platform

It must report the fundamental principles put forward by the party. You can start by scheduling discussions about what you want to highlight. List them and propose a member or committee who can work them out. Share them with the whole group, make the necessary changes and organize a vote to officially adopt the platform. Address the following issues:

  • What aspects of political, social or economic life does the party propose to improve?
  • What would the party want to accomplish if it were to get a majority of the votes?
  • What sets it apart from others?
  • Why should voters support party candidates?
Defend Against Appropriation of Name or Likeness Claims Step 14
Defend Against Appropriation of Name or Likeness Claims Step 14

Step 4. Establish internal rules

A political party is a complex organization that evolves over time if things go the way you hope. For better management, a committee should be set up with the task of drafting a statute. Once filled in, you need to bring it to everyone's attention before voting for its approval. Also, you have to make it known when it is officially registered. The drafting of the statute will have to deal with the following topics:

  • Who is in charge of the party leadership? How will the institutional offices be designated?
  • Which committees will be formed?
  • What is the procedure for voting on the most important issues?
  • How will the candidates be chosen?
  • How will the differences be handled?
  • When will the meetings take place and what form will they take?
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Accept Yourself As an LGBT Muslim Step 20

Step 5. Examine the financial aspects

Money is needed to organize a political party and promote candidates during election campaigns. Therefore, the project will need rules relating to revenue, control bodies and money management. When the party is officially registered, a financial plan and accounting explanation will likely need to be presented, so be prepared. Consider the following issues:

  • How will donations be received?
  • Which bank account will the money be deposited into?
  • Which committee will be responsible for the financial aspects?
  • Who will take care of the accounting?
  • What will be the directives on spending or funding for election campaigns?
  • What measures need to be taken to ensure financial transparency?
  • How will any differences or economic investigations be handled?

Part 2 of 3: Creating the Party Symbol

Join the Mormon Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) Step 9
Join the Mormon Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) Step 9

Step 1. Choose an emblematic name

Political parties are recognizable by the name they bear, so think seriously. You will have to find a name that does not belong and does not resemble that of any other movement, otherwise you could confuse the public.

  • Consult the Electoral Tribunal or other competent authority to obtain a list of currently declared political parties;
  • Opt for a name that condenses the fundamental values carried forward by the party;
  • Choose a short name - no more than a couple of words. This way, it will be easier to remember and recognize it.
Improve Your Memory Step 8
Improve Your Memory Step 8

Step 2. Create an identifying logo

Logos or symbols are used around the world to promote and distinguish political parties. Generally, they are also required when officially declaring their birth. Choose one that is not too complex, but emblematic.

  • For example, if the party is based on conservative ideas, you can find a logo that contains a symbol of local or national traditions;
  • If you want to emphasize the progressive orientation, opt for a modern and contemporary symbol containing traditional colors.
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Step 3. Create a website with its own domain

It is vital to have a website that you can connect to to find more information. Purchase a domain that is closely related to the party name. Put the website address on propaganda material and distribute it at meetings. The contents of the site could include:

  • A copy of the manifesto of the party and of the basic ideology;
  • Leaders' biographies and statements;
  • Information on upcoming events and election campaigns;
  • Pages for each candidate in the elections;
  • A link to inquire about donations.
Avoid Conversation on Public Transportation Step 13
Avoid Conversation on Public Transportation Step 13

Step 4. Use social networks for propaganda

Announce all the events that will be organized. You can also create and share promotional videos and images to let the public know about your activities. Make sure you post any kind of information on a regular basis. You can also share news and other content in line with the interests of the party.

  • Social networks are vital to arouse and stimulate the interest of the public. So, try to be active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and other major social media platforms.
  • Assign a group to deal with media communication and the publication of content reflecting the party's activities.

Part 3 of 3: Officialize the Party Foundation

Become a Congressperson Step 11
Become a Congressperson Step 11

Step 1. Collect signatures from supporters

To qualify as a political party, you generally need to have at least a thousand supporters, the minimum number to found a party.

  • Post an online petition to support the creation of a political party and ask supporters to sign it;
  • If you have already reached a sufficient number of members, just collect their signatures. If not, go to the street, explain your initiative to people and propose to support them by signing the petition.
Join the Mormon Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) Step 10
Join the Mormon Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) Step 10

Step 2. Make sure that the criteria for party founding are met

It depends on the country you live in. In Italy, for example, the process is as follows:

  • Go to a notary, legally deposit, through a notarial deed, the name of the new movement together with the political objective and the logo. It is necessary to be three people, who represent the institutional positions provided for by Italian law: that of President, Political Secretary and Treasurer;
  • Open a regular VAT number and ask for registration with the Prefecture, which is essential if you want to participate in the elections;
  • Open a current account with a bank;
  • The law also establishes that it is necessary to have a permanent office declared at the Electoral Court, the Guardia di Finanza, the Chamber of Commerce, the Police Headquarters, the Municipality and the Prefecture.
Buy Small Business Insurance Step 12
Buy Small Business Insurance Step 12

Step 3. Take care of the paperwork in time

In some cases it is possible to officially declare the birth of a political party only at certain times of the year. For example, in some countries it is not possible to carry out this operation shortly before the elections. If you are not sure how it is regulated, consult a notary.

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Get Child Support Step 13

Step 4. Submit all documents

You will need to contact a notary to find out which documents to file. Typically, these are templates and copies of documents, including the bylaws, executive contact information, collected signatures, and financial plan.

  • In addition to the notary's duties, it is necessary to pay some administrative fees;
  • Once the bureaucratic formalities have been completed, the political party must be registered with the Prefecture in order to participate in the elections.
