How to Develop the Strength of Fists: 5 Steps

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How to Develop the Strength of Fists: 5 Steps
How to Develop the Strength of Fists: 5 Steps

The strength of the punches is essential when you hit an opponent to cause damage. You will need it to defend yourself, to win a boxing match or just as a hobby and personal satisfaction. While many are born with highly developed strength already by nature, you can develop punch strength if you train right.


Build Punching Power Step 1
Build Punching Power Step 1

Step 1. F = M x V (That is:

Force = Mass x Speed). In other words, the strength of the punches equals the measured body weight when punching and the acceleration rate of the weight itself, connecting these factors to the punch. So, do weight lifting for more mass and explosive exercises to improve hand speed.

Build Punching Power Step 2
Build Punching Power Step 2

Step 2. To train strength, do some explosive exercises

Although weights help with mass, this workout is almost useless unless accompanied by the proper exercises to develop hand speed. Instead, train with a medicine ball.

Step 3. Exercise:

  • Keep the ball at shoulder height, facing a wall.

    Build Punching Power Step 3Bullet1
    Build Punching Power Step 3Bullet1
  • Then, lower your knees as if you were doing a squat and throw the ball quickly into the air.

    Build Punching Power Step 3Bullet2
    Build Punching Power Step 3Bullet2
  • Grab the ball (with your hands) and quickly throw it against the wall.

    Build Punching Power Step 3Bullet3
    Build Punching Power Step 3Bullet3
  • Grab the ball quickly, lift it over your head and hit it against the floor. Do 5 sets of 30 reps, then use a heavier ball. This exercise is very useful because it uses all the muscles in the body.

    Build Punching Power Step 3Bullet4
    Build Punching Power Step 3Bullet4
Build Punching Power Step 4
Build Punching Power Step 4

Step 4. Work productively in no time

Get 1-3 kg light dumbbells or weighted gloves. Use them to train by punching, thus improving yourself for the championships. Make different combinations. Use a timed workout. A boxing round lasts about 3 min (5 min in UFC) then practice for 3-5 minutes and take a 1 minute break. Aim for 10 sets of 3 minutes and 5 of 5 minutes.

Build Punching Power Step 5
Build Punching Power Step 5

Step 5. Use the jump rope

It might seem like a no-brainer but you are certainly wrong. Use the rope 3 times a week for 15 minutes to: improve cardiovascular system, agility, reflexes, coordination and muscle control.


  • When punching, make sure you close your hand completely at the last second. It serves to do more damage. Also, when you punch try to get past the target as if there is something behind to hit.
  • Overtraining is just as bad as poor training. Give your muscles time to rest and train up to 3 times a week.
  • You need to punch by aligning your wrists well and hitting the target with the knuckles of your index and middle fingers only.


  • Fists hurt. A punch to the head could be fatal. Violence must be your last resort in self-defense.
  • Talk to your doctor before engaging in any workouts, diet, or other physical activity. Otherwise, you could become seriously ill and put your life at risk.
