How to Get Your Parents to Let You Date Someone

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How to Get Your Parents to Let You Date Someone
How to Get Your Parents to Let You Date Someone

Love. Whatever people say, we all need it. However, when your parents aren't sure whether to let you go out with a girl, use these steps to see if you can fix it.


Be the Girl All the Bad Guys Want Step 1
Be the Girl All the Bad Guys Want Step 1

Step 1. Find out if you are old enough to go out

You need to deeply analyze your maturity and determine if you can handle all the challenges that dating with the opposite sex brings.

Be the Girl All the Bad Guys Want Step 2
Be the Girl All the Bad Guys Want Step 2

Step 2. Ask your parents why they don't want you to go out

You need to put yourself in their shoes and figure out what their problem is, why they hesitate (for example, if they think you're not responsible enough, get more housework done and prove otherwise in any way you can).

Be the Girl All the Bad Guys Want Step 3
Be the Girl All the Bad Guys Want Step 3

Step 3. Facts are more powerful than words, so you need to demonstrate concrete so that they understand that you are ready to go out with girls

This means demonstrating that you have reached good mental and emotional maturity, and that you are adult enough to handle the pressure and say no to proposals that do not convince you.

Be the Girl All the Bad Guys Want Step 4
Be the Girl All the Bad Guys Want Step 4

Step 4. Try to talk seriously with them

Express yourself particularly clearly with your parents, ask what you can do and why they are afraid of letting you out (these concerns are typically more related to girls than boys). Make sure you don't disobey: if they said no, don't do it your way.

Be the Girl All the Bad Guys Want Step 5
Be the Girl All the Bad Guys Want Step 5

Step 5. If they let you out, work with them to determine rules or boundaries

For example, they might tell you what time you should be back, how often you need to call while you're out, etc.

Be the Girl All the Bad Guys Want Step 6
Be the Girl All the Bad Guys Want Step 6

Step 6. If they won't let you out anyway, then maybe they think you're not ready

And maybe that's the case, but you have to make sure you live to the fullest anyway, because you won't be young forever.


  • Introducing the person you want to date to your parents is good. They will feel more comfortable knowing her and understanding that there is nothing wrong with it. Either way, this could be counterproductive if you're with a dodgy girl.
  • Try not to secretly date a girl for too long, because the risk of getting caught red-handed will be around the corner; this may convince your parents of your immaturity, and you will have to wait longer for them to regain confidence.
  • Ask your parents at what age they started dating members of the opposite sex. This is pretty important, because maybe they won't let you date until you're that age, or you're even older.
  • Ask them about the experiences they have had in the sentimental sphere. Many times parents don't want their children to repeat the same mistakes, so they don't allow them to go out.
  • Don't be too pushy when discussing sensitive topics like this with yours. Keep calm and listen to what they say.
  • Try to have open communication with your parents.
  • Consider your moral values and beliefs.
  • When in doubt, ask.


  • Make sure you respect the curfew and don't break your parents' other rules, otherwise they may take away your privileges.
  • Kiss a person only if you are ready.
  • Whatever promises you made to your parents, keep them. If they find out that you are pregnant or have contracted a sexually transmitted disease, they are unlikely to trust you again.
