Nowadays, you might spend more time texting the girl you like than you spend with her. This means that you will not only have to be able to flirt in person, but also via text. If you want to flirt with texting, you'll need to know how to be playful, bright, and charming in a sentence or two.
Method 1 of 3: Write an Opening to Flirt

Step 1. Be creative
It's hard to be original when writing a message, so doing it will be even more impressive. When you pick up the phone to text the person you like, you should try to think of something no one else could say. This will catch her interest and entice her to respond.
- Make the person you like laugh. Start with a short, funny sentence about something you've recently seen or referencing a previous conversation.
- Make a smart observation. The other person will certainly respond. Flirting using intelligence is a great tactic.
- Be original. Write something that only you could say.

Step 2. Ask a question
Questions are great ways to impress and flirt, because they show that you're not writing for the sake of doing, but because you really want to talk to the other person and care what they think. Here are some important things to remember when asking questions:
- Write something simple. Ask about an event that happened today or during the week, such as how your brother's birthday went or if the last vacation was fun.
- Ask open-ended questions. Don't just ask questions that can be answered with a simple "yes" or "well enough". Give the person you like room to process and reciprocate the question.
- Don't be too vague. Don't ask deep philosophical questions that the other person won't be able to answer. She may be confused by your message and don't reply.
- Don't be boring. You will hardly get any answers if you always just write "How are you?" or "How are you?". Be original, even in your questions.
- Be considerate. If you know the other person has been through an important event, texting how it went shows that you are paying attention.

Step 3. Look after spelling and grammar
This advice may seem silly and irrelevant, but if you were flirting with the person you like in person, you would make sure that your outfit is perfect and your hair is in order. Consequently, if you are sending a message, you should make sure you use correct punctuation and write complete sentences.
- If you send lazy or poorly articulated messages, you will give the impression that you don't care enough about the other person to take the time to care for the message.
- Your writing doesn't have to be perfect. Just re-read the messages to avoid mistakes.

Step 4. Don't be too firm in your approach
Discretion is very important when starting a conversation over text, so you should try not to overdo it or the other person will understand your intentions right away. Relax and send a message when the time seems right, without thinking too much. It shouldn't take you more than a minute to decide on the best message to send.
- Make sure you don't always write first. If you do, the other person may not be so thrilled to hear from you. Hold on and wait for the person you like to write to you first sometimes.
- Don't try too hard to be funny. If the other person understands that it took you hours to compose the perfect opening, you will not get the desired result.
- Remember that flirting over text isn't all that different from flirting in person. You should relax and not worry too much if you want to be successful.
Method 2 of 3: Maintain the attention of the person you like

Step 1. Make fun of her
Text teasing is a great way to flirt. You can be playful and make fun of the other person and let them do the same. This will show that you don't take yourself too seriously and that you care about the person you're writing to.
- Don't be too heavy. Make fun of the other person because they like a horrible movie or spend too much time with their guitar.
- Make sure the other person understands that you are joking. It should be clear that you don't want to offend her and that you just want to be funny.
- If you have a funny nickname for the person you like, use it in messages.
- Add a smiley face to show that you are joking.

Step 2. Show the other person that you care
If you want to flirt with texts, you should find a way to make the other person clearly understand that you care by asking them questions about their life or asking what they think.
- If the other person is sick, ask them if they are better.
- Use the other person's name from time to time. This will surprise her and make her feel appreciated.
- Ask the person you like what they think about a new movie or restaurant. This question could also lead to a date together.
- Give compliments. Find a discreet way to let the other person know that she was very nice the other night or that you like her new haircut.

Step 3. Be a little pushed
You can find subtle ways to get the person you like aroused with texting. No need to write "What are you wearing?" to show the other person that you think of them in a not entirely chaste way. Here are some things to try:
- Write naturally that you just finished taking a shower.
- Be direct. Say "I can't stop thinking about the dress you were wearing the other night."
- Say something like "I have a bottle of wine in the cellar and she is so alone without you". Inviting the person you like to have a bottle of wine with you involves much more.

Step 4. Don't be in too much of a hurry
Remember that you have to take it easy when texting, so you shouldn't be posting hundreds of consecutive questions or asking questions with a million question marks. If you are too enthusiastic about writing to the other person, you will end up pushing them away.
- Make sure you and the person you like write about the same number of times. If you send her five messages for each of her replies, you have a problem.
- Emoticons are great when used sparingly. The same goes for exclamation marks and quotes.
- Don't reply as soon as you get a message. Wait a few minutes, or even hours, before replying, unless the message requires a timely response. If the other person takes a day to answer you, don't do it right away or you will look desperate.

Step 5. Don't use messages to build a deep bond
No relationship starts or ends with a series of text messages. When texting someone special, remember that texting is great for flirting, dating, and bringing a virtual relationship into the real world, but they're not good for building relationships or really getting to know a person.
- Remember not to be too heavy. Flirting is about being fun and playful, not having deep discussions.
- If you really like someone, try to spend more time talking to them in person than you do texting them.
Method 3 of 3: Conclude Better

Step 1. Know when to stop writing
You don't want to be the kind of person who drags on a message conversation for hours when he has nothing to say. When talking to a new flame in a bar, you should talk enough to make a good impression and then say you need to go so that a great conversation doesn't make it worse. The same goes for messages.
- If you're almost the only one talking in the conversation, it's time to stop writing.
- If you keep writing long messages and get one-word replies, you need to stop writing.
- If you find that both of you don't know what to say anymore, end the conversation.
- If you feel that you are always the one talking more and that the person answering does not seem enthusiastic about doing so, it may be time to end the conversation for good.

Step 2. Close on a positive note
If you have to end the conversation because you are busy or because you are about to meet the person, you should leave them with something to think about. Don't just write "Hello!" or the other person won't think about you once they finish writing to you.
- If you are about to meet the person, don't be afraid to write that you can't wait to see them.
- If you have to go, tell the other person where you are going and what you will do. This will let her know that you have a good life when you are not texting and it will pique her interest.
- Leave an opening that allows you to resume the conversation. Say you can't wait to talk about something later.

Step 3. Use messages to ask the person to hang out with you
If your message exchanges have gone very well and you are able to flirt successfully, you should take the relationship to the next level and use the messages you ask the person you like to hang out with.
- Don't be too heavy. If you are in the middle of a conversation, you can say "Would you like to continue talking about it at dinner or an aperitif?".
- If you've really spent a lot of time writing to the other person, you can say, "I really enjoy writing to you, but I think I'd love to talk to you even more. Why don't we continue in person?"
- You can also be more informal. Instead of asking for an actual date, you can invite the person to go out with you and your friends one night or to a party.
- Don't say anything you wouldn't say in person. Being too open with texting will create embarrassment when you come face to face.
- Make sure you are sending the messages to the right person.
- Write funny and funny things to make the conversation more interesting.
- Don't always be the first to write.
- Do not send messages twice. Receiving the same message 8 times can be annoying.
- Don't talk too much. Being boring is the worst thing you can do.
- If you don't know a person well, don't ask them questions you don't want to be asked of you.
- Don't write messages you could write to someone you're already dating, you never know who might be reading them.
- Don't be afraid to ask questions. You will learn something and it will be an advantage.
- Remember, flirting over text doesn't have the same value as flirting live.