You have been offered a job interview at a modeling agency, congratulations! If the interview goes well, you will have the opportunity to pursue a successful career.

Step 1. Make sure you have all the information you need
Make sure you know the agency's address and what you need to do once you arrive. Also make sure you know what you need to bring - having a photo book already is definitely a plus - or if you need to wear something specific.

Step 2. Take care of your physical appearance very well
Do not neglect face and skin care, hair, check your diet and make sure you have a perfect manicure.

Step 3. Practice
You will most likely need to slip off and pose during the interview, so practice. Even if you are not an expert, practicing will help you increase your self-esteem and will help you a lot during the interview! One of the best methods is to watch fashion show videos and practice in front of the mirror.

Step 4. Prepare your clothes the night before your interview and make sure they are clean and tidy
If you haven't been given directions on how to dress, choose something nice. Try to be as good as possible. Heels are recommended - many girls are more comfortable walking in high heels rather than flat shoes. If you are not used to high heels, choose a shoe with a medium heel.

Step 5. Get to the agency early
Bring the agent's number with you, so you can call him in case you are late.

Step 6. Be prepared for unexpected questions
Some modeling agencies often ask trick questions to test your flexibility. Such questions are usually about your ambitions and how you perceive yourself. They can include: What do you mainly love about yourself? Why do you think you have an edge over the other candidates? Where do you see yourself in a year? And in five? Be prepared to respond.

Step 7. Listen carefully to what you are told and read everything that is given to you
If you don't pay attention you may be missing out on something important.

Step 8. The interview generally lasts 20 minutes and most of the time you are immediately told whether the agency is interested in you or not
Most likely one of the following will happen:
- You will be accepted by the agency. Depending on the status of your photo book, you may be invited to do a photo shoot. You will also need to sign the contract, which can be delivered to you later or immediately. And remember to celebrate!
- You may be asked to come back later, after doing something - cut your hair, improve your modeling skills, or lose weight. It's not a rejection, so don't be discouraged, but if you want to get the job you need to make some changes / improvements. You will be given another date for the audition or you will be asked to call the agency later.
- You will be rejected. Don't be too angry - you are certainly a step ahead of those girls who did not have the courage to send the application or were refused the opportunity to do the interview at the agency. Also, you can always try another modeling agency.
- The photo book is very important and must be done in a certain way. If your photos are poor or low quality, avoid taking them to the interview. Unprofessional photos could give a negative image of you or make people believe that you are not photogenic. If you clearly state that you have never done photo shoots, most agents will understand.
- Agencies always have a lot to do. If they've called you for an interview it means they want to see you, so relax!
- Be natural! Laugh at your mistakes, agencies are looking for real people, not perfect! If you make a mistake don't say "oh man!".
- Involve friends and family to help you practice.